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1:01pm Jul 19 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,282
if woman chests are sexual so are mens.


1:25pm Jul 19 2014


Posts: 3,216
We weren't allowed music on profiles for a long, long time.
I recall that users noticed certain staff had songs on their profiles, it was then made clear that we could now have music on our profiles as long as it complied to the rules. 
This was when we didn't have soundcloud and it was done via coding.

It's a very small thing, but still would have been nice to know.
Quote below found in the thread above, 

Q. Can mutant creatu have a OAK custom effect?
A. At this time effects are not available on mutants. When mutants are able to have effects OAK customs will be available for them.

I understand the reasons completely, and these are small matters, but personally I think it's it's important, especially if a user could get warned for something that that they didn't know and there is no way of knowing. 
Yes staff aren't strict, they are all lovely and just doing their jobs ^u^ 
I also understand the whole "having to make adjustments as we go" thing
I understand the reasoning you've given this is just something I felt like I should bring up.
I dont want to make a big deal out of it |D just give it a small poke if something relevant pops up 


3:47pm Jul 19 2014


Posts: 2,155
I would love it if we could somehow have an updates page as it is now, and maybe rename it the news page, and then another page somewhere that is not the front page and have updates on it like you're suggesting that contains information section by section in a way you can look up or just browse through according to whatever section it pertains to.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

3:47am Aug 18 2014


Posts: 3,216

That would be perfect and I think it is needed
 if it ever is implemented I just hope that it will be kept up to date ;w;


11:22pm Sep 12 2014

Normal User

Posts: 156
Some more feedback:

"...neither I nor any of the staff have given up on the development of Rescreatu. In fact it's been just the opposite. We have spent the entire summer preparing ourselves for the largest expansion and overhaul we've ever had. Not one line of code will be reused. The entire database will be redesigned from the ground up. All of this has required months of preparation. We've had to research and learn close to a dozen new technologies. We've been producing game design documents to ensure that each and every feature is coherent and expands upon the game in a meaningful way. There is a great deal of work happening behind the scenes that we simply cannot show you yet."

This was posted about a year ago. Besides the link to the Ideascale (which really only seemed active for a couple months afterward), I don't recall any follow up. I think it would be beneficial for all - users, staff, and developers - to have substantial updates more frequently than every two years or so. I understand this is not unique feedback, but it seems the only way to get real updates lately is to stir the pot.

1:24am Sep 13 2014

Normal User

Posts: 640
^ this


12:24pm Sep 13 2014 (last edited on 12:55pm Sep 13 2014)


Posts: 2,155
Posting so that you guys don't think we're ignoring you. I have not heard a word from Patrick about what's going on with V4 in about a year, and have not seen a thing. I do not know what that means. Sorry guys.

As for activity on ideascale, I think that the users have to keep posting there as well to keep things moving. Like not just post ideas here, but keep going back there to post your ideas. Honestly, I had forgotten about it. I'll try make it a point to get back there sometime next week and re-read and revisit some ideas. (I say "try" and next week only because I have some family coming into town and a grandmother literally on the brink of dying and I don't want to absolutely commit to doing anything and get anybody mad if I don't do it.)

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

12:43am Feb 4 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
Bumping this back up 8u


7:31pm Mar 13 2015

Normal User

Posts: 156
Regarding this part of the September 16th update:

I have a lot of work ahead of me to earn your trust once again but I am confident that I will be able to do it! In an effort to better keep everyone informed I will work towards committing some time regularly to interact with you all in some type of digital format. Perhaps an "ask Patrick anything" series... I'm not sure yet but am open for suggestions (discuss in comments?). Additionally we will have a designated staff member to act as our community liaison - facilitating communication between you, staff, and myself.

Did this "ask Patrick anything" series ever happen? Was a community liaison ever appointed? I check the updates when I visit, although I am admittedly not on here very much, so maybe I missed the relevant updates. These things would be really nice to see. Especially a scheduled AMA from Patrick. 

7:49pm Mar 13 2015


Posts: 2,155
No, sadly none of that ever happened. We (as in staff) have heard very little from Patrick, and I don't know why. I have no clue what is going on in his life, what may be keeping him from the site this time, if he is going to actually return. I agree, all of those things would be great, and I wish he would communicate with us more.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

3:04pm Mar 15 2015

Normal User

Posts: 640
Honestly Patrick. Sell Rescreatu to someone who cares. If you don't have the time to work on it, there's no reason you should have it.

Credits to all Admins and Staffs who still are loyal to this site, and Patrick. You all are so patient, and you deserve all users respect. I hope things gets easier for you soon.


