6:27pm May 29 2013 (last edited on 6:29pm May 29 2013)
Posts: 340
As many of you may have noticed, changes are happening and there are many areas that need improvement. We want you along for the ride!
Your feedback is extremely important to us. I know it has been poorly obtained in the past (if at all). I've made this thread specifically for the purpose to allow you guys to speak up about any issues you may have with Rescreatu. This could be any topic: with the game, how updates are released, or staff members. We can't solve the problem if it isn't brought up in the first place!
In what ways can we improve? What areas of Rescreatu are making you feel as if we do not consider your thoughts or ideas? How should we collect feedback from you about behind-the-curtain projects we are doing?
Remember: Use constructive criticism to get your point across! (:
(If you wish to remain anonymous, you may Rmail me your response. I will handle each issue with care.)
8:19am May 30 2013
Posts: 3,216
personally I think polls would be a good idea, where people can vote anonymously if they like an idea or not, with a chance to comment and suggest ways to make the idea that said poll is based around betterand if they choose say why they dont think it will work.
I also think somthing has to be done about people breaking the first rule: be respectful Although this may be hard with out forcing people to get along, not allowing people to express their views and allowing free speech (and all that jazz)
11:29am May 30 2013
Normal User
Posts: 156
My feedback, which may or may not be useful:
I wish there were more things to do on the website besides collecting. Collecting pets, collecting names, collecting items, collecting things for your avatar... These seem to be the only things to do right now. I have a bunch of tu but I have absolutely nothing I want to spend it on because the collecting aspect is simply not appealing to me. The website seems to have so much potential beyond that and I'm sad that Rescreatu has seemed to just settled with being a collecting game.
When I joined, the aspect that appealed to me most was all the competition. There were more classes to choose from, you could choose a planet to inhabit, the different planets would compete against each other, there was (primitive) battling. Even on the forums there were different boards for the planets where you could trash talk your competition. Right now I just don't even see the point of classes. You can sell creatu as a merchant if you really want to. You can sell items as a rancher if you really want to. There's really no point in belonging to a planet. Battling seems to have long been forgotten about even though the pets still have stats for it.
Then you have planets and mythology but I don't see that being incorporated into the experience that much. There's an interesting concept - planets being based on the five elements - but what's the point? Where do those elements come into play?
I'm not trying to say that Rescreatu is a boring or bad pet site because obviously there are many users who actively play and would disagree that that. I obviously enjoyed it at one point or I wouldn't have stuck around. And I'm definitely not saying the staff has not released any significant features; I appreciate the hard work it takes to maintain a website and release new features, especially if it's being done by a small team. However, I can't help but feel like the website's an incomplete product. I feel really disappointed in all the wasted potential. I keep sticking around for the community, and I keep hoping for a change in direction. I just feel like every other pet website has collecting as a feature and some sort of customization, and it seems like the easy way out to just have Rescreatu settle on that being its main features. But I keep hearing that big features are going on behind the scenes, and I remain optimistic.
5:17pm May 30 2013 (last edited on 11:29am Jun 2 2013)
Normal User
Posts: 3,828
You have been banned from the chat box for 1 days.
The reason for my ban from the chat box is as follows: The users of Res were expressing their distaste for the way staff treat users and although the discussion was heated, I only threw in side comments voicing my own ideas and problems with Res itself. The entire conversation was centered around this topic. Cory once told the Res users to stop spamming with the topic. I would like to know why this topic is considered spamming. Users were getting aggravated and staff were getting angry because we were talking about this.
But personally, what did I do? Thumpar, Outsane, and Graveyardfox have already agreed with me that I've done nothing wrong. I know for a fact that right now a particular user that was banned and that was passionate about why s/he was upset with Res is worried that s/he will get banned for good. Is this the type of fear that you want forced on our community?
There was also another user in the sb, as I'd been informed by someone over Skype, that was STILL talking about this topic and had not been banned, even after the bans had been issued. Excuse me? What right do you have to do this? Selective banning?
My main problem with Res is how this site is being run. I have an intense dislike for a few members of staff. Personal accounts with friends have shown me the true colors of one of the staff members and although several of my friends have gone to Patrick about the issue, nothing has changed. S/he is still a staff member and probably will be for a while. S/he has given me grief around this site before, accused me of things without listening to my side of the story, taken things from me without letting me explain. S/he has also lashed out at one of my friends, stripped him/her of their entitlement, and had sent extremely, extremely hateful and hurtful messages to him/her.
I know that going to other staff members will not help because it seems they are all under one person's control. Like puppets, as someone put it today. I have no problem with any of the mods or the helpers. The support staff need more leash on their power.
I've heard that power corrupts and I feel this is a very fine example of it.
You can not talk to anyone about these issues with Res because: 1. You are belittled. 2. You are ignored. 3. You fear being banned for DISAGREEING with a staff.
On a side note, I liked being able to autoplay music on my pet page profiles. I would like to know why we can not put the autoplay on our profiles anymore. I heard from someone that it was because one of our coders simply was annoyed when the music streamed from profiles and that is honestly the worst excuse one could ever use to ruin something for an entire community. Granted that fact may be wrong, which is why I would like to ask exactly why we can't autoplay music on our profiles. Why did something just suddenly start to interfere with the coding?
