3:10pm Oct 11 2020
Content Manager
Posts: 3,135
Seconding Hippi's idea! Old, exclusive, and rare books would be nice to not worry about ;v;
3:52pm Oct 11 2020
Normal User
Posts: 418
I wish there was a log or something for pets who have explored that showed like: when did they explore, how long were they out, etc Ex. "Pet name" explored "planet" for "amount of hours gone" on "date/time" and had/has to rest for "hours resting". While exploring "pet name" found x amount of items and brought back x amount of items Maybe something like that :o
Also I think i remember you mentioning something about how there was a "one time free planet change" in ye olden days, and was wondering if there could be like, a limited time "one time free planet switch" either now or when beta is done/when all the planet exclusives have come out :o maybe its just me not wanting to have to buy a permanent residence card, but I think since the planet populations aren't very even it would help that, plus a lot of people picked planets when this exclusive stuff didnt exist
Cetari are puplic transport on Scria and you can\'t change my mind >:O
3:54pm Oct 11 2020
Posts: 394
"I wish there was a log or something for pets who have explored that showed like: when did they explore, how long were they out, etc"
Yes, I think we can definitely do better by having some sort of results screen that summarizes everything.
4:09pm Oct 11 2020
Normal User
Posts: 8
While I love exploring as a feature, I dislike the impending change to egg collection. Something I've always enjoyed about res is the easy access to a large variety of pets, and I feel like having to explore for eggs and only having access to eggs of your planet stifles that greatly. I wouldn't enjoy playing nearly as much if I had to wait hours for the eggs I want, especially with a chance of not even getting them at all. I feel like this change creates an unnecessary hassle that we never previously had.
4:31pm Oct 11 2020
Content Manager
Posts: 3,135
I have a suggestion -- pacing strategies! I'd really like it if we had a blanket setting so that I didn't have to go into each of my pet's settings individually and set them that way. Deffo would think having a blanket option and an individual option would be beneficial!
4:41pm Oct 11 2020
Posts: 394
"I have a suggestion -- pacing strategies! I'd really like it if we had a blanket setting so that I didn't have to go into each of my pet's settings individually and set them that way. Deffo would think having a blanket option and an individual option would be beneficial!"
Sounds like a good quality of life improvement for sure.
10:59pm Oct 11 2020
Normal User
Posts: 20
Also not sure if this was mentioned, but maybe instead of limiting the planet’s to the people/user, maybe make it so a pet from Scria be able to get Scria stuff, or even off the other planets. Or even make it so a CS pet could go off to another planet your not from. That would cut the limitations down and restrictions =3
11:08pm Oct 11 2020
Normal User
Posts: 1,018
I think there should some how be a system that the creatus out exploring keep collecting eggs while they are out, not two at a time. And they stop exploring once they hit three items. Eggs auto going to hatchery with the same rarity of finding as the old way.
My reasoning being is with the extreme limiting of eggs with this new explore will, like I said, limit the eggs you get making getting even common eggs hard to get. What you get in a day will now take days or weeks, maybe longer. Egg prices will go up, pet prices will go up. Which the prices are already up with both Kir quests and people getting blessable pets to bless for the new shrine eggs. Which will make getting those eggs even harder as well. Along with making both Kirs quests harder even more so than it is now.
And for those who may not want certain eggs they can sell or delete the unwanted eggs.
11:29pm Oct 11 2020
Posts: 394
"I think there should some how be a system that the creatus out exploring keep collecting eggs while they are out, not two at a time."
Honestly I'm a bit confused by this, but I think you might want to look at the Speed Pacing Strategy?
"What you get in a day will now take days or weeks, maybe longer."
I very much doubt this will be the case. You have a 100 egg limit daily as is. I set up all of the math for explore to be able to hit the 100 number daily when you have some additional inventory slots gained from leveling up.
11:42pm Oct 11 2020
Posts: 394
I wanted to follow up on the idea that there would be less eggs as a result of this.
We should be clear abut what exactly is happening when your pet is exploring. Just because it comes back with 3 eggs does not mean it found only 3 eggs. It likely found many more. This is definitely unclear right now because we don't have a proper explore conclusion screen showing you all the information.
As pets level up their inventories will grow in size and they'll be able to take more of the eggs they find back rather than dropping them while exploring.
The math works out like so: A pet who has explored for the full 6 hours likely will have found about 20 eggs while exploring. But they cannot pick them all up. This is without any buffs in place.
So 4 pets exploring at one time would be over 80 eggs in 6 hours that have the potential to be picked up. The limiting factor here would be the inventory sizes. Add in buffs from stats and this number goes higher.
Anyway, the intent here isn't to make it so there are less eggs in circulation. I actually think it will be the opposite and if its too difficult to find eggs as things are, we will rebalance things. That is what this beta experience is for :)
10:22am Oct 12 2020
Normal User
Posts: 8
I can see your point, but I think having to wait up to six hours to find eggs, along with sending a bunch of pets exploring, is really frustrating. With this new concept I feel very limited in which creatu I can hatch, and when, which makes my interest in playing really decline.
11:30am Oct 12 2020
Normal User
Posts: 13
I dont like the new feature, personally. Before you could just refresh the page and do it that way which honestly is much less complicated than whatever this thing is.
12:10pm Oct 12 2020
Normal User
Posts: 1,444
Oh, another idea, for those of us with more pets on our profiles, being able to make a "favorites" list to filter by would be extremely convenient.
2:52pm Oct 12 2020
Normal User
Posts: 344
A question for the future: will this feature allow seasonal eggs to be found as long as you're from the same planet as the seasonal creatu?
