Make your voice heard!

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12:22am Aug 3 2013 (last edited on 12:42am Aug 3 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,326

(( I should think things through before making two angry posts in a row.
You are kindly redirected to my post on the previous page. Sorry. :B ))


7:06pm Aug 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 930
I just finished reading both the ranting blog and the posts on this forum and I have a few things to say. I just came back from vacation so I might be out of the loop. My thoughts are a little jumbled as well, sorry.

At first the tumblr seemed more like just a place to let off steam. Then some people started fighting each other and I was just left thinking "whoa there guys calm down".
While of course I have both agreements and disagreements with the blog, I remind myself that those are submissions. From individuals.
They do not speak for the entire community, even the blacklist.
Stuff gets added to the blacklist simply by request. It's not like the owners of the blog have to have a certain number of people 'agree' to adding the person.
I'm with Salt on this, the gossip lives on no matter what. I'm a relatively older user as well, and I noticed gossip even before I started contacting Rescreatu users off-site. ;/ There wasn't a time where people didn't talk about each other behind backs.

I am also disappointed with the staff as of late. I definitely agree there is a lack of professionalism, especially with the Shea fiasco. I was not fully around for that, but I did not like how staff members did nothing while some users were incredibly disrespectful to Shea on the shoutbox. I personally do not have any relations to Shea whatsoever, he is simply someone I had heard of once or twice. While I do not actually know what happened, since only a few people have provided proof, I will say the stock market idea and the backlash it received were poorly handled.
I do appreciate staff's work, but I feel like the effort to keep it professional has deteriorated a bit. I understand that many staff members are simply dedicated users, but sometimes it gets ridiculous.

Another thing that has irritated me just a bit is the whole "staff is as blind as you are" line. I realize that you guys might have changed how things run with staff, but seriously.
You tell your staff nothing? x: Please don't use more vague responses. Just be honest and tell us that you can't say anything. 
I really liked it when a while ago, someone said, "I couldn't tell you about it, even if something was in the works."
While yes, that is still vague, it is better than saying you know absolutely nothing.
Let's be real, you have to prepare for it.
That has not been a huge problem though!! That is only my opinion. c: It was a slight irritation from a while ago, so apologies if something has changed already.

Hmm. I think that's all for now. c:


10:32pm Aug 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 243
I'd like to take a minute and just post my few thingamathoughts in here U_U
Like everyone else, I've checked out the tumblr too, and yes, I've read them all. While I don't support everything being said, I'd like to point out that this blog is honestly not to blame for this whole "community destruction." @_@

These aren't just people, yo.
These aren't just random people who decided to wake up one morning and spread anonymous hate to everyone.
These are RES USERS.
These are PLAYERS.
These are people, frustrated by the actions of either the staff or their fellow players, have turned to an outside source where they can safely vent their feelings about RES.
The toxic, hateful community on this tumblr?
Comes from HERE. 
It's our users that feel this way, so instead of targeting the blog that merely serves as a way to express that anger and hate, maybe we should take a look and see why these users are feeling this??? o___o 

Yeah, there's a lot of mindless hate on that blog, and yeah it hurts.
And I'm not saying it shouldn't hurt!!!
But we gotta keep in mind that it's not the tumblr. It's not the blog. These are emotions that our fellow users have kept bottled up and have finally been released! 
The hate didn't just suddenly appear.
It's always been there, just below the surface. 

And while I really like the new thread on here, promoting love and friendship amongst our users, it's not going to solve anything. People are still going to have issues with the staff, regardless of the new thread. People are still going to bottle up that hate and anger, regardless of the thread. Instead of trying to counteract the hate with lurveeeeee<333, maybe we should actually pinpoint the cause of all this negativity and y'know, FIX IT. 

Instead of trying to alienate the entire group (which really isn't helping things) and calling them cyberbullies and cowards and whatever else youwannacallem, and merely brushing the blog off as a hate blog, maybe we should read it. And learn from it. What're people most upset about? What're people posting most commonly about? Why are people so upset? These are the questions we should be asking. 
tbh, this blog might very well be the most helpful thing to our progress yet. 
while YES it is hurtful and YES it is distasteful to read, it gives us insight on what's wrong with our community. U_U

Calling everyone on that blog names and trying to crush it and smash it down and replace it with temporary feelings of love and kindness isn't going to solve things. It's going to make things worse. 
It's easy to try and cover our ears and try and block out all the hate and convince ourselves that "wow everyone on that site is just mean and hateful and wow nothings wrong with our community we all love each other!!!!", which is what I see a lot of staff doing. We ALL want to think the best of our friends, our neighbors; that nothing's wrong in our perfect little world and y'know, everyone who hates our community are just weirdos who don't deserve our love. 
It still ain't gonna help our community.
Instead of trying to cover up the hate, why don't we just target it at the source and do something about it so there is LESS hate?