Thank you for listening. :)
hello my name is elder price
5:24pm May 30 2013
Normal User
Posts: 1,191
I agree with the problem that there truly aren't perks for any of the classes. Yes, Merchants can sell items, and Ranchers can sell pets. The only true, exclusive perk is to ranchers for their increased color chance and extra hatches. There are no perks exclusive other than that. Perhaps we should try incorporating different features for the classes. Nothing material, because those could simply be sold among classes.
my name's russ and i only care about uldavi and cute men
11:47pm May 30 2013
Normal User
Posts: 704
I just want to put my two cents in here. Maybe I'll earn a few enemies for it maybe not but I feel like it needs to be said.
I personally think staff does an excellent job. Are they perfect? No. They are humans guys not robots. You can't expect them to be perfect all the time. I have yet to see a situation yet, that I have been privy to anyway, where a staff member did not act in the best interest of the site and it's users at the time. That's not to say that mistakes haven't been made. I am sure they have on occasion but I don't think it's right or fair for anyone to turn it into a witch hunt.
Nor do I think that users who have left the site for any reason should be dragging in dirty laundry, whispering in ears, or whatever to people who are still here on the site. They left. Whatever reason they left for is theirs and theirs alone. In some cases I am sure those people are a bit bitter. They have a right to their feelings sure but take that into account as well. Those of us left really need to take some things with a grain of salt and concentrate instead on trying to better the site for the whole of Res. For those of us who are still here and truly love the site.
I've been on this site for five years. I went on one hiatus due to RL issues and when I came back yeah a lot had changed. Some things I wasn't happy with no but I could see that the site had grown and they were actually for the better. I wasn't completely happy at first but I realized that hey. Stuff had changed. Stuff was never going to go back to the way it was when I first started and it shouldn't. Sites need change and growth and new things or they go stagnant and die. Change is scary. That is truth and no one loves all changes and sure some will not be readily accepted. But I feel like we owe it to our staff to place some trust in them. And place some trust in the developers and give changes a chance before we explode in anger over something. For one we have no idea how it will probably work. For two if it ends up being a mistake I am positive it will be corrected and we will be heard.
It's not a matter of being heard guys. It's phrasing your concerns in a way that is helpful and not just full blown ranting and criticism. Maybe it's just cause I am older now but I have come to realize that working completely though things before you say them comes across a heck of a lot better then an all out rant fest.
If staff didn't care what we thought this thread wouldn't exist in the first place and I have approached staff members numerous times about things and they have always been helpful and kind and supportive.
I love this community and this site and while I agree that we need new features I also feel like we need to give those changes that might be a little scary a chance. And we need to trust our staff more as well. (For example effects in general for pets? Stroke of genius! As are the site events. I feel like getting up a battle system as well will help some of the users who don't like the collecting aspect as much as some of us others do x3)
Anyway if you read all of that you deserve a cookie. x3! Thank you for listening and I just felt like I needed to get this off my chest. Anyway It's not us vs them guys. It's really not. We're all in this together.
Peace out~ Pan
Sig in progress
3:05pm Jun 1 2013
Posts: 340
Thanks for the input so far, guys! Lots of really good stuff you all have addressed. I would give response to them all, but I would like to look into these issues before I go off an make a huge reply post. :)
Keep them coming! If you already posted but have more thoughts... please post again!
9:43pm Jun 2 2013 (last edited on 9:44pm Jun 2 2013)
Normal User
Posts: 930
Alright let me try this "input" thing. u:
First off, I think Res is pretty cool. I like how far it's come, and I love the pets and stuff. However, I don't feel like it's very 'complete'. Don't get me wrong, a site can never be fully 'complete', but there are so many aspects of Res that haven't been fixed or completed since they were taken down. For example, the party system was basically wiped. I get it, it wasn't great, but it should not have been given a temporary notice. It said is would be back as soon as possible, where I think instead, if staff has no idea what they are going to do with the feature, they should say, maybe, "down until further notice". That gives a better "staff isn't sure either" feeling.
And then, the pet trades and battling. I get it, new events come first and all. But those have been down since nearly the beginning of the version switch. It's just been way too long.
Patrick has been busy though, so I do not blame him for letting staff focus on the more present matters. It seems that those features need coding help, which many of the staff is not prepared to tinker with, haha. Honestly, I don't like it when staff tries to be like "oh, we have the battling system being worked on!" but then four months later nothing has changed. If they don't know, or they've just been discussing ideas, please just say that. I don't want false hope, since there's plenty of other stuff to do!
On another note, I have to wonder where the egg quest went. Was it too easy? I felt that it was a useful quest, especially for newer members, since they can spend time searching for eggs for free rather than spend the little tu they start with. I also want the casino games back but that's just because I enjoyed them haha!
12:28pm Jul 5 2013
Normal User
Posts: 2
when will the battle system be up again
11:14pm Jul 5 2013
Posts: 340
Battle is still up in the air on when it will be released, but it will happen. :)
I'm going to make another reply soon to all of your posts. Your input is really appreciated!
