2:08pm Sep 3 2022 (last edited on 7:04pm Nov 10 2022)
Posts: 1,586
Rescreatu Anonymous Feedback Response Thread
Here you'll find answers to your submissions on our RAFF (Rescreatu Anonymous Feedback Form)
To get to the Feedback Form, copy the link below into your address bar. No email or login required.
To keep things neat and easy to read, we won't be posting the following :
- Duplicate questions or questions that cover a topic already addressed.
- Submissions that do not contain a question or direct concern with constructive criticism.
We therefore encourage you to check this thread before submitting.
Responses will be posted at the very least every other week. Be sure to bookmark this thread so you don't miss any!
5:03pm Sep 4 2022 (last edited on 7:15pm Sep 4 2022)
Posts: 1,586
Statement on Site Bans
(edited for clarity, thanks for the feedback on the original post!)
Regarding Bans
1) Staff does not disclose bans to the public. The ban will only be discussed with the person who was banned.
2) A ban can be appealed by contacting rescreatustaff@gmail.com. Sometimes someone will be unbanned if they express remorse or give a compelling reason for their actions.
3) If a user is caught breaking the rules by a staff member, but the rulebreaking has not affected anyone, the user MAY simply get a stern warning. Any gains will be deleted from their account, and they can be fined and have pets/items removed as punishment. If this happens they will be heavily monitored, and can be banned without warning if they break the rules again.
4) A ban is issued without warning, just in case the accused catches on and tries to stash their pets and valuables onto their respals' pages for safe keeping, (this has been done before) so if this happens, it's not meant to cause the accused any intentional distress or confusion. It is simply our due process.
If you feel wrongfully banned you are entitled to email rescreatustaff@gmail.com and plead your case, or explain / try to justify why you didn't deserve to be banned or why you deserve a second chance. As Head of Support, I've personally reached out to banned users after their time is up (if I have their contact information), and invite them to appeal.
5) Bans are not publicized because this can cause undue mental stress and harassment to the person who was banned. Banned users are often allowed to come back.
We recognize the community's desire for better transparency, and are issuing this statement solely with that intent.
If you have any concerns, our support team is more than willing to listen and address them. Please respect that we cannot give information about bans to anyone other than the person directly affected, but if you have questions we will answer them as best as we can. We greatly value any thoughts and suggestions you may have on how we can continue to improve these processes and protocols.
We look forward to this new line of open communication with you all!
Thank you Rescreatu Support Staff
8:30pm Sep 12 2022
Normal User 
Posts: 153
"Seeing barely active staff occupying multiple positions at once is just unfair. Not only does it prevent people from having a chance to be staff, but it puts a lot of work on someone's plate that isn't active. I have noticed it a lot over the last few months. You guys need to hire new people, if not to replace anyone, to pick up the slack from overworked staff members."
Our applications are always open. Anyone is welcome to apply if they desire to join our team! We can't hire without seeing it!
On a more serious note, our requirements for staff are fairly strict and not everyone meets them. This isn't any fault of the user; We aim to hire people who we think would be a great fit, which does unfortunately mean that we can't simply hire everyone who turns in an application.
We can see where your concerns are coming from, and we appreciate your care for staff who may be spread too thin. Until our teams are more filled out, we do have to apply ourselves to other departments to balance the workload (and some of us also just enjoy being in multiple departments!).
Small companies/projects often have their staff taking on more than one role, or bouncing between them as needed. This is our situation currently.
Do also consider that many departments do work behind the scenes, and not everyone is comfortable in a social setting. There are quite a few staff members not often present in the shoutbox, blogs, or forums that are pulling their weight just as much as the next person.
In short: Please apply for staff if you feel comfortable doing so! We'd love to have more hands behind the curtain making the magic happen!
8:32pm Sep 12 2022 (last edited on 7:03pm Nov 10 2022)
Normal User 
Posts: 153
"Can we please get staff feedback on the event feedback thread? It feels like all of that has been and is being ignored."