11:41pm Aug 3 2013 (last edited on 11:42pm Aug 3 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,749
((Please ignore if something sounds weird this is on my kindle fire and it has auto-correct and blah.))

First of all, I would like to say that I have not read this blog, but really would like to. If someone would send me a link that would be great, vial rmail or email (my email will be in this post later on.)

I'm going to speak out of personal experience here first. I have bashed another user before. I did not post it on Res, and I mentioned no usernames, heck, it was only up for a day before I cooled of and deleted it, but that user saw it and found out that it was them.
You have no idea how much that tore me up inside. I felt sick; completely and utterly sick. I couldn't stand myself for about a month after that, and I'm still not all sunshine and rainbows when I think about it. I have an awfully wonderful memory when it comes to my mistakes, so hardly a day passes when I don't at least think about that rant. I hurt a human being, and that's something that breaks a lot of my morals. We get along now (at least I think we do) but whenever I see this person I try my hardest to be extra nice to them because I think it might make up for what I did. I made a misinformed judgement, and I just can't stop thinking about it. It physically HURTS me that I did this
[I guess this is also just another way to apologize to that person in case they read this, I'm so sorry for what I did to you.]

All that being said, I've been in your shoes, even though I have no idea how you don't throw up because I almost did. I've been mad. I've been hurt. However, hurting the feelings of others isn't the way to handle this. It's not fun to sit idly on the sidelines and watch either. Sunshine and rainbows is not going to get us out of this, I'm quite sure of that.
However, a sprinkle of sunshine always does help a rainy situation, and rainbows make most unhappy places a little better. I guess what I'm trying to say is if what I've heard is true, the tumblr post might be a little too harsh. Telling someone you are hurt is definitely the right way to go; bashing someone behind their back in a place where anyone can see it (including then) is plain hurtful. And please don't feel like I'm calling you the devil or whatever, because I JUST admitted to doing it myself. I'm trying to be as completely transparent with everyone as possible, even if it is slightly embarrassing, please understand that. Also, I think those who have been upset should try to contact those who hurt them, especially if that person is a staff member. If I made you mad, feel free to anonymously email me. I'm; actually I think it might be a good idea to have all staff hand out their emails so people can talk to them anonymously. Have a staff contact list somewhere, or even have us make seperate staff emails would be a good idea. It would probably cut back on the drama a ton.

Now, on the other hand, I believe there have been some overreactions. As far as I've heard, some people are just trying to voice an opinion and shouldn't be grouped in with the cyberbullies that have apparently shown their faces. I understand what it is like to be bullied as well, and I know it isn't fun, not at all. I also know that some people really aren't trying to be a bully though. Words can be interpreted so many different ways on the internet that it's insane. Especially the tone of the person's voice. Someone could be thinking it calmly and then someone else could read it as a yell. There is literally no way to tell unless someone uses a smiley face every other word.

I think both sides just need to take a deep breath for a second. Stop the bashing, stop interpreting, and relax. Then try to approach this situation with a calm mindset and contact those in question. If anyone wants to use me as a middle man so you can contact someone else anonymously, please feel free to do it, you have my email. Just remember that I love you all no matter what you do or say. You could write a rant about me that would take a hour to read and I would still love you because you're a competent human being, and I believe that my worst enemies deserve to be loved as much as my best friends ^-^


Hi there

9:07am Aug 4 2013 (last edited on 11:35pm Aug 5 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 651
It's interesting how things spread so easily within a small community :)
I have read the tumblr blog but im not going to get myself into that xD. There obviously seems to be some personal issues between those users.

So. I'll just comment on the site in general. Don't take anything into offense ~ :)

 'What is there to do?'. Think about it. There really isn't anything to do other than collection purposes. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for my hard-earned pets. As a busy person... i also don't have a lot of time and commitment to engaging with users on the shout box, forums whatever. The most i do is read blogs - which is something i actually enjoy doing whether it's on rescreatu or not. I don't think i would like to try commenting on the shoutbox because of all these drama and rants any ways.