12:51am Jul 6 2013 (last edited on 12:54am Jul 6 2013)
Posts: 340
@Zen: I definitely agree about polls. I will definitely be coming up with a design for polls! We've had a history of ongoing issues when it comes to the rules. We are making revisions to them to be clearer and reflect our vision of Rescreatu.
@Flammable: Your feedback was very useful! Thank you. There are many aspects to the holes in the design and mechanics of the whole site/game (I like to refer to it as a game, too). I think we can all agree Rescreatu has a lot of potential and desire to see it improve with more creative and innovative gameplay. Something that has more meaning throughout the website. A symbiosis, if you will. Collecting shouldn't be the only goal to our game. This includes putting the elements into play and explaining the mysterious nature of this alternate reality. I was not an older user (joined in oct 2010), so I did not know about the competitiveness promoted between the planets! These are the types of things I want to honor about the old Res with our new version! Gun has been my only "history buff" about old features and content. Pat and I recently have been prioritizing our goals for from now to the production of the new version. This included considering where we are currently at with Battle. You can be certain it's high on our list. Ahem, word on the street is that you might be seeing sooner than you think. ;)
@Secrets: Firstly, I would like to say I can't really speak for this event properly as there is no chat history to read that I can pull up. My first impression that may have occurred was that during the heated discussion, you were seen as fueling the fire. I'm not saying that's why, but it's my observation. I cannot change the things that have happened in the past or how they were run. But I want to take what we've got, solve it, and move on. Our staff has consisted of mostly non-professional, passionate people that love the site and wanted to help make it a better place. Our staff is growing and changing just as games have started to really change for websites over the past 5 years alone. If you have issues with particular staff members, you can approach another staff member with your situation at any time. We are a team and if something isn't being run right, I want to solve the problem. As of now, we're currently revamping the way we approach and communicate with players about issues with rules and accounts. I assure you I'm nobody's puppet, haha. There isn't a corruption of power. It might seem that nothing gets done, but often the fact is that we simply don't have the tools or proof to make most fixes. This is another huge thing we are working on. While there may have been abuse (or what seemed like it) in the past, it was never with ill intent. At the end of the day, our users are our life force. We have to do what's best for them and the site. Please don't fear being banned for disagreeing. Just be mindful of the first rule.
As for autoplay, I think it will stay disabled simply because of bandwidth. It's upsetting to waste it on music you don't care for. If enough people would rather have autoplay though, we would reconsider... Hey, that'd be a nice poll if we had them right now. Even though a tiny portion of your post offended me a little, thank you. Seriously! Stay positive. :)
@Hummingbird: I agree the classes need more perks and diversity. I am very excited to begin rethinking how they're designed. Thanks!
@Pandoryn: *Munches on cooked while typing this post.* Thank you for the positive feedback! I agree with everything you've said. Change is good for us. Just as video games improve as they make sequels, so does Rescreatu. We have really learned so much and thrived since the beginning. This new site version is going to be the best one yet! It's important to me that we honor our past as well as give new life into every aspect of the site. Nom.
@Moe: I concur that the way things have been handled about our site features, fixes and changes haven't been executed as well as they could be. There are a lot of holes to be mended. We have decided it's worth new code than to waste man hours fixing old code. Part of this is why you haven't seen many new fixes or features in a while. Coding has been an issue for us. Patrick is currently our only active programmer. Another issue has been that there is having no access or tools for staff to do lots of the smaller stuff. It has been a huge roadblock. Plans are underway to fix this, however. I'm not 100% sure on the details of the Egg Quest closing. But I assure you we'll bring it back along with casino games too!
Thanks for reading and I hope you all have more input for me. :>
9:34pm Jul 6 2013
Posts: 2,155
On the subject of things such as battling, I'd just like to mention that when staff says it is being worked on, we are simply repeating what Patrick has told us. There is never an intent to mislead anyone; we are just as blind as you are as to the actual progress.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
10:36pm Jul 13 2013
Normal User
Posts: 4,749
Gosh I love the idea behind this thread. Just.. users voices thread ahhhh <333 Wish more people would post though. Also, I'm going to post this as a regular user since Helpers are the most out-of-the-loop of all of the staff and I have no idea what is going on with the coding and stuff ^^'
Personally, I think polls would be a great idea. Another site I'm on uses polls to help make choices. Like, instead of just revamping, have the users vote if they like the new revamp art or not. If an overwhelming majority of the users can't stand the revamp art... well, it might not be wise to revamp it c: This also applies to everything else, like "what do you want to see worked on first" or countless other things that just lets us voice our opinions more.
Also, as much as I loooove hoarding things, I do think we could use more action and adventure c: The battle system could really help with that, but so could other things. Maybe achievements, which could be earned once you do something (and wouldn't go away, like collector boards or whatever). Avatars sort of do that, but avatars are relatively random. Achievements could maybe be displayed under your post count, and there would be a list that you could read from and figure out which achievements you want to earn.
I thank you so much for making this crowflux. This is so amazing, and although there aren't that many posts, it helps us interact with staff more than we were ever able to without it. In the sb, staff often don't know what the answer to our questions are, and because of how fast the sb is and how conversations are easily forgotten, it doesn't allow us to know what's going on; frankly, it's frustrating. This allows our questions to be answered and our thoughts to be heard. Just.. thanks.