As a small team, sometimes things fall through the cracks, but we totally agree that event feedback is important! We always take your feedback into consideration when planning events.
From now on, we have assigned a few staff members on the development and support teams to the Events Feedback thread. They've subscribed to the thread and will be on standby to respond to any posts, and to make sure that feedback is kept in an easily accessible area for consideration.
Thanks for your dedication to making Rescreatu events more fun!
8:38pm Sep 12 2022 (last edited on 9:10pm Sep 12 2022)
Normal User 
Posts: 153
I think that if you name your staff onsite, then you have an obligation to update your memberbase with respect to staffing changes. Other pet sites have nameless/faceless staff, which I understand isn't necessarily practicable given the SB on Rescreatu. However, having nameless/faceless staff means that there is a reasonable lack of accountability because there's no name to pin certain things to. By naming your staff, giving them "colours", "apples", "squishies", etc., you are opening the door to questions that members need answered to feel comfortable enough to continue engaging. For example, where is Patrick? Is Dan okay? Who is crowflux? Why was Shark away for months and has randomly cropped back up again? I genuinely find it gobsmacking - just say that the owner is a silent owner, that Dan has taken on the active owner role, that mods are on break/stepping away. You don't need to give specific details, but come on. How are we meant to be a community if you make a division between us and you? The secrecy makes it so unpalatable to continue to funnel real life money in a world where the cost of living is so high these days.
The site has been around for a long time now and there are many very loyal members who have been around since its inception. I think that there should be some element of planning with members, or at least a show and tell of the strategic plan moving forward. Clearly there is intentional longevity in the site, so why not let us into some of the innocuous details? A path that is clearly forward facing means excitement generation and an actual desire to stick around and see what happens next, rather than popping in every couple of months/years to see what's new. Also, it means there's a framework for staff to operate within, and actual tangible deliverables, which means it's less likely that projects will start and stop (half-baked, such as the opal birth stones and no others, the book competition that hasn't been run since 2018, and the incredibly sporadic community engagement competitions/events)."
From what you have described, we can understand your thoughts and feelings towards this. Thank you for coming to us openly on how you feel it impacts the community. We recognize how a person would feel a division in that sense, and we value opening up to bring clarity and make them more comfortable.
Our aim has been to release periodic updates regarding staff changes, but we have not been as consistent as we would like to be. Many of these changes have been in the works over the last year internally, so we will have more info coming in the near future regarding this! For now, however, we have committed to posting a monthly update which will include any major staff changes alongside other notable changes or additions, including potential teasers for new features or events!.
Please do remember that staff are real people volunteering their time to making sure the website runs smoothly, even when their lives outside of Rescreatu are not so smooth. They are entitled to their privacy just as any other person is! A lot of our work is also very behind-the-scenes, so what may look like inactivity from the outside could very well be all sorts of planning and plotting new features and events on the inside. If one of us does need to take a hiatus, however, we do clear it with our respective department heads or assign an acting head to lead temporarily. In this way no one is ever truly missing in action.
8:41pm Sep 12 2022 (last edited on 8:41pm Sep 12 2022)
Normal User 
Posts: 153
"Why is this site so LGBTQ heavy or friendly? There was major issues that happened in the last couple years but this site doesn't touch on anything. You don't show any support for the Asian or Asian Americans that was getting attacked or profiled, but you put out LGBTQ in game merch or other things like charity for that community. Nor did you do anything or say anything for the events that was affecting African Americans. You are super focus on the LGBTQ community. They have issues but it seems that their issues trump everything else. I do not interact with the chat anymore because it is so LGBTQ heavy, I can't ask any questions because it will be just people talking about LGBTQ things. The LGBTQ community in is big in Rescreatu but it would be nice if you support the different one's too. You also need to add different chat sections, because it super hard to ask questions."
Rescreatu, as a game and a pet site, is a place where our users can escape the pressures of real life. It's also where they can be recognized and celebrated for who they are, even if they're not a member of the LGBT+ community. Everyone has an equal right to exist and be who they are and be allowed to express that; this is something we live by and uphold at Rescreatu.