You really need monthly events. It's a hassle but you really need something 'new' and interactive. There's nothing happening. The only thing keeping users alive on this site is either the community or their hard-earned items on their accounts. Obviously with the rants blogs and complaints - the community part isn't going too well.

 This is my personal opinion. But i feel that we have way too many staff members. I get lost on who's a staff. You seem to hire like 5 people every few months or something :/ . I also don't really see a point in the helper staff because i find that helping someone out is a community's job rather than an individual's job.  
This is just a hutch  but there's a possibility that people don't go for staff for the sake of helping the website. They aim for the 'coloured name' so they can stand out in the community.  

 What happened to battling. What happened to guilds. 
I know they weren't useful before in v2 and i was really looking forward to seeing how they would be revamped. Guilds can bring new and older members together. Guilds can make people closer with each other and they can also give everyone within the guild a sense of pride. I was a little disappointed that it seemed ignored...

More HA items please :D But seriously.. i don't like the idea of CP especially for clothing. it puts me off cuz it's not as special/useful as other cs items.

And. This is straight forward but i feel that rescreatu are giving us false hope. The site is going downhill and no-one is doing anything about it. There's a lot of potential in this site. But even with such potential, users are going to flee to other sites that actually think more about its players.

I probably missed a lot of things but ill keep these 3 points up for now ^^.

Edits:// i was tired last night. didn't proof read my engrish. ;)


9:57am Aug 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 369
wolfspirit25: guys, guys, new topic please :)
wolfspirit25: Riyo, please, move on from this topic in the SB
wolfspirit25: if you have concerns there's the Make Your Voice Heard thread
wolfspirit25: you aren't being censored Riyo. In fact, I'm telling you to go put them somewhere more permanent where more people will see
wolfspirit25: ok, seriously guys, new topic please
wolfspirit25: guys, seriously, can we please move on?
Frank: Riyo. But it would be better to discuss the things you are saying in that thread rather than the SB

This is me being told repeatedly by site staff to stop critiquing things about Rescreatu, talking about my academic career in game development, and my past experiences on the site.

Mage: I agree with you Riyo o:
ShadowxxMistress: I agree with you too Riyo
Salt: I agree Riyo
Graveyardfox: Riyo: I agree with you completely. 

These are other users, with whom I was discussing these particular topics, expressing agreement and the desire to continue discussing the topic even as we are being told to keep quiet.

There are a LOT of suggestions that I have to improve this site and to make it fun and entertaining, but won't bring them up because, and here's the thesis statement guys:

The people with the ability to make changes on Rescreatu DO NOT LISTEN to the players, and the people who are tasked with policing the site take it upon themselves to KEEP PEOPLE QUIET.

Those with the ability to make significant changes to the site have no desire to do so. They have no desire to listen to the users or improve the site in any way. This site is a business. It's not a game. Its sole purpose is to collect money from the players. In return for what? Not fun. Not enjoyment. Status

Take my account for example. I own one of the rarest pets in the game, an albino Liyure. I've got a ginger Ivik and a black Ivik and a black Liyure and having these pets does not provide me with a single thing except status. I get no enjoyment or fun out of having these pixels and code linked to my account. Sure, they're pretty to look at, but I can look at them whenever I want, account or not. This entire game is nothing but a popularity contest. And that's not fun. It's especially not fun because the only thing necessary to gain status is money and time. Real life cash, or investments in the game's stock feature and the patience to wait a few weeks for the stocks to improve. Sell, reinvest, rinse and repeat, then purchase something that gives you status. Or, give $20 to the game for a tiny, tiny chance of getting something decent.

"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

10:11am Aug 5 2013

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
Uh. I really hate to do this, but um.

Your comments were making quite a few people in the SB uncomfortable, including me. Wolfspi and Frank were just trying to clear the tension and prevent an all-out SB brawl.

I agree with many of the points you made, you were just going about it in the wrong way.


10:19am Aug 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 612
I feel myself loosing more and more interest in this game. For numerous reasons.