Hi there
9:08pm Jul 14 2013
Posts: 340
You are very welcome. Thank you for taking the time to give some feedback!
12:18pm Jul 25 2013 (last edited on 11:38am Sep 13 2013)
Normal User
Posts: 1,326
So I kinda skimmed through the previous posts and all. It's really late right now so pardon me for anything weird I say!!
I agree very much with Flammable when she says there isn't much to do. I've been waiting since the day I joined for a battle system. As much as I would love for effort to be placed onto it, it's been a terribly long wait and now there's just more competition for that area.
I think we could use with more writers. Does res have a writing style like how art does? The writings we have are nice and all but some diversity would be great. The PAB contest a while back was wonderfully refreshing.
And then we lack character development I suppose. We have really cool characters with so much potential but we don't use them? I mean look at Malcolm and Shari they've got /some/ backstory there. Speaking of Shari could we have the black friday shop again this year.
Faheem's quite well developed since he's got rmps and stardust on him.
The rest of them yea, could use some work! Espicially the sisters.
The first year ended in so much disapointment. Everyone was so pumped like oh my gosh super mega awesome showdown soon? But in the end it just. Closed. Like thank you everyone goodbye.
Then after that was it just hi we're hoarding again! And again! Wow yes more hoarding so fun oh joy.
Last year something changed though. We were so close to it.
They dragged their armies of I don't know at /least/ a thousand cats and spirits to the graveyard for the showdown. But they didn't use their hoarded creatu at all? They just used their magic and whoops undead.
Which were cool but beside my point right now.
Speaking of the undeads though, the cure quest when we had to hand in items to them? I think there could've been more thought put into what items you can give. And how many you can give. Some people have... A lot... of Super Healing Potions. Enough to jump all the way to 30k points and that's a bit ummm. Sure they did buy those potions and everything but uhhh. Hm.
Back to the plot, after they figured out their spells and stuff. They go back to thr graveyard with their massive armies. And oh the moralof the story is to work together!!
Wow yay. It's a good moral I suppose. The ebilias and jaakus just seems kind of... wasted. I gave you so many creatu to act as audience? Eh okay then.
Would also like to complain about how simple Xoria's leaderboard is to scale compared to Xespa. Like Xespa's highest was 30k, followed by 8ks, then 5k?? for the 10th place. Xoria's first placer is like Xespa's 7th placer....
But in the end, Xespa's reward items sell for less than Xoria's ones. Like. 50% less at least? Eventhough we spent more? Xoria's items at 300m a pop and Xespas at 50mil? Not cool. Of course that's undercutter's fault but also room for improvement.
Perhaps we could have the sister with more pets handed into her 'win'. Like the winning sister has an extra prize to give out! Instead of both giving the same items different variations regardless.
They're fighting and hate each other but oh yea ok.
Which brings us to the expectations of this year's halloween. I desire development to the plot. Last year was an improvement. Not fabulous but a step forward and so it'd be god to keeping walking.
If they're going to just hoard for fun again, I will flip tables. If they're going to whoops undeads again, I will flip tables. But I'm not a somebody so hm too bad for me probably.
Please think of something nice for us to enjoy. I'm sure if everyone puts their thoughts out, connect the dots a bit etc, you'll have a sweet idea.
Which brings me to wait a moment what happened to "We're going to release an undead or two every month." Yea.
Then not too long back, xee was drawing shade-spirit combo zennie. A new effect!! Which is cool and the art was pretty darn awesome.
But what about undeads and all our other effects.
Oh and um the Rescreatu twitter right. That's a really cool thing to do. A*.
But it seems kindaaa like that time we posted adverts for res on another site, and then suddenly a lot of new users came and there was a shortage of mods and all.
Okay it's not the same but but but basically right. It'd advertising for something that isn't ready yet.
Come to res we're really cool! (( Which we are )) But then there are so many features still missing and faulty.
Like the battle system. And I think the flash games are broken now? Search bar not working on Hatch Slots page? Trash Isthmus being easily taken advantaged of? Rules page doesn't cover things like spam? Human Avatars still need manual resets? Collections aren't user friendly? It's just my opinion but I think let's have everyone on the same page first. Fix up all these tiny bits here and there, then all the other stuff. Like the release of shade-spirit combo and advertising?
Okay then, it's just something I hear around but apparently we have very high ban rates? Mostly MAs I'd assume. And yea that's good and bad cause that means we really know what's going on and who's cheating and we wipe them out.
We have a solution to cheating people, ban them. And it's a good solution too in the sense that we're 100% sure about it and not computerised. That's cool.
But /why/ are people creating MAs? Why are they cheating? Why is there a need to cheat and why so many of them?
Is it too difficult for a new player to start? Are there features that are just easily abused? Is it the same person coming back over and over again? Is it too diffcult for a normal player to survive?
Perhaps we could mull over that and alter how things work. So that cheating won't be needed nor even a thought. And maybe, well, not happen so frequently at all.