I've been waiting for an easier-on-the-eyes alternative to the current egg hunt. I'm not expecting to find more eggs than the average person using current method, but would really like it if this could be an alternative for those of us who only get like 5 eggs per seasonal hunt anyway because of various issues with the feature.
3:03pm Oct 12 2020 (last edited on 3:05pm Oct 12 2020)
Normal User
Posts: 110
Sorry for the lost post, staff/Patrick. I'm really giving your eyes a work-out today!
i second (third, fourth, whatever it might be) some ideas above and have my own suggestions for some.
1. Planet Intuition.
The feature is new, but I didn't see any mention of how the intuition works. However, I feel like 250 is very high for the first level of it, considering I haven't seen my own earnings go above 35-ish.
I think the XP required for intuition should be scaled to each level. The first level would be, say, 100, level 2 would be 150, level 3 would be 200, so on.
2. Hunting only on your home planet
That's kinda fine by me, but I agree that it would take something out of the game, the core purpose; hatching pets you like, especially as someone on Relcore who loves Tesuris. I propose that CS pets should be able to hunt on any planet, but with time to get there and back. For example, if I send my Shaefu to hunt on Reiflem from Relcore, it would take an hour to get there, exploration time (upwards of 6 hours of course), and then an hour to get back, totaling 8 hours of the process on the high end. Of course this can change on how staff feels it should, but this was just an example. And then maybe as the pet levels in intuition, the time to get there is shortened by, say, 5 minutes per level since they'd know their way around and have that intuition!
3. Collection slots ideas
I don't think food items should take up a slot of items you'd collect. I think they should have their own place to put them. Endless items maybe shouldn't be used in this proposed 'slot', or they are used only X amount of times before the pet stops using it. Maybe each pet has a "satchel" of 4 slots they can put things in to take with them on the journey; food, weapons, healing items, whatever. People then can prioritize each in their own style of play, or include pet lore for why the pet takes a special squishy with them on a journey or something.
Maybe they only start with one slot, and each level of intuition will add a slot to max out at 4 or 5. Or intuition levels will have an RPG element; each level of intuition gives you 1 point to a "skill tree" esque system. You can spend this intuition point on another slot for your "satchel" (maxing out at 4 or 5), a slot for items your pet can pick up and hold, or new pacing strategies if you save a few up to get one that's like "monetary value strategy" where if the pet has a high enough intelligence, they'll prioritize things with higher value every so often, or the points could be spent on shorting the travel distance for CS pets, or really any number of features that may be added.
5:47pm Oct 12 2020
Posts: 394
"Before you could just refresh the page and do it that way which honestly is much less complicated than whatever this thing is."
Can't argue with that :) This feature is definitely more complicated than refreshing a page for eggs. The hope is that it would be more fun though, and more fulfilling. We could, for instance, make a page you can go to that would give you a billion TU, but I doubt that would be as fulfilling as earning a billion TU otherwise.
"Oh, another idea, for those of us with more pets on our profiles, being able to make a "favorites" list to filter by would be extremely convenient."
"A question for the future: will this feature allow seasonal eggs to be found as long as you're from the same planet as the seasonal creatu?"
This is still TBD but certainly a strong possibility that we'll offer seasonal hunts somehow via this.
5:52pm Oct 12 2020
Posts: 394
"The feature is new, but I didn't see any mention of how the intuition works. However, I feel like 250 is very high for the first level of it, considering I haven't seen my own earnings go above 35-ish.
I think the XP required for intuition should be scaled to each level. The first level would be, say, 100, level 2 would be 150, level 3 would be 200, so on. "
Experience is already scaled as you describe. To give you an idea, level 1 requires 250, level 2 500, level 3 800, level 4 1500, and so on.
It's possible experience gained is either too low now, or experience required is too high, but I want to let this play out longer because I don't think players have yet figured out how to optimize for experience. If your pet is out for the full max duration of exploration (currently 6 hours) you should get at the very least 180 experience per explore session. In practice you would get more than this.
Experience is scaled such that experience earned is greater the closer you get to max explore duration.
We'll keep an eye on things and rebalance as necessary.
5:56pm Oct 12 2020
Posts: 394
"Maybe they only start with one slot, and each level of intuition will add a slot to max out at 4 or 5. Or intuition levels will have an RPG element; each level of intuition gives you 1 point to a "skill tree" esque system."
TBH I think it is unlikely we change how equipping items takes up inventory space. We assign inventory space given that we knew a certain amount of it would be used by equipping items.
My takeaway from this suggestion though is that having a RPG like skill assignment players can allocate as pets level up to various explore stats is a very interesting idea and one I think worth more consideration.
6:17pm Oct 12 2020 (last edited on 6:26pm Oct 12 2020)
Normal User
Posts: 24
"There should be a filter tab option for resting creatu so people can easily find the creatu who just finished exploring. "
^ just wanted to add on to this, maybe other sorting options available as well such as "adult creatu" (could include "ageless" creatu in this tab as well if they become useable)
maybe even a "favorites" tab would be nice? where you can choose some creatu yourself to be shown on a page. Or if thats not super manageable perhaps a "sort by stats highest to lowest" type thing would be suitable.
^ scratch the underlined part, I realize someone said the exact same thing. to refrain from being redundant consider my comment a general "a variety of sorting options would be good" suggestion
7:06pm Oct 12 2020 (last edited on 7:20pm Oct 12 2020)
Normal User
Posts: 48
I dont like that the planet mirror takes 24 hours. When I wanted it to be fixed I was expecting the old functions especially since it has been on the 'to fix' list for years. Now it is just a candle you cant blow out. Why not make younger pets able to explore less?
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