 It's become boring to me, just the same stuff, different day. There are no little competitions anymore, the odd one now and then, but nothing very engaging. Other pet sites I play on have a new competitions every week, whether it's a group Scavenger Hunt, Art contest, and more. But, here, there are barely updates, and exciting ones at that. I mostly come on here to just creep what is for sale, and to talk to users. That's all. Other then that, any interest here is gone. I've moved on to other pet sites which offer more fun and variety in their contests and games which bring their community together. 

CP, I honestly HATE the CP idea. Some people work long hours and have bills and rent and school to pay for. No money to blow on a pet site. But it seems all the good items need either CP or high amount of TU. So the people who have bills, rent and school, etc, to pay for have to miss out on the exciting things. I personally, cannot afford to pay 100$ for a special pet, nor any money on this site, that 100$ goes toward my bills. I have not spent a dime on this site, and I will continue not to. It is difficult when you cannot afford to buy the special items, so you have to scrape up money from selling half your stock just to get enough to buy an OAK, or w.e else. It's foolish, and I do not like it at all. 

Staff, and the chat box. This, bothers me the most. I feel we have no freedom of speech anymore. We need to conform to what the staff want us to think and act like this is the best pet site ever. When it's not anymore, and when we voice it on the SB they try to hush us up and stop us from letting other users realize what is going on, and that this site is slowly going down the drain. Staff I feel have a high horse now, we're all mighty and perfect with our different colours so now we can boss you around and line you all up and tell you what to do like some sort of cult. And if we disagree with what they have to say we get punished because we're out of line. This is nuts, and then when someone truly n00by comes in and staff is not doing anything we get in crap because we tell that user to knock it off. But YET the STAFF DIDNT DO ANYTHING what are we supposed to do, let them continue to annoy us. No. Sorry, that doesn't fly. 

All in all, I believe this site is going down the drain, because you all don't want to change. This forum won't help, so why is this even up? 

Good luck.


10:40am Aug 5 2013 (last edited on 10:41am Aug 5 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,372
I posted this on the blog,
But seeing as I don't want to be a coward and a bully,
I'll just put it here:

I completely agree with the Anon that posted about the games. While new pets and clothes are neat, I feel like there are some things that should take priority. For older users, games aren’t such a big deal, but whenever I join a new site the Games section is one of the first places I familiarize myself for ways to make some currency. There have been numerous times non-flash games have been suggested, but never really been put into practice. I don’t think that the games have hardly been updated since v1. Actually, I think there were more games then. 

However, something that has bothered me for a long time is a lack of battle system. For how many months/years has Patrick and other staff been saying it’s just around the corner, it’s being coded, it’s being worked on, it’s coming? I hate to compare res to Flight rising, but it’s hard not to. They have a sophisticated battle system that actually works and even new players can get involved. I’m incredibly disappointed by the lack of advancements in that regard. Also, it would at least be nice to be able to train pets still, for whenever this “battle system" comes, although I’m beginning to believe it never will. It would also give pets more of a purpose than to just sit in your showroom or profile and look pretty. 

Now onto the forums. I personally can’t hardly stand the forums on res, they’re so basic. You can’t really even quote other users, you can’t go right to all of your old posts and topics, there’s no “quick reply…" I could go on. Look at the forums on Gaiaonline. Now I know that’s more of a forum-based site, but it would be awesome if Res would take some of their ideas and implement them onto our own site. Just look at all the forums and subforums. Like someone else said, it would be great if there was just an area for private rp’s, Rp searches, and an OOC forum. The forums I do not believe have been updated since v1. 

For a site that’s pushing ten years old, many of the basic necessities are…well, basic. I’m pretty certain Gaia started up in 03 or maybe a little before, and just look at how much it’s grown and expanded. I don’t know if it’s an issue of money or a lack of knowing how to code different things, but Res needs a major overhaul if it wants to survive the digital world. There’s just simply not enough to DO, old users are getting bored and leaving, new users aren’t as interested, often times coming from places like neopets, that are overflowing with all kinds of games and things to do. 

tldr; More games, Update the forums, for the love of god give us a battle system you’ve been promising for AGES. Res is basic and far behind the other virtual communities and pet sites and needs a major overhaul, or else it’s going to die. 


