Official Explore Feedback Thread

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7:19am Nov 29 2022 (last edited on 7:20am Nov 29 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 1,444
I have almost a full 4 pages in the explore feature (more on my profile at this moment because I'm waiting for a good time to shrine a ton but they're filtered out). The dropdowns appear instantly but changing pages, sending them to explore, and taking their items from the inventory all take several seconds to process


8:08pm Nov 29 2022


Posts: 2,155
I think it is worth mentioning that Wolfspi is on a Mac. I know we have issues elsewhere on the site where a mac is involved, regardless of whether or not Safari is being used, so it could be related to the lag being experienced here!

FWIW, I have had over 700 pets out on my profile before, for several months, and never had any lag like that. So I don't think that is what is causing it.

(someone should buy Pat an apple computer for testing purposes haha)

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

9:24pm Nov 29 2022

Normal User

Posts: 2,088
I'm finding explore super laggy as well, moreso than usual. I'm on a PC and I don't think I have that many profile pets? So I'm not sure what's causing it? 


4:39pm Nov 30 2022


Posts: 394
>(someone should buy Pat an apple computer for testing purposes haha)

I work on a Macbook Pro usually :)

I'll look into the lag problems.

9:10am Dec 2 2022 (last edited on 9:10am Dec 2 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 1,444
I just shrined all of the extra pets on my profile and am down to about 20 I think? Not 100% sure. The lag is gone now so it was definitely because I had more pets on my profile. I didn't check this morning before shrining so maybe it was gone before then if you've changed some code, but as far as I can tell it was numbers.


2:47pm Mar 23 2023

Normal User

Posts: 25
This new feature is really interesting, however, I also find it too restrictive in the sense that you can basically only explore your own planet (unless you have a special item).

1:56pm Jun 8 2023

Normal User

Posts: 21
When I click the names of my pets, I see the drop down menu, but there is not option to explore any planet, even their own. 

dance( ノ ゚ー゚)ノdance\(゚ー゚\)dance( ノ ゚ー゚)ノdance

5:05pm Jun 8 2023


Posts: 2,155
squeak, my guess would be that none of your profile pets are adults yet? If so, this would be why; they do need to be adult (30+) in order to Explore.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

3:44pm Jun 10 2023

Normal User

Posts: 558
hi, do u think it could be possible to have buttons to send the pets to explore more quickly like the ones to quick empty the inventory?


7:39am Jun 11 2023

Normal User

Posts: 1,444
I know I've requested this before and we do have a couple of sorts, but the current sorts aren't great. If you sort by "intuition" it just goes by intuition level so the order changes randomly within that level while you send them out. Maybe sorting by total intuition would be better in this case, or at least introducing a secondary sort (several other places in the site could benefit from a secondary sort for things as well but that's neither here nor there).

Additionally, can we get a sort option that's "profile order"? It's already stored somewhere so it should be easy to grab. My prime explorers are my first four and there's no other way to sort them (everything is CS, they're a mix of albino/black, only two are the same species) to make it convenient so I end up going to all four pages in my explore to send out four pets.


4:22pm Apr 1 2024 (last edited on 5:23pm Apr 1 2024)

Normal User

Posts: 2
So i think the cool down is kinda long, maybe 1 hr rest or hour and half. I also think if you send pets out they should have a good chance of leveling up a stat by 3 at most, such as hp, power, defense, and agility. Maybe even intellect because they are exploring and learning new stuff so yea. Also 6 hours for exploring is kinda long... like why not have it be like 3 to 4 hours at max.

 This will also be a good chance to be able to use the weapons and armor stuff. Allow us to put it on the pet and give them a better chance of getting better loot. Have a different thing where you put the gear on instead of taking up space in their inventory. Also make the stats of the pet give better chances for better loot too. There is potential using a lot of stuff that you have but don't do anything with except sell or turn in for quest.

 Also think that the pets should be at teenage stage to explore because teens explore a lot! not just adults. But you can also make it to where they baby's can explore as well but give them a max of 2 hours of exploration and a 1 or 2 hr cool down (maybe longer since they are babies). Why you ask?! well its a game mechanic you are locking for newer players and having them wait 30 whole days to do. Should be a game mechanic a new player should be able to do instead of potentially losing them because there's really little to do. Also it kinda is nice to be able to grow your pet at a super early stage and would keep people coming back to check up on their pet.

So also instead of a cool down just make it so they have a limit of times they can explore a day.
Ages 0-14 = 2 times a day
Ages 15-29= 4 times a day
Ages 30+= 6 times a day
which would also means you would have to make exploring take even less time. 2 hours? or 2 and half.

To sum it up:
1. Decrease cool down from 3hrs to 1 and half

2. Exploring shouldn't take up to 6 hours, maybe 4 at max

3. A good chance of leveling up stats for pets such as hp, power, defense, agility, and maybe intellect.(maybe like a 75% chance since the new training system is kinda bad in my opinion)

4. Pet stats also increases chance of better loot. (like a gear score would increase it by 2% each time or something... gear score would be like adding all stats and dividing it.) Hp, Power, Defense, Agility add it up and divide by 4 giving you a gear score and depending on it, gives you a % of bonus. Obviously if you also equip gear like a sword and armor it would also increase GS(gear score).

5. Allow pets to take gear with them and increase chance of obtaining better loot.

 6. Allow pets as young as 1 day old to explore to have newer players experience it and to potentially keep them coming back! Should not be kept locked for them till their pet is 30 days old.

7. Maybe remove cool downs and add a max limit to exploring depending on age! Like hatches!

5:23pm Apr 1 2024 (last edited on 5:27pm Apr 1 2024)

Normal User

Posts: 2
Sorry for the extra post but you should be able to explore different planets instead of just the one you are a resident of.
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