Another thing that bugs me but haha okay man it's cool totally used to it. Omni, Kioka and Liyure which were labled as retired are brought back for cash purchases. It's okay I mean yea sure the site needs money, you offer nice things. Simple.
But it kinda devalues words like. Those CS pets came back maybe these other items will come back for cash too. Yea I don't wanna buy item X for so much it'll probably come back eventually.
Unless those three aren't retired?? Then oh ok then ignore me.
On that note we could totally bring back Rrays. They've been gone so long people actually think they're retired. But they're just "Special" not retired.
I dunno man.
Moving on. I didn't personally hear it first hand but it seems the comet event will be on Reiflem? Granted I'm no astrologist but Reiflem doesn't seem like a cool idea. (( It's hot ahaha puns ))
Zuzu and I raided lots of books and figured out the history of Res right. If memory serves well, the planets rotate about each other. Also Reiflem's the sun but that's not the point.
With the explore page in consideration. I'm thinking the comet cannot possibly fly from Scia to Reiflem. Based on the assumption that there is a strong gravitational pull between them, it is therefore impossible for the commet to zip right across.
It should, instead maybe move left or right from Scria to either Relcore or Atquati? But again space sciencey isn't my kinda stuff so I could be wrong.
Yea I just I dunno broski.
To end off, all stardust Easeros have a light grey 200 x 200 border on them. It's not that much time and effort, maybe you could fix that soon?
That's... all I have for now. Again apologies for anything weird or absurd. And yes this is a rather negative post with lots of problems but that's what you need right? Nothing will improve if only agreements an white lies are told.
But okay, you guys have been improving slowly so thanks. I'll just sit here with Flammable and wait some more.
- - - - - - - -
If I remember correctly, the update for "Comet Festival Feedback Form" said that all replies would be put into a raffle for a Cosmic Salve. Or was a Gold Stardust Urn? Can't remember, but yea.
That.... hasn't been given out yet has it?
- - - - - - - -
Smuh has pointed out that the site is ReScReAtU. So the planets are ordered as Relcore/Reiflem, Scria, Relcore/Reiflem, Atquati, Uldavi. Which makes The comet being on Reiflem and Relcore okay and Atquati not okay.
As the rest of the site functions in this order, I ask for the the Explore page's visuals to be changed accordingly.
8:31pm Jul 30 2013
Posts: 2,155
There is a tumblr blog making its way around, filled with a bunch of cowardly bullies spreading lies and twisting the truth about members of our community here and the staff of Rescreatu. Links to this blog were posted on the SB earlier today. That resulted in quite a few hurt feelings from members and other staff alike. The blog serves no purpose to bring "justice" or right any wrongs, it only serves as a place for untrue gossip to be spread.
I have left a post there challenging anyone who truly believes there is a problem to please report it here, in the open, where ALL eyes can see. That is how you get to the root of a matter and solve a problem, not by hiding and making false claims.
I'll state again here what I stated there: I have no control or authority over this forum thread. No action will be taken against ANYONE for expressing concern over something that is going on and is wrong.
You can see that some have already posted things here they are unhappy with, and I believe it is great that they did. I am aware and always have been that the posts are about me specifically. Some of the information is erroneous, having been presented in a very one-sided manner by persons who wanted it shown that way. I do not blame anyone at all for having bad feelings toward me upon seeing those half-truths, because you are only seeing one person's side of the story. Not only this, but I also have the ability to show the entire truth of the story. I choose not to out of respect to the other person's privacy.
See for yourself that no one was punished for posting here, like the blog falsely claims. ALL are welcome to express concerns; it does not matter if I don't agree with you or your opinion, it does not matter if I want to hear it or not. Contrary to what the cowardly blog claims, I do not use my staff power to punish users I dislike or disagree with. This is a job to me, and personal opinion over a user has no effect on any action I take.
Don't feel like posting publicly? You also have the option of rmailing Crowflux, who is overseeing this thread, and asking to speak to her off the site if you truly fear repercussions for what you have to say. While Crow and I are friendly, we are not what you would consider to be friends, we are merely co-workers who want the same thing - the best for Rescreatu.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
10:21am Jul 31 2013 (last edited on 9:16am Aug 2 2013)
Normal User
Posts: 1,326
(( .... )) (( ....I'll put this post back when I've sorted out exactly what I want to say. ))
2:05pm Aug 2 2013 (last edited on 6:57pm Aug 2 2013)
Normal User
Posts: 611
Since nobody else seems to be brave enough/want to post here anymore (aside from the lovely Salt - bless you) I guess I'll be the one to break the ice again and express my concerns/opinions regarding the website as a whole. This is merely a matter of opinion so if you can't handle criticism too well, then I HIGHLY advise you to stop reading this post, and do something more beneficial with your time. This post is not meant to offend anyone, or make anyone feel bad, it is simply voicing an opinion on a public forum thread that was made for this exact reason.