11:22am Aug 5 2013 (last edited on 11:25am Aug 5 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 156
"Those with the ability to make significant changes to the site have no desire to do so. They have no desire to listen to the users or improve the site in any way. This site is a business. It's not a game. Its sole purpose is to collect money from the players. In return for what? Not fun. Not enjoyment. Status

Take my account for example. I own one of the rarest pets in the game, an albino Liyure. I've got a ginger Ivik and a black Ivik and a black Liyure and having these pets does not provide me with a single thing except status. I get no enjoyment or fun out of having these pixels and code linked to my account. Sure, they're pretty to look at, but I can look at them whenever I want, account or not. This entire game is nothing but a popularity contest. And that's not fun. It's especially not fun because the only thing necessary to gain status is money and time. Real life cash, or investments in the game's stock feature and the patience to wait a few weeks for the stocks to improve. Sell, reinvest, rinse and repeat, then purchase something that gives you status. Or, give $20 to the game for a tiny, tiny chance of getting something decent."

Thank you for bringing this up. This is exactly how I've felt for a long time. Especially since the only major features I've seen added to the site since I've joined are the now defunct parties (which you could buy with cash) and human avatars (again, with many clothes exclusively available in the cash shop). In fact, since the V3 revamp the first thing a user sees when they go to is a big fat advertisement for cash shop items. I feel like Rescreatu has sold it soul.

12:17pm Aug 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,372
I don't have a problem with there being a cash shop and encouraging users to buy from it.
The owner of the site has bills to pay for the site in order to make it free for all of us to join.
Coders, artists, etc. 


1:00pm Aug 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 156
I don't think anyone has a problem with cash shops. I have no problem investing money in a website if I think it's deserving. I have a problem with the fact that the only two major features I've seen released over the many years I've been around are big money makers. What is there to suggest that the coders are not working on battling or fixing bugs because there's no money in that? I don't see any evidence to lead me to believe otherwise, and that's where my problem lies. 

Can someone tell me any other major features that have been released besides parties and HAs? The artists are obviously working hard and I commend them for their fantastic work, but by no means do I consider pets or pet colors themselves a major feature. Quests have been released and rereleased in all different flavors. The website revamps look nice but only serve as an elegant frame for a blank photo.

Rescreatu seems to be reaching for the low hanging fruit - they are perfectly happy with mediocrity because they're still making money. But if they truly want to improve they have a lot to do, only beginning with the suggestions in this thread...

9:28pm Aug 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,372
That I will agree with


4:54am Aug 6 2013 (last edited on 5:19am Aug 6 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 340
Well, I finally figured out that I might as well go and get it all out. 

So let me tell you about Rescreatu and its staff from my point of view.

Once, my vision was blurred by the enamoring love I had for this place, but that has turned to bitterness. Not just suddenly, no, the bitterness has crept up on me. But since everybody has been letting out their opinions and feelings here recently I thought I might do the same.

I have only disclosed this sort of stuff in one person before, one person I felt I could truly trust. You see, the thing about being an ex-staff is that you are not really allowed to just let it all out; it's against the rules, super sensitive staff information and all that. Which is why I may be banned or reprimanded in some way.

So here we go, I am going to stop being cryptic and spell it out straight, hopefully. It is hard to figure out how to put it. I will try and keep it as brief as I can, but there is a lot to cover. I also want to say that this rant or whatever this is isn't about that whole hate blog thing or the drama in the community. This is about my personal problems with the staff system and the way things are run in the game development. I won't talk about
support very much at all because I don't really know much about them, being a whole different department.

I will start off with saying that being a content manager was frustrating. It was so hard to sit and watch as hardly anything got done when it was needed. And I will admit, eventually I ended up pretty much doing nothing myself because no matter what I did it didn't seem to be making a difference or any progress. I desperately wanted to help to improve the site, but I felt helpless. So I watched, and waited, waiting for Crow to reorganize the staff structure so that we could start to improve the site more efficiently.

I was made redundant, since Crow could now basically do content management as well, and there is not much content to manage when everything goes so painfully slow, so her and Dess were enough to handle it. So, what do to with me? I can't do art or coding. I can write but I don't get along well with WolfSpi. Crow offered me support or moderating and I refused because support is probably the most difficult job on the site and moderating seems boring.

All I seem good at doing it coming up with and organizing ideas. I offered to Crow to work for free just to continue with what I had been doing for the past year, coming up with ideas and developing them and organizing events and stuff. But that didn't seem work out in Crow's staff structure.

