7:17pm Oct 26 2020
Posts: 394
"I was thinking there should be a food price rebalance that happens since people are going to be feeding 4 (or more) pets multiple times a day and there's now suddenly a "use" for food more than ever before. "
I'm curious to learn more about this. I definitely get that food is more important now, but I'm not understanding how the additional challenge is prohibitively difficult.
Currently you can obtain 20 food per day by doing little more than using your three hatches. Additionally, the apple tree gives free apples. There are a fair amount of food shops, and for the most part the items aren't that expensive. Additionally, creatu bring back Barter Tokens from exploring, which I think based on the amount found already, should vastly make up any difference.
If you have any specific examples or more data to consider, I'm open ears.
10:31pm Oct 26 2020 (last edited on 10:34pm Oct 26 2020)
Normal User
Posts: 31
I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but i found it very confusing at first that the babies and adolescent creatu were all on the page but couldn't do anything with them. I thought it was broken until I went digging for the answer. It still feels a bit annoying to have to scroll through them to find my few adults. I think they should either not show up on the page, and/or maybe let adolescents explore once a day. I get the feeling newer players will get really frustrated that they can't even use explore for thirty days, unless they happen to find an adult in the atqueen forest or win an auction with their small sums. Also I kept hearing about explore and it me a while to even find it. Might've been just a blonde moment, but only half the other tabs take you anywhere when you click directly on the banner.
11:59pm Oct 27 2020
Normal User
Posts: 275
I have used the explore feature quite extensively and have definitely warmed up to it. My main reservation is the one planet thing but I can see this replacing the conventional refresh method. I love the UI and the fact that my creatu can get eggs/items essentially by themselves.
I've noticed TesuriXD's point about food being depleted way more quickly than before. Factoring in the apple tree, my creatu use about 200 pieces/day. Because it is easier to stock my foodpen when I have bulk quantities of single items, daily rewards is basically negligible. Perhaps common foods in the NPC shops should be adjusted to stock in larger quantities (at least 20+ of 1 item at a time) to reduce the amount of time I spend buying food.
The sheer amount of eggs I pick up is also something I don't like. My hatchery is constantly filled with 19+ pages of eggs and I find myself forgetting to hatch because it is so cluttered. I don't think the rarity filter in the hatchery works so I can't see the eggs I actually want to hatch. Not really sure how to address this because I'm too lazy to delete them individually. Maybe users could have a list of eggs they want and the creatu will drop all others?
Also, could there be a way to bulk convert barter tokens to tu? I accumulated quite a few but opening them individually takes a while.
I haven't really thought out all these ideas but these are just some things I've noticed. Overall, I appreciate all the effort that went into this! It really gives some elements to the game a lot more purpose :)
8:26am Oct 30 2020
Normal User
Posts: 1,444
It'd be nice if we could mix exploring strategies too. Like, I like to keep "prefer items" on, but I would like to mix that with "egg rarity" so if I find a rarer egg it'll drop the more common one, even though it's not an item. Also, this way if it does drop an egg for an item, it'll be a more common egg that drops first (obviously, in this scenario an item would never be dropped for an egg). You could do the same with "prefer eggs" where an item would be dropped for any egg but if a rarer egg comes up the more common one still gets dropped if there are no items to drop.
9:28am Oct 30 2020
Posts: 394
"It'd be nice if we could mix exploring strategies too. Like, I like to keep "prefer items" on, but I would like to mix that with "egg rarity" so if I find a rarer egg it'll drop the more common one, even though it's not an item. Also, this way if it does drop an egg for an item, it'll be a more common egg that drops first (obviously, in this scenario an item would never be dropped for an egg). You could do the same with "prefer eggs" where an item would be dropped for any egg but if a rarer egg comes up the more common one still gets dropped if there are no items to drop."
You actually can do this already. I don't know off hand which strategies can be enabled with each other, but I do know that its possible and I'm pretty sure we allowed it for all conditions which made sense.
12:15pm Oct 30 2020
Normal User
Posts: 1,444
I tried to flip on the egg rarity condition and it turned off the items preferred. It looks like the only ones you can mix are eggs preferred and egg rarity (which I admittedly didn't check before posting). I think egg rarity + items preferred also makes sense together though since you could drop an Ahea egg for a Murren egg still even if you would RATHER have items, just as long as items don't get dropped for rare eggs.
2:10pm Oct 30 2020
Posts: 394
"I have used the explore feature quite extensively and have definitely warmed up to it. My main reservation is the one planet thing but I can see this replacing the conventional refresh method. I love the UI and the fact that my creatu can get eggs/items essentially by themselves."
Glad to hear it! Hopefully as we balance it and improve the experience more will come around :)
"I've noticed TesuriXD's point about food being depleted way more quickly than before. Factoring in the apple tree, my creatu use about 200 pieces/day. Because it is easier to stock my foodpen when I have bulk quantities of single items, daily rewards is basically negligible. Perhaps common foods in the NPC shops should be adjusted to stock in larger quantities (at least 20+ of 1 item at a time) to reduce the amount of time I spend buying food."
Thanks for the input. If anyone else has experience to share surrounding food consumption, let us know.
"The sheer amount of eggs I pick up is also something I don't like. My hatchery is constantly filled with 19+ pages of eggs and I find myself forgetting to hatch because it is so cluttered. I don't think the rarity filter in the hatchery works so I can't see the eggs I actually want to hatch. Not really sure how to address this because I'm too lazy to delete them individually. Maybe users could have a list of eggs they want and the creatu will drop all others?"
I'm not entirely sure how to best deal with this at the moment. I think there are a few options. We did add a delete option from the pets inventory, but maybe we could add a bulk delete option too. I thought about having some sort of "ignore list", but I'm not quite sold on how that would work.