We want to celebrate users of all nationalities the best we can, so it's very important to us that we take our time to approach these subjects in a respectful manner. Our first merch release is set to help The Trevor Project with each purchase by donating a portion of the sales. Because a good amount of the community and staff are LGBT+ we knew this would be something we'd be able to handle in an appropriate manner for our first charity-related project. Even so, we are constantly looking for ways to expand our reach and attention so that we can help other marginalized groups as well!
We do welcome and appreciate respectful discussion of BIPOC topics around the site, especially when lead by people of these backgrounds! We as staff try to be mindful as well when dealing with these topics, but it is also important to understand that the site is intended as an escape from real life. With consideration to those who face discrimination and racism who play Rescreatu to relax, we want to avoid lengthy exposure to certain points through our site and instead celebrate people for who they are.
There are other websites that are a platform for advertising; on our site, we want to make sure the focus is on lifting each other up. If you have any further ideas or have items you'd like to see us make in-game, anyone is welcome to make a thread in the Suggestions forum!
8:43pm Sep 12 2022 (last edited on 9:44am Sep 13 2022)
Normal User 
Posts: 153
"Why can't there be a transparent explanation of staff rewards? Some staff get apples, others don't. Some have gotten access to OAKs, others haven't. Some staff get squishies, others don't. From a user perspective, it makes no sense and seems unfair, and like staff/those in charge like to play favorites. Also makes it harder for people to want to apply for staff to help make the site better, if it does seem that corrupt."
Staff rewards have been on a rough course over the past few years but we are finally settling into where we'd like to be with them. As you may have noticed, we recently released several apples commemorating past and present staff members -- this is something we plan on continuing until we have an apple for everyone who's been on staff for a year or more and would like one!
Currently, our rewards are set up as follows:
Monthly Staff Loyalty RewardsYear Zero-One:
One Monthly Cash Shop Creatu Egg Nest OR One Vintage Golden Bag Year Two:
One Monthly Cash Shop Creatu Egg Nest OR One Iubui Egg Nest OR One Vintage Golden Bag Year Three+:
Two Monthly Cash Shop Creatu Egg Nests OR One Iubui Egg Nest OR Two Vintage Golden Bags OR One Mythical Creatu Egg Yearly Staff Loyalty RewardsReceive one of each after being staff for at least one year:
Custom Staff Apple AND Custom Staff Avatar Receive one per year of your choice after being staff for at least two years:
Custom Staff Apple, Custom Staff Avatar, Custom Staff Food, Custom Staff Book, Custom Staff Squishy, OR Custom Staff Marble
Staff do also get a yearly OAK as a thank-you for working for Rescreatu. We still have to pay for the art, but the slot itself is free.
However, some of our staff have no desire for rewards, but this does not mean we don't recognize them and the hard work they put into the site.
9:09pm Sep 12 2022
Normal User 
Posts: 153
I would really appreciate some transparency as to the way that the site uses our real money to fund it. I have heard rumours that the money from the Cash Shop and any revenue made by the site goes directly into maintaining the servers that it runs from. I find that totally bizarre, as there is no guarantee that the amount made each billable period (week/fortnight/month/quarter) would be sufficient to cover that cost given the fact that there's no guarantee of what members will purchase at any given time. There must be some revenue generated, otherwise there would be ads on the site. My genuine query is this: where is our money going? The site has not changed at all since v3, and that includes interface wise. There are Flash aspects that have been dysfunctional for years still embedded. There is missing art, extremely outdated games, and random features that have fallen into disuse for years. It is a moral dilemma to be funneling money into the site to purchase CP for CS perks, and yet being left with the sensation that the funds are simply being funneled into the owner's bank account (the owner who is MIA literally all the time... so the thing must be paying itself and generating a bit of income to be worth keeping online, otherwise why would you run the business at a loss? Especially when it's common knowledge that majority of the staff roles are unpaid)."