11:23pm Mar 20 2015

Normal User

Posts: 114
I used to love being an active memeber on here. I have had my account for a long time and beside school getting in the way, i just lost an interest here. I was bored. There is never a new creatu, or even a revamp of one. If there is anything new, it has to do with the credit shop, which doesnt even have credits anymore its all this cash point stuff. I think there needs to be some additions on the creatu that can actually be hunted, something to bring life back to this site. 


6:29pm May 10 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1
I had an account here way back when. 

My favorite pastime was clicking around to find Eggs.

I came back from a hiatus to find eggs can spoil.

I was beyond angry to lose my entire gallery of eggs to that update (they got deleted off my account w/o prior warning) and that mixed with ALL my Creatu dying, that made me stop playing altogether.

I came back to find I am banned for I don't know what reason and couldn't remember why I left until I made a new account and went to create a Creatu and realized eggs can spoil.

Please...please...if Patrick ever regains an interest in this place, I beg of him, give us a way to preserve eggs.

6:14am May 11 2015 (last edited on 3:23am May 22 2015)


Posts: 3,216
There are eggs of re-birth which will turn an egg "Fresh" again
but, personally, im all for eggs spoiling and wouldnt like to see an easy way to preserve them
 Though I can understand how sucky and frustrating it can be if you've sunk alot of hours into egg hunting. 
Giving eggs a chance to fail is an attempt to help the economy, it lowers the amount of creatu better than the option to release the creatu ever could, which helps raise prices. The change is hard to see but it does help xD 
I would really, realllly love to see a "hatcher class" (completely different from  ranchers!) maybe a perk that slows down egg spoiling


1:37am May 13 2015 (last edited on 1:37am May 13 2015)


Posts: 3,216
"Hey guys. Here is a quick rundown of what has been happening behind the scenes here at Rescreatu over the last week or two.

First, our suggestion box has been a great success so far! I'm very pleased with the amount of voting, discussion, and overall activity the community has put into it. We've accepted many suggestions already. 

Just to name a few:

To see all of the ideas we've accepted that will be implemented into the next version of Rescreatu, tle="" target="">click here. Keep the ideas coming! I'm actively checking for updates each day.

We've also hired an additional programmer to continue maintenance and updates to the current website. He has just begun to work on a large list of bug fixes. We will let you know when they are finished! 

Lastly, we've been working hard at 3 large feature updates that I've previously mentioned. Check out this teaser image of some early concept art.

What do you think it could be?

And a big congratulations to Speras, the newest addition to our art team here at Rescreatu!"

This was one of the best updates ever! I was really looking forward to more like this. Boosted everyone's spirits and gave us something to look forward to. Personally I felt more connected to everyone, it was really, really great and exactly what the site needed at the time. 
and then you look at the date: August 26, 2013 - General Updates.
If I remember correctly it was meant to be the start of better communication between developments and the community. 
There were a few good updates between then an now, nailing this communication thing but still no real update about what's to come. 

We would like to address our lack of communication with the player base by releasing an update at least once a month informing you guys of the progress we have made since our last update and what you can look forward to in the coming month. It might not be the most exciting news, but you guys will know what is being worked on while it is being worked on." 
I really really look forward to these updates! 
I guess the point of this post is: I hope they don't die off,are consistent and informative.


12:19am May 27 2015

Normal User

Posts: 156
Yeah, even if it's just a simple update that says "we didn't do nuthin this month", it would still be nice to get the aforementioned monthly update so we at least know the admins haven't forgotten about us. But I guess any given finite period in Rescreatu time pretty much just means "until users start nagging us".

6:27am May 29 2015

Normal User

Posts: 381
 i personally feel res really needs a lot more daily things to do. Theres stocks, springs and hatching and thats really about it. I dont really have anything to propose apart from the fact that i think staff need to figure out a few more dailies because res outside of events (to me at least) is a pretty boring site


11:25am Jun 16 2015


Posts: 3,216
*April 4, 2015 - Updates

We would like to address our lack of communication with the player base by releasing an update at least once a month informing you guys of the progress we have made since our last update and what you can look forward to in the coming month. It might not be the most exciting news, but you guys will know what is being worked on while it is being worked on


6:32am Jul 16 2015


Posts: 3,216

It's now July (three months) and still no awesome informative update.

I understand that people are busy and there have been a few staffing issues but I think everyone was excited and looking forward to this, even if it's a "no news yet guys, sorry!" Post like Flammable said would be appreciated;n;

I also understand that you might need Pat to tell you what you and can not say and it might be hard to contact him about it.

I don't know the finer workings of this.


9:28pm Jul 16 2015


Posts: 2,155
Yep, do need to get with Pat and see what is/is not okay to post about. 

I will try my best to get something out of him very soon. :)

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
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