Well fine. I tried to be a helper for a while, still clinging onto staff and then I realized that I had just been putting on a brave face and a smile and pretending I didn't care when I did. I was hurt, I don't know why it seemed irrational and I felt guilty for feeling betrayed when I had obviously taken it the wrong way right? But the more I thought about it, and talked about it with my friend the more bitter I felt about it. I thought I was a valued member of the team or something but how could I be when even after I had offered to do my job for free they had dumped me down at the bottom. So I quit being a helper because I felt degraded somehow, and also felt like I didn't fit in anywhere in staff anymore.

Now to address the issue of not much ever happening on res. You think there is a lot going on 'behind the scenes' on the staff development forums? There isn't there really isn't. Every day, dutifully, for the whole year I was on there I would log in and check for anything new, and most days I was disappointed. No movement, no progress, it all seemed so stagnant. The reason why nothing ever seems to happen on the site is easily seen when nothing is happening behind the scenes.

However, I soon figured out the real "behind the scenes'. AIM. Private chats and group chats were used to organize most of what would go into res. I can understand the need for instant message communication between staff; however, there are a few problems with it. Many of the chats some of us never got to be a part of or were even told about. You would think they might posts the results of their discussions on the development board for the rest of us to see so we could put in our two cents? Well, they hardly ever did, sometimes not even until whatever they had come up with was released onto the site.

Some of you may have noticed when I was a content manager that I didn't know what was going on half the time. I couldn't answer a lot of questions about events because some of the things brought onto the site I didn't even know about until they were on there. Heck, sometimes the users knew about a feature BEFORE I even knew about it. A content manager that doesn't know about half the content coming out in events? That has to go and ask the other staff about what the heck is going on? I was so out of the loop because of lack of proper communication between staff, and that impacted on how well I could perform my job. That is another reason why I eventually gave up trying to do anything, because half the time I didn't know what was going on' behind the scenes of behind the scenes'.

I have practically given up on staff. I cannot see the way things are done changing very much in the foreseeable future. Mainly because I have been away from the development forums for a month now, and then found out I could still log in so I went to quickly check if anything had changed, if it was worth trying to come back. But it was still nearly as stagnant as always. A whole month and nothing had really been worked on very much. A closing in event, the comet festival, barely touched. No, I highly doubt you are going to get that event on the 8/8. I highly doubt you are going to get it this month. Unless all the work on it has been decided over AIM by the select few individuals that now seem to decide everything for the site privately.

One more thing, what is with all this new content? I know peope have already adressed this but I wanted to reiterate it. You know; OAKs and a new effect being worked on and new clothes all the time and useless items. Whatever happened to fixing all the flaws in the basis of the game and improving it overall? That just gets pushed aside for shiny new things and events that take up huge times to plan and organise, pretty things to cover up all the glaring problems with the game.

I feel that I have maybe gone on too long with this, so it is about time I wrapped this up. This rant is not directed at anyone personally and these problems are not any one persons fault. My problem is with the system overall, how the staff can't seem to get organized and work together properly and communicate properly in order to improve the site for the users. It is possible that it may even be partially my fault as well. If I have offended anyone with this post it would probably be Crow, and I just want to say I know you are not a bad person, I just got upset over what happened and wanted to share my feelings here. I am sorry.

Speaking of which, I have one final thing to say about freedom of speech.

I talk about other users behind their backs. I would prefer to confront them about my problems with them but I am afraid that if I do I will get into trouble. No, I have not posted on the rant tumblr, but that's how this whole drama started. People too afraid to confront people about their problems with them and having to bottle it up until they finally let it out somewhere they thought was safe to do so, but because they have been holding onto these feelings for so long it comes out in a bad way.

Just like this rant.


11:19am Aug 6 2013 (last edited on 4:12pm Aug 6 2013)


Posts: 2,155
Hey guys. I just wanted to say that I am glad to see people are starting to talk and get stuff out in the open.

Health problems are preventing me from being at the computer long enough to read through the thread right now, but I wanted you all to know I'm not ignoring it purposely. Soon as circumstances allow it I do plan to read every response.

Thanks again for finally speaking up <3

Edited to add: Zu, I think you were completely in the right to say what you have said. It needed saying.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

11:23am Aug 6 2013

Normal User

Posts: 969

Just want to point out that I appreciate that Crow went back and responded to specific posts, and that people are actually reading them at all. c:


11:48pm Aug 6 2013 (last edited on 4:37pm Aug 9 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 89
Some features of this site that were here before which were cool should be some how reintegrated back into the game again, with these few things gone, a good chunk of the game is gone.