The recent rants blog has come to attention of many users, like myself, within the past few days. It has not only caused hurt feelings, drama, and fights throughout the SB, forums and offline IM'ing programs but also opened the eyes of the blind. While I do not agree with everything posted on that blog, it is a form of opinion, and everyone is entitled to their own. Not everyone is going to see things the same as each other. For example, the "Traders Blacklist" as it is called on there, has listed users and why you shouldn't make business deals, or associate with them. I have done many deals with almost all the users on that list, and let me assure you that while some accusations towards them ARE true, that is not the exact truth, as Broken as said above. There are two sides to each story guys, remember that. You are allowed to form your own opinion on every user, and shouldn't rely on a list to tell you who can and cannot trade with.
There was a submission from someone, regarding users who had submissions about them, and I especially liked this part of their post; "Take it as your reminder to do a self checkup and actually ask yourself “hey. what could i have done to potentially anger this person? what was it that i said or did that may have offended them?" and do some serious self-evaluation. If you see you've made a mistake, then admit it. Sincerely apologize to the person you may have wronged. Even if you STILL don’t feel like you've wronged someone, apologize anyways! Chances are, it might be a huge misunderstanding. Even if it isn't, you come out as the better person in the end" I'm not going to accuse anyone of being wrong, because in their eyes they may or may not feel the same way as I do, but what I can say is that not even post was posted to purposely hurt someone else's feelings. These posts are a matter of opinion, and belief - not everyone on that blog is posting there to start drama or attack one another. There are some actual valid points that have been made, and I hope that everyone can learn from these points and use them to improve, and grow together, for the sake of our community, and even more, website. Just remember, there is a REASON behind every action.
While I could have posted everything on the tumblr, or sent this into crow and remain anonymous I'd rather my opinion be seen publicly, for all to witness and form their own opinion. Nothing is going to change, if everything is kept a secret between staff. It would be nice if we as users could see more than just "changes are coming soon", because that's really not too reassuring. These changes, for all we know could be coming in a few minutes, days, hours, or even MONTHS, and I know a lot of people including myself don't like to be left in suspense, at the mercy of the word 'soon. I absolutely loved when xeeroh streamed to us her revamping an old effect on a pet. I had never seen the effect myself, so to me (and I'm sure many other people) it was a pleasant new surprise. It would be great if the news also posted something like "sneak peaks" you know, to get the hype up? I thought the sneak peak for the Drachid was absolutely wonderful, and it had us all guessing at what would come! I'd love if staff would do something like this again, because it sucks being left at the mercy of you all, forever waiting on new information and whatnot.
I'm rather disappointed with Support lately, the lack of professionalism has been a MAJOR contribution to some of the actions that lead up to where we are now. If you are an active poster, or lurker on the SB you would have noticed a certain staff member has a tendency to over advertise, when it comes to their Kir-Runs. I've seen this user get away with it time and time again, and I feel this is an abuse of power, as Staff cannot be warned publicly onsite, and have to be warned somewhere private. This isn't fair to all the other users who get warned, for things like this. I've also noticed this user likes to use the "buy low, sell high" method, and does most of their business deals over Rmail now, after being called out several times by users on the shoutbox (I have screenshots for any staff if needed, but I am not going to be posting them here in respect of the privacy of the other users involved in these events) for doing this and blatantly lying about how much they have purchased something for before. While not all of this is wrong, I know for a fact a regular user would not have gotten away with something like this, as this member seems to time after time. I would advise looking into this, as I have noticed many other users beginning to get annoyed with said member.
Moving on, 14brokenmirrors, I find your post regarding the tumblr to be extremely hypocritical, and uncalled for. It is just one of the many examples of unprofessionalism that has been displayed lately. To quote, "There is a tumblr blog making its way around, filled with a bunch of cowardly bullies spreading lies and twisting the truth about members of our community here and the staff of Rescreatu." along with "Contrary to what the cowardly blog claims". This is breaking the #1 Rule that YOU as staff are supposed to be enforcing. "1. Be respectful to each other. There will be no harassment toward staff or users for any reason. Personal insults, name calling, degrading remarks, and other such harassment will not be tolerated." I'm pretty sure that you are in direct violation of this rule, as calling someone a "cowardly bully" doesn't sound very nice (or professional), now does it? It doesn't matter how personally attacked you feel, YOU CHOSE to become staff on your own decision, knowing there would be positive and negative criticism. If you want people to be nicer, maybe you should be the bigger person yourself and set the bar where it belongs.
As for the community as a whole, I'm bittersweet. I've seen many regulars acting differently now, like they're better than everyone else, and trying to start drama. Some people have been lacking common sense, when it comes to replying or posting on there. I've seen a few users who need to seriously check out the rules again, because they clearly didn't read them. It's disappointing I guess, to say, when the people you thought you knew all turned out to be different people. I've seen people get ripped off, cheated, and lied to. The amount of over advertising that gets away is becoming annoying too - "nobody is interested?" "last call for ___" "wow I can't believe that nobody wanted ___ I guess I'll keep it" these are word for word quotes from a few users who are going to remain unnamed for respect of privacy (again if you need screenshots staff, please go ahead and ask). I'm not trying to bash anyone here, but I'm going to suggest that the SB rules be posted publicly on a news update, or on the SB for all users to read over again and agree to. In my opinion I feel like everyone should have to agree to follow the rules, that way it's sort of like a contract, and whoever breaks the rules too much is in violation of their contract and at the discretion of staff.