Thank you for your submission!
A large portion of the revenue Rescreatu makes does indeed get recycled back into the site. This includes both server fees and paying for all of the art we release! Our community's generous support not only continues to upkeep the site, but also lifts up our wonderful site artists. It wouldn't be possible without you all.
As to the interface, there are future plans to update it and be much more mobile friendly too! We are currently in the process of reassessing our entire site, which is over a decade's worth of content. We are working towards our vision of Rescreatu's bright future, and we're excited to share those plans with you soon!
If there is item art that's missing, please feel free to point that out to Crowflux and the art team will have that remedied in no time.
9:26pm Sep 12 2022 (last edited on 9:39am Sep 13 2022)
Normal User 
Posts: 153
~ Just noting that the thread has moved to the appropriate forum. The links in the site news post were also updated.
~ The thread has also been unlocked so you can subscribe to it. We'll delete posts to keep the thread clean
8:59pm Sep 19 2022 (last edited on 8:18am Sep 22 2022)
Normal User 
Posts: 153
I would like more information on how name clearings work if possible, it seems like several people on staff were able to know when to get online to get certain names despite staff claiming they had no ability to tell when names would clear, I think a good way to clear up controversy about name clearings would be to be more transparent about how the process of name clearing works, as well as potentially explaining why staff members are not able to tell what names are being cleared..
How Name Clearings work : 1. When a clearing is announced, names are moved from inactive accounts to a clearing account. There is a site update with the clearing account and the date that the clearings will begin. We usually give a couple weeks' notice.
2. When that date arrives, the site runs an automatic that deletes a random pets on the clearing account. This runs randomly every 1 - 24 hours. Since it's automatic, no one knows exactly what time it will run again, or how many pets will be deleted. This goes on all the pets on the clearing account are deleted.
3. Most people who want names from the clearing account keep a list of the names that they like. They refresh the clearing account's showroom to track when a batch of names are cleared. When a clearing happens they simply check the names on their list to see if any are free.
Many people work together to get names for each other, or will message the other person when a clearing happens to tell them to come online.
9:02pm Sep 19 2022 (last edited on 9:02pm Sep 19 2022)
Normal User 
Posts: 153
Why aren't staff held accountable for breaking the rules? This game has lost all integrity in since the day I learned certain staff could manipulate hatch results. That staff could create creatu from nothing. That they could clone any entity in the game. They have developer tools that they use to their advantage.
Staff are definitely held accountable for breaking the rules. As stated in the previous policy about bans, users (and staff) found breaking the rules have any items or tu gained from such cheating removed, and staff are removed from their positions, as seen before.
All banned users have a chance to appeal their ban, so it isn't as if one instance of cheating results in a perma-site ban. Depending on the nature of the cheating, a banned user can get their account back or be allowed to create a new account.
The only staff members who can change creatu colors or manipulate hatch results is the admins, and even then, they can only do this for contest prizes. Tools given to support and development are all logged, so any cheating that occurs is dealt with quickly.
9:04pm Sep 19 2022 (last edited on 8:21am Sep 22 2022)
Normal User 
Posts: 153
I don’t think any users should be allowed to post about/reference an [offsite] blog that is only good for negativity. (I’m talking about profiles and blogs that have been made directly answering/talking about this blog, thus creating more drama on this site that doesn’t need more drama). I’m confused as to why this type of negativity on the site is allowed. I understand nothing can be done about what people may post off-site, especially without definitive proof that a user is posting, but allowing people to directly call this out on site seems a little too drama mongering..
We don't allow users to post about negative blogs, especially if a direct reference is made to it. If a user continues to post negative comments on site we will speak with them or warn them if necessary.
That being said, it would be very difficult and take a ton of man-power to monitor every comment made on a Res-Blog post, forum post, etc to watch for mere mentions of content on negative websites. As always, if you see something that you believe directly references a negative blog, please submit a support ticket and we will check into it immediately. We want to give our users as much free speech as we can, without directly breaking Rescreatu policy and rules.