#1 the planet banks. Which each planets citizens can donated to their pot for a prize. And that the prizes that had already been awarded should go back to the way they were and only citizens from that planet can buy from them. Making those items more rare. like the freaky toys. they were once a rare item now anyone can buy them. Just like the planet specific pets should be put back to the way they were originally released for.

#2 Having the other character classes made the game more competative. now everyone is just a merchant or rancher. These other classes need to be reinstated and expanded more upon so that users would actually play that character class.

#3 the job tower was a cool feature and should be used again. I think it was a great feature for new users to make some tu for the game. The tokens are still sold in the npc shop and are quite useless unless the tower is opened back up.

#4 this one probably wont be activated again but it was pretty unique was the ability to thieve. I know some users did not like it but it was kinda cool.

#5 the refferal points system also is in need of repair.

But more important than this is to fix the bugs of the present state of the game. As for the most part i do not see why any new updates should be worked on or even released  until the other parts of the game are working the way they are intended to be working. Such as the auctions, when you bid on an item and then get outbid. the tu is not returned back to you imediately. It only gets returned back to you when the auction is over which can be weeks or months out. I cant remember if the trades ever got fixed or not since i do not put much of anything in there anymore, but they were plagued with nightmares, if you put items up in trades and it stayed up in there for to long and got pushed back past a certain page your item became glitched and lost and the trade could no longer be cancelled or used. Things like this i think are more important to fix for the stability and usability of the game. 

"I Touched Her Thigh And Death Smiled"


4:55am Aug 8 2013 (last edited on 5:07am Aug 8 2013)


Posts: 2,155

About staff telling you they don't know when something is coming out: we don't know. Communication has been terrible lately; what Zu said about things happening over IM without anyone else's knowledge and without followup by the parties engaged in the IM discussion is true. This is something that has desperately needed fixing for a long while.

About Shea: no one but Patrick had any authority over Shea. I did my best to keep him in check, but I did not have the ability to do more than I did. Make a ban? He could undo it faster than I could reload the page. He had access to the entire site and could do anything he pleased. It was a mistake for him to have been hired and let loose like he was; supervision should have been given by Patrick or Beau. My attempts to guide him did not work as I do not have any authority over the coding department. 

About cash points: A discussion was started months ago about how we can allow all players to earn cash points in some way. It is a definite part of the plan to make that a reality. When, I honestly do not know, but I will push hard for it to be there from the beginning in the upcoming version, if not sooner. It would be very helpful if you guys could help us by suggesting some ways of earning them.

About staff over-advertising and breaking the rules without consequence: this is totally wrong and should not happen. If you do have screenshots that include time-stamps, by all means do submit them and action will be taken. Any moderators who are letting it slide will be spoken with as well so that they understand this is not okay. Any time there is significant missing of rule breaking it should be ticketed so that we are aware, regardless of the user's position on site.

About my use of the phrase "cowardly bullies": While I could have used more politically correct words, this is not being disrespectful. Of course I am not referring to every submission on that site. A little common sense should make it clear which submissions have a nasty agenda, and which submissions have a genuine desire for change. A spade is a spade, and posting nasty messages (bullying) under anonymity is cowardly. I don't give a rat's behind what anyone has said about me on that blog, but it makes me so angry I see red when other people who were targeted there come to me and express the hurt and sadness they are feeling. No one seems grown up enough to go to the person they have a problem with and say "hey, I just wondered if we could talk about something that has really bothered me..." and initiate a mature, productive discussion from there. I guarantee you in 99% of the cases, it would have turned out a positive experience for the both of you.

About gossip with or without the tumblr: justifying the blog in this manner, to me, is not any different than saying we should allow the public ex
pression of hate (racism, sexism, bigotry, etc) towards anyone, because the hate is going to exist anyway. 

About "perhaps you should clear that up" statements: The way to clear things up is not to go behind someone's back and talk smack about them. I point again to the statement I just made of going to that person like a mature adult and addressing the problem directly in a respectful manner. Not only do you then have the opportunity to clear up misconceptions that both sides may have made, but you might just make a friend instead of an enemy when you understand the other person's side.