I'd like to thank all the wonderful people and staff on this site as well, even though we all have our flaws and imperfections, everyone is still willing to look past all that and accept one another. This is by far the most wonderful community that I have seen, and I truly mean that. On some other sites I've seen, the users are rude and terrible people whose goals are to make others feel bad. They chase away new players, and make them feel unwanted; but here - that's different. We have an entire staff position made solely FOR those new users, to feel wanted and welcome. The Helpers (and of course users as well) on here great people with wide open arms, and get them started. I know when some people joined Res long ago they didn't have that kind of help, and kindness. So thank you, to all those Helpers and Mods; I know I can speak for everyone when I say we all appreciate the amount of effort you all put in to making everyone feel welcomed. An extra shout out to all the Mods, thank you for doing your best to keep the shoutbox troll and drama free as much as you can, you're all great! To the community, thank you to all the great people on here - there are entirely too many to name, but you all know who you are. Even though there is a lot of hurting going around, you people continue to stay positive and make everyone feel appreciated no matter who they are, or what their past holds. You people are the reason I haven't left this site yet.
With that final note, as already said above in a quote and my first paragraph, please do not let any of this affect you, it is a mere matter of expressing an opinion. I'm going to ask anyone who may have had their name submitted OR submitted someone TO the tumblr, to take a look at themselves, and recall if they actually DID do anything wrong or not, and if you/they did [not], seek out forgiveness - people are going to respect you much more for that, and you'll feel better too. I'd like to apologize myself, if I ever hurt anyone or said something that offended anyone - whether it be on this post, another one, or somewhere else, I am deeply sorry and hope you can forgive me. As humans, it is our goal to learn from each other, and work together to improve, and I hope that we can all use these opinions, wheether they be positive or negative, to improve and grow as not just a community, but a family, because that's what we all are - one big giant family of people who love this website.
6:22pm Aug 2 2013 (last edited on 6:23pm Aug 2 2013)
Posts: 910
Time to put in my little two cents here ;D First of all, Aaright. So I have heard about the tumblr. I took the time to actually read lots of the blogs (or whatever you call them) that are there. The submissions, rather. After reading this, my heart dropped. Ever since I joined this site I always knew that there was something special about the bonds between the members. Granted, the only other petiste I have ever been on is neo. Res has a shoutbox where the uesrs can talk with eachother and it makes the community that much stronger. Or so I thought until I saw the blogs. After reading the submissions, I was stunned. This is cyberbullying. I totally, wholeheartedly understand that everyone needs to blow off some steam every once in a while. But you're complaining about people who have feelings. And they can read what you've posted about them. I have been bullied before. In my middle school years, I thought about some pretty dark stuff. Bullying is not cool. Now, I understand that everyone has that one person who rubs them the wrong way. And a matter of fact, I wouldn't mind having the blog if it wasn't as extreme as it is. There is a huge line between not saying usernames and saying usernames. How would you feel if you saw a blog about you saying how much someone hated you and that you're annoying? I know that I'd feel pretty low. I didn't really mean to make this post to preach to you readers out there. I'm stating the fact that, in my book, the tumblr is, in fact, bullying. If you really hate a certain user that much, at least refrain from using their actual name. Substitute it with Bob or something I don't care. As long as no one gets their feelings hurt. I've written my fair share of rants about people who rub me the wrong way. But I at least didn't use their name at all. And I usually end up deleting it anyways. Nobody deserves to feel really low. Bad stuff can happen. I would be absolutely devastated if I was one of the users mentioned in some of those blogs. Keep in mind, if you wouldn't tell someone something directly to their face, why does it make it better to post it online for millions of people to see? As far as 14brokenmirror's statement about the people posting on the blog being cowardly bullies, sure, she could have worded it a bit differently. She's human. She made a minor mistake. Keep in mind that she has to deal with people in her face and calling her mean names almost every day. Everyone gets frustrated and furious which gets in the way of their professional characteristics. No matter the person. So while she could have worded this more eloquently and "professionally", she makes a good point. This is just like real life gossip. I'd rather someone come directly to me and talk things out with me if they have a problem. I'm a grown up. I'm mature. I don't post things about other people that are extremely mean and hurtful about other people on online blogs. It's not nice. Especially if you take into consideration what other people can think. Nobody is helping any situation by posting on this. Not to mention that it is bullying. On another note regarding that tumblr, after looking at the trade blacklist, wanna know what it reminded me of? The "Burn Book" from Mean Girls. It's not cool guys. Placing stereotypes on other users even if these are true, it up to the user trading with them. Every time you go through a trade, you need to prepare yourself for the possibility of getting scammed. The Trade Blacklist is unfair. So you're telling people to stay away from these users at all costs because of one or two mistakes someone made? Real mature guys. Real mature... Okay. I'm done with my preaching about bullying and the tumblr. Now for the happier stuff that I was going to post here before the blog was brought up :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay. So I have seriously loved Res ever since I was a newbie. I never got bored. There was something that kept bringing me back. Ambition, maybe. Whatever you want to call it. I would really like to see more events like the Scrian Comet Festival, Phaeda's BioScan, and things like those (: An event that would expose more information about Uldavi would be really cool, because most of Res is really curious about the mysterious planet. I can't really think of any issues I have with Rescreatu other than feeling really out of the loop. It seems like events like above happen out of the blue. I think it would be a really nice idea to update the Facebook page more often, and have more Updates every once in a while. Maybe giving hints or heads up for plans of the future. That's just me. I think it would be neat to make the community more involved, basically. From my observations, the community used to be a lot more involved. I see items like the Tickle Monster, which was suggested by a user. I also have read many books that were created because of users winning writing contests and such. I think more Rescreatu games would be good too. I miss the Gambling Games like Blackjack; I never got to play Mieko mind puzzle. I would like more games like this. I think that it would make Res more interesting, in a way. (: I also can't wait for certain items that are in the Item DB to be released. I'm looking forward to those events. They're a little overdue, but that's understandable because the staff in charge of the things like that are really preoccupied with real life. Also, from my understanding, there used to be Premium Packs that existed way back when, yes? Those would be really cool if brought back, like if Res offered the ability to purchase Premium Packs that would give items that were available to Premium members. I'll edit this when I think of more, or I will make another post. Thank you for reading ~
10:49pm Aug 2 2013 (last edited on 11:00pm Aug 2 2013)
Normal User
Posts: 1,326
(( My thoguhts are not sorted but I here I go anyway urgh. ))
The gossip lives WITH or WITHOUT the tumblr.