"Also, could there be a way to bulk convert barter tokens to tu? I accumulated quite a few but opening them individually takes a while."
That's an interesting idea.
9:49pm Oct 31 2020
Content Manager
Posts: 3,135
Since we're buying food so often now, perhaps it could work in tandem with the daily goal? Right now the percentage only goes up per purchase -- one CAPTCHA, one point towards the daily. Ideally, I'd like if it counted for each item purchased. I know this would make it easier to get the goal but perhaps that may be preferred? Or the daily goal could be reworked around this.
It just kinda sucks that when I buy 15+ hot dogs at once it only counts one time even though I spent 15 purchases worth of tu.
3:42pm Nov 1 2020
Posts: 394
We've added an age filter to the explore page, as requested :)
11:57pm Nov 1 2020 (last edited on 11:58pm Nov 1 2020)
Content Manager
Posts: 3,135
This doesn't seem right haha -- maybe elemental is affecting the filter?
7:33am Nov 2 2020
Normal User
Posts: 1,444
I think, more than a filter, pets that are teen or baby shouldn't show up at all because no matter what you do they aren't going to be able to explore anyway. I can't think of a single reason I'd want to see my baby or teen pets on that page personally.
5:18pm Nov 3 2020
Normal User
Posts: 858
I've noticed the value of creatu eggs has crashed. I'm going to suggest (maybe unpopularly) to limit Exploration to one creatu at a time, in order to preserve some of the value of eggs.
I'd also like to suggest a Delete inventory button, for when your creatu brings back a full load of stuff you don't want at all.
8:26pm Nov 5 2020
Normal User
Posts: 105
I actually agree with rain
I absolutely love the explore feature and that it's a lil easier for people with adhd to egg hunt now, but prices have definitely dropped. Once creatu get more slots, they'll bring back tons and tons of eggs. One creatu exploring at a time would help that out (one explore a day can bring back 3 eggs easily, up to 10 with the levels)
12:57am Nov 6 2020
Normal User
Posts: 344
(are more eggs not good for the skyrocketing creatu market?)
7:25am Nov 6 2020 (last edited on 8:24am Nov 6 2020)
Normal User
Posts: 558
that can also be solved by making more functional the item preference exploring tag, that way creatu can bring back less eggs (i have it in all my pets ant they still bring back 3 eggs most of the time) (not sure if functional is the right word but im half asleep and cant translate well enough right now, what i mean is to make it such as when its on, creatu bring back mainly items and hardly bring back eggs)
also, dont worry that much about eggs prices, they usually go lower at this time of year and then go back up for easter and decrease in price along the year till we come back to where we are now.
and we have to remember that nowadays we are collecting the usuall 100
per day eggs plus whatever our pets are bringing from exploring (lets say about 50 per day) so its to be expected an excess of eggs at the market (actually now i think of this, prices should be way lower since theres should be much more of them than the usuall amount at this time of year... weird
8:42am Nov 6 2020
Normal User
Posts: 105
Maybe we need another use for eggs xD if the shrines had a bulk give option people would probably be throwing eggs into shrines hardcore
10:59am Nov 8 2020
Normal User
Posts: 1,444
I have a theory on the pets randomly dying glitch. I just had to revive Kosuke because he died overnight but I had no idea why. I think the issue might be that, for the duration of this event, I've been sending out multiple teams and only feeding them after a lot of pets were hungry. I think this means that a lot of them were "dying" several nights in a row at reset. The "dying" counter must not reset when you feed them out of dying, only at reset the next day, meaning it doesn't matter if they stopped being hungry at some point during the day, if they were "dying" at reset it added a day to the counter. Kosuke must have been the first to hit the required streak to actually die on my profile.
Clearly this is non-ideal but it's also a new situation because before there were no ways for pets to lose hunger other than reset. Now that there are other ways, the "dying" counter should account for that somehow.
11:24am Nov 8 2020
Posts: 394
"The "dying" counter must not reset when you feed them out of dying, only at reset the next day, meaning it doesn't matter if they stopped being hungry at some point during the day, if they were "dying" at reset it added a day to the counter. Kosuke must have been the first to hit the required streak to actually die on my profile."
I think you are onto something :)
11:39am Nov 8 2020
Normal User
Posts: 558
wolfspirit: i dont think thats whats going on cause the counting of the dying days dont begin till the pets are 0/100 hunger, and the exploring never gets them to 0/100; usually for a pet to die from hunger it has to be at 0/100 hunger on ur profile or shop for 16 days, adding one for the extra day that will take it to get to 0/100 hunger after exploring and thats 17 days; the halloween event got to its 16th day at reset today, so the pet would have died of natural causes tonight at reset if u didnt feed it at all during the halloween event (even 1 point of feeding would have delayed the dead for another 16 days, i tested that ages ago)
also, i do the same thing while exploring with my pets (send them all exploring, and only feed them if im to send them back exploring (they dont eat what i put in their inventories so that way of feeding is not working for me right now); im not usually arround at reset so i let them dying during the night and then feed them next day b4 sending them to explore, i even let them dying for about a week while i switched planets to get the brooms, yet none of them have died;
considering ive got lots of pets that automatically went to the graveyard after getting them out of my SR even when they were full, im guessing the issue lies somewhere else, but cant even guess where that is
11:44am Nov 8 2020
Posts: 394
"considering ive got lots of pets that automatically went to the graveyard after getting them out of my SR even when they were full, im guessing the issue lies somewhere else, but cant even guess where that is"
It may be that when the pets were in the showroom, they were starving, but could not die because they were in the showroom. Then when you take them out to explore and they lose hunger, they die at reset.