9:09pm Sep 19 2022
Normal User 
Posts: 153
Why aren't there more different chat tabs for different subjects. It would make things less cluttered, and it would help people be heard more. It's near impossible to ask a question when you have a group of people or friends having control of chat. I have seen questions be asked in chat with no answer, even when it is asked repeatedly. So it makes sense to have at least a tab for questions.
We definitely understand this concern! While sometimes chat moves very rapidly, there are also times during non-peak hours when chat barely moves at all.
The Shoutbox can become a very busy place where multiple users become involved in their own conversations, trade details and small talk. No one is intentionally ignoring you. Quite the opposite!
There is no rule against asking questions, even the same ones, frequently if they haven't been answered before. If you ask a question or make a comment that gets shuffled out of the main Shoutbox area, please feel free to ask/comment again!
Also, feel free to rmail any staff member if the question or comment is urgent, or submitting a support ticket.
You also have the option to use the Help Forum so that you can take your time and type out the question carefully. There are staff dedicated to checking those forums frequently, especially in recent times.
This would be good to post in the suggestions forum. The anonymous form is more to address site concerns that users do not feel comfortable expressing publicly.
5:33pm Sep 27 2022 (last edited on 5:46pm Sep 27 2022)
Normal User 
Posts: 153
[This is the beginning of a 3 part submission] Userbase consultation
I agree with a previous feedback by one of the anon that “there should be some element of planning with members, or at least a show and tell of the strategic plan moving forward”. For example:
1. Stock Market - There was a huge crash in value of stocks which seemed to happen overnight one day in a few years back. There were no prior consultations or heads up to the userbase that such a move was imminent. This resulted in huge losses for users where portfolios of over hundred million plummeted in value overnight.
Would appreciate it if staff can let users know or consult users about such a big change, such that they can at least try to sell their stocks or stop buying it prior to the change. Plus, I wonder how many users even play the Stock Market today after this update? Res is a community. Major changes should not happen in a bubble where staff echo each other on changes they wish to see, nor hearing feedback just from vocal users in the SB.
The voices of ALL USERS should be heard. Fair enough, not every user would love to speak up but there should at least be a chance/platform to hear from users who have concerns or opinions BEFORE enacting major changes. Give us a chance to voice our opinions because we are a part of Res too. In this case, I see the anon feedback channel as a step in the right direction, but this is a downstream measure. We need upstream channels to gain feedback and consultation before certain changes are enacted..
The stock market was nerfed because it introduced a ton of tu into the game without much effort, and it was replaced by the revamped Quests. Patrick's vision for this was to reward everyone for playing the game, not for logging in for 5 minutes every day. You can make a pretty large sum of tu every day by maxing out quests. He tied that in to our Daily Reward system, so overall you have a lot more options to make tu!
Not all major changes can be discussed with everyone - sometimes even staff don't know what's in the works. Some changes can be unpopular, but are needed to push the game in a more interactive direction.
Patrick posted this reply in a blog that asked about the stock market change :
While we'd love to consult users about every change the site, sometimes that just isn't feasible. Some things are a surprise, while others (such as events) can't be discussed ahead of time to maintain fairness for all. Staff work hard to keep the content exciting and fresh, but if you all knew what was coming, it would be hard to do that!
That being said, these days staff are way more involved in the direction of the site and as avid players, we are often on the same page as everyone else! We're testing out a lot of different changes that should help to level the playing field when participating in events, especially with newer users in mind. Your concerns and suggestions continue to be an important part of this process. We've curated a list of suggestions already. Perhaps in the future we can also introduce a system to let users vote on potential new site features or changes.