If anyone would rather not see such an ugly side of humanity and would rather continue their belief that everyone is always okay with everyone, just stay ignorant and 20 meters away from the tumblr blog.
If someone hates you, they have a reason. If you're annoying, maybe it's true.
Maybe you are annoying and maybe, now that you know you're annoying, maybe, just maybe, you could change.
(( Just read Katiee's reply so for a good flow, I coninuted with that example. ))
Does anyone remember name snagging? Name snaggings over the sb?
You buy hatches and you want to give the pets names right? And you say them on the sb because it's not a WOW name, it's just an okay sounds not bad name like idk um.... "Enazhi" the Ezahni. Not wow so perfect, not "Horse" but it sounds ok. And you're like wow thanks for hatching, please name it "Enazhi" Thank you.
OH BUT GUESS WHAT, someone lurking will, in the speed of which light travels at, STEAL THE NAME FROM RIGHT UNDER YOU. EVEN WHEN THE NAME ISN'T GOOD.
No? Yea, 99% of the community didn't and 99% of the community hated them with the burning passion of Reiflem.
Gossip. Gossip everywhere. I wasn't very 'in the loop' back then but even I was made aware of it, that's how bad it was guys; I actually knew about gossip.
Oh but this doesn't happen now right? I don't think it happens now. Do you know why it doesn't happen now. And why people rmail more important names now.
The community. They made it 10000% clear that name snagging is not ok.
Someone snagged a name? They express their disgust in the sb because the thief is watching. How do you know he's watching?? Idk he probably is how else did he steal the name???
Someone snagged a name? They track him down and send some rmails about how not ok it is. I don't think those rmails were very nice.
tldr if you snag a name people will know. The news spread like wildfire and you are not liked.
More drastic members would not speak to the thief at all. They would not converse nor agree to any dealings with them. No one buys the names they steal.
Slowly but surely, name snagging was weeded out and the effects still persist today. Isn't that nice. We did that guys; us. The community did that.
Staff could not do anything because such a form rude of theft is not against the rules.
I'm not saying that it should be or that staff are incompetent. It is indeed not against the rules and unjustified for staff to do anything.
What I am saying is that we cannot rely on staff for everything. No matter how god-like your view of them is, they are not all powerful. There are things out of their control and that's when the community steps in.
Buying low selling high is not against the rules. Claiming to be poor aka lying is not against the rules. Cancelling an agreement to sell is not against the rules.
These things are all not nice but not against the rules. Staff can't do anything about it.
The community will step in. It is only natural.
You think the tumblr is anon?? It's not annon, submissions are not anon. Asks mess up 40% of the time and end up not anon.
It is a risk to speak on the tumblr. It's not something you casually lol i hate this person's attitude. It's OH MY GOODNESS THIS ATTITUDE BOTHERS ME A LOT. Otherwise why take the risk of having identity exposed or take the effort to make a new tumblr to post with.
There must be something seriously wrong or irritating for someone to make a post about you.
Yes, it could be a miscommunication. Perhaps you should clear that up. Yes, it could be a total lie. Perhaps you should clear that up. Yes, it can be true. Perhaps you could learn from your mistakes and change for the better.
Things end up on the tumblr because all other ways of dealing with it have proved ineffective or far too risky.
Posts are made not just so that others know, BUT THE PERSON IN QUESTION KNOWS TOO. If they didn't want you to know, they won't post, they will just gossip off site??
But they WANT YOUT TO KNOW. They might be very angry but they want you to know. And it could very well be because they still hope for sunny days and they still hope that things will change for the better.
It is sad to have this kind of 'last resort', but it proves the coummity's tenacity. The community cares enough to desire change rather than to leave it to rot.