In addition to all this I'd just like to say there have been some really fantastic feedbacks and things that we can all learn from. A lot of what has been posted has been copied over to staff discussion forums and will be used as we grow the site. 

Thank you to everyone who has participated and will continue to participate in this thread, regardless of whether or not I agree with you, like you, or want to hear it. I wholly appreciate those of you who finally had the guts and the maturity to say what you needed to say to our virtual faces.

Edit to add: About the "fear of broken" issue: You have no reason to fear me. There are a lot of rumors, lies, and twisted half-truths out there that might make it seem like you do, but if you just gave me a chance instead of buying into them blindly you would see that there is nothing to be afraid of. If I was the monster some people like to make me out to be, if I banned for personal reasons, I would not continue to hold this job position. Support are not the only staff who have access to logs that are used to determine bans, and anyone with access can and will easily identify a pattern of wrongdoing. Please don't be afraid of me; it is unnecessary. If you want to test that, (in a respectful manner of course, I'm not inviting anyone to spew hate at me) contact another member of staff that you trust and tell them you are going to test me. Do it today, do it a year from now, my reaction will be the same either way. It saddens me that anyone would hold fear in their heart over hearing one-sided rumors; no one should have to be unnecessarily afraid.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

1:25pm Aug 9 2013

Normal User

Posts: 338
I agree with Rob (hippi) on everything, and he addressed things I'd have listed myself.  I've got a couple more very specific small things to add:

1) Pet stat awards on profiles.  There has been no update or progress since it was mentioned in a thread in May.  No battle or training for ages, and now the awards too?

2) The trophies for "Decorated Apple Tree" for the top 25 people who
decorated the tree were never awarded.  There is still also not an image
 for the Toy Quest trophy.  (I sent a gentle reminder about these in April.)

For me, fixing current issues should be more pressing than the newest pack of clothing or a "new version" of the site.  I hope that things get fixed and that the site improves eventually.

For me though, I'm pretty much done.  I'll truly miss Res.  It's been a fun 6 years.  :)


11:32am Sep 3 2013 (last edited on 11:33am Sep 3 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,326

im rly rly rly rly tired rn for sake of the future here you go
edited to fix typos

Pegasus: So would you say that we'll see the event within the month?
Salt: I
 know there's some sort of staff overhaul going on but it's been like 6
months and idk man also weeping over the rescreatu tumblr because that's
 not how you work a tumblr and the planet quiz is horrific im sorry

14brokenmirrors: I
 would hesitate to say yes Pegasus because we are having trouble coming
up with ideas for it, but you never know, we might get a creativity
boost and get it done in a week

Salt: like i said in my feedback post i think you guys need to get the things on hand completed before trying to invite new players in
Llama: Im sure staff would rather release something at its best than some rushed half rate event :)
TARDIS: B14, what is the event going to be about? :3 I bet a lot of users would be more than willing to throw ideas.
14brokenmirrors: Salt
 I have no idea what's going on on tumblr/how tumblr works, I don't use
it, but if it is horrible please post in feedback and let us know what
should be different <3

14brokenmirrors: this is all new to us
Llama: tumblr is daunting to people who dont usually use it
Pegasus: What Tardis said, is it possible that users could pitch ideas related to things, it might make the planning go faster
Salt: Which is why it's not working out for you guys.
TARDIS: hnnng spiral nest in three days > w<"
Llama: I tried using tumblr but workking out what to do with it just left me like [LINK] for irony sake its a pic from tumblr
TARDIS: ~spazz~
14brokenmirrors: I'd
 love that Peg, just not sure how to go about it. I could make a post in
 staff boards and see what we come up with though? I know we are wanting
 to get user ideas for the next PAB contest, so why not comet festival

Salt: Off
 my mind right now the planet quiz's first question makes the taker
decide between adventurous, technoogically savvy, courageous and
introverted. Which is flawed as introversion is on a seperate level
from the other three.

Llama: PAB?
Salt: If
 it asked between introversion and extroversion that makes sense but
it's very possible to be introverted yet equally
adventours/technologically savvy/couragous.

14brokenmirrors: that type of stuff would be great posted in the forums Salt, since chat history purges and is difficult to search
Pegasus: I guess make a board on the suggestion forums? Then when the event is released or ideas are collected, the thread can be locked.
Speras: publish a book, Llama c:
Pegasus: And kept for future reference, or deleted

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