5:37pm Sep 27 2022
Normal User 
Posts: 153
New creatus name - Back when users are still able to view new creatus that are about to be introduced even before an official update via Rescreatu.com home page, observant users have attempted to grab the new creatu names only to find out that these creatus names were already taken up. I am assuming that it is a member of staff who worked on naming these creatus or have knowledge that these new creatus are coming up who snatched the names. This presents a case of unfairness to the rest of the userbase who do not have prior knowledge as an advantage. If my assumption does not stand, that somehow these names were taken up by regular users who can “foresee” the future, my point is that staff/rules should ensure that staff do not exploit prior development knowledge or behind the scenes of Res to their advantage, to ensure fairness for all users.
We understand your concern on this! Since the Divuin, possibly even before that, staff are certainly not allowed to take creatu names before they are officially released on site. If a name is sniped in advance by a staff member it will be wiped. We also don't know exactly when the update is going to be posted to release the new creatu, and the staff member posting the update isn't interested in sniping the name.
5:42pm Sep 27 2022
Normal User 
Posts: 153
Raffle - Another case of possible staff using behind the scenes knowledge to their advantage by taking advantage of unknowing users. Certain staff members held raffles a few years back where said staff members accepted natural and low coloured creatus which made me think why anyone would do that. Shortly after, shrine creatus were introduced, and as we know we can turn in low colored creatus from respective planets to get shrine points and use certain creatus to make them elemental.
Examples 2 and 3 might just be conspiracy theories. I’ll have to admit that. But the point about transparency and fairness remains, that ALL USERS be it staff or non-staff should be equal and have the same chance of obtaining new creatu names, items etc. Staff should not use exclusive knowledge to their advantage especially when it potentially makes the rest of the userbase lose out on certain new opportunities. This is definitely tough for regular users to hold staff accountable for, so there needs to be some change enacted from staff or systems/rules/penalty level.
[This was a 3 part feedback] Sorry for the long post, but I am feedbacking only because I care about Res. Would love to hear staff’s response to these concerns/feedback. Thank you.
Just like with name sniping, staff aren't allowed to do this. We will take down raffles of this nature if staff members have prior knowledge, and it's not a seasonal event that has occurred before. If you see anything suspicious you can ask us in a support ticket or rmail Pegasus directly for confirmation.
Unfortunately we we can't change what happened in the distant past, but for the present these things definitely aren't encouraged. Staff are also not allowed to leak information about new events, to discourage other players from doing the same.
5:44pm Sep 27 2022
Normal User 
Posts: 153
Was the person hacking accounts and impersonating those users ever stopped? Why wasn't this info shared with users? Would that not help raise awareness and keep accounts secure?
Upon investigation into the matter as it happened, we found that the impersonated accounts had been inactive for a prolonged period and we have made steps to rectify the issue in the years since.
Around the time of the incident there had been a data breach regarding emails and passwords on another website; going forward, we will be more attentive to occurrences such as that and provide warnings to change account information when deemed necessary.
Since this is how most accounts are "hacked" or compromised, we'll also remind you not to use the same password on different sites.
5:45pm Sep 27 2022
Normal User 
Posts: 153
By covering up/erasing some of or all of what someone on this anonymous feedback thread have written, it makes it seem like you are covering up what staff may or may not have doing. There seems to be a really big disconnect between staff and users, especially when its known that at least one staff member has been removed for cheating in (the present or the past, either way) and there seems to be no transparency or accountability still regarding any cheating or suspicious activity. By deleting and censoring what people write, after opening an anonymous feedback thread so people are bound to be more aggressive anyway, it makes it seem like staff truly do not care about the concerns of users. I am genuinely not mad, just trying to justify why people may be submitting what they are submitting. Users are leery of staff and staff intentions, and probably will continue to be, if things are censored or deleted on an anonymous form. If you don't like a question, perhaps it would be better to delete the whole question instead of picking a small part to respond to?
Thank you for pointing this out to us. Upon reflection and internal discussion, we find your concerns extremely valid and agree with you. Our initial plan was to edit questions for clarity and length. Going forward, we will be posting submissions in their entirety unless one of the following applies:
- Duplicate questions or questions that cover a topic already addressed. - Submissions that do not contain a question or direct concern.
Submissions may be edited as lightly as possible if one of the following applies:
- If a submission contains vulgar language it will have the offending words redacted. - If a submission contains multiple concerns or questions, we will split them up by topic but leave the original wording as intact as feasible. - If a submission calls out a specific person we will remove the username; if the submission makes it obvious who it is referring to, we will not address it at all in order to protect the dignity and privacy of our users.
We sincerely apologize for this misstep, and thank you for your constructive criticisms and contributions to this thread. Staff are working very hard to become more transparent and receptive to user input, and each of your opinions and concerns are extremely valuable!
9:11pm Oct 5 2022
Normal User 
Posts: 153
First I would like to preface that I am very glad we finally have some transparency from staff, so please keep it up! Secondly, I would like to open up a discussion with you on if there is a way we can use community input on making decisions such as color revamps or art revamps. Specifically, the thing that comes to mind right now is the fact that it was stated Opal creatu are going to get a revamp. I admit I am a bit confused by this decision - has there been users upset with the way they are colored? Is this just a staff decision? I would like to ask if there is a way to get community input when things like this (specifically color revamps or art (not creatu art) revamps) are being considered by staff; and maybe it is personal because I like them as they are and am kind of sad to know they will change. Is there a potential to be able to have a poll on if a certain color should be revamped? Or is that going to solely stay a staff decision regardless of if the userbase is happy with the way a color looks??
We're happy for your support! Onto your question about revamps - many of the revamps were done due technical issues with the original PSD files, or they were impossible to work with in a design sense.
Many times revamps have to do with long term sustainability. For Opal specifically, it was difficult for artists to reproduce effectively across all species, and we can see the inconsistencies in the old artwork in terms of both style and color theme.
So in cases like this, it's not really about changing something just because we don't like how it looks!
When it comes to involving community input on future revamps as they are made, stay tuned! 😉
9:30pm Oct 5 2022 (last edited on 9:30pm Oct 5 2022)
Normal User 
Posts: 153
Alright so new things are always fun. But I feel like we keep releasing new after new and never finish the old. What happened to the planet scrolls? When are they going to be used? We have new dye colors that have been released for a while now (like rainbow, snow, uldavian) but they still aren’t available for every effect or every creatu that they assumably should be for, and we are releasing new colors instead of making sure the old ones are good to go. Haberisar rose gold? Iubui black gold? What about creatu effects? Many rainbow creatu cannot be an effect. Mahina and Iubui got derp effect but the planet creatu never did. Are the elemental effects only ever going to be the same creatu?
Thanks for your submission! The planet scrolls are part of a much bigger project, and they were released early to give people time to collect them. This ties in with long term goals for Res and for planet progression. Unfortunately, the project got pushed down in favor of other things, including backend coding that makes it easier for events to be released/turned off on time.
Now onto the creatu questions!
1. Some creatu have set designations for what colors and effects apply to them. Not every creatu gets every color. e.g. Regular creatu do not get Gold, Rosegold, Blackgold, or Uldavian Shrine creatu do not get any effects, Rosegold, Blackgold, or Uldavian. Mutants do not get Trance, Rainbow, Rosegold, Blackgold, or Uldavian. Color availabilities are subject to change based on new future content.
2. Some creatu are missing PSDs, which stifles the ability to release new colors for them. The art team has been working on restoring missing PSDs, but it's quite a process!
3. New colorations & effects take a long time to make. If we waited to release any new creatu colors until everything was completely done, then Res would get new releases very, very rarely. Not only is it easier to create and release new colors in batches, but it's also important to give artists a variety of projects to work on.
4. Priorities change. Res has a dedicated, but ultimately small team of artists who must prioritize work with hard deadlines (such as holiday events) over work with loose or non-existent deadlines.
5. Things that are newly released are not always things that are newly created. Res has quite a backlog of assets, and what appears new on site may actually be months or years old.
All of this being said, we have a lot of art just waiting to be released!