Official Site Art Sneak Peeks

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8:35am Oct 9 2022

Normal User

Posts: 458
omg yes!! I love the leves but it has bugged me that they had so much potential to look cuter and not as mature looking. These sketches are wonderful and I love the cuteness boost <3


2:37pm Oct 10 2022 (last edited on 2:38pm Oct 10 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 211
I'm so HAPPY that the Leverene is getting a revamp!! Rabbits/Bunnies are my favorite and while I liked the direction of the new revamp was going. It lots that "cute" aspects that bunnies are known for.

Currently, my only feedback is to the baby Leverene. It looks to cramp up in that curl position. Most time, while the bunnies are laying down. Their bodies are still a little stretched out / longer. (tle="" target="">Example 1 : tle="" target="">Example 2 : tle="" target="">Example 3) It makes the front paws and neck area too lost or too compact.  While the antennas curling to the body direction is neat. It makes it stiffer too. (Sorry, terrible at explaining in via text format.)

If it's a laying position you want to go with it. I would just try different laying positions. Maybe on its tummy instead? Or a little more stretch out body?

Sorry if my feedback is bad! I LOVE your art Kirara!! Just thought the baby seems off to me. Not sure if others feel the same or not too.


9:40pm Oct 15 2022 (last edited on 9:41pm Oct 15 2022)


Posts: 240
Thank you everyone for your feedback about the Leverene!

Yesterday there was some chatter in the SB about creatu sizes, and I thought you all would enjoy seeing this Scria size chart:

Some of our veteran players may even remember HA creatu! Don't worry, staff haven't forgotten either (how could we when all the NPCs keep flaunting them at us - give me your Chimby, Taylor! 😠)

This is one of the many projects we want to start finishing by moving away from new event content, which has historically been an all-encompassing workload for staff year round. 

Check out some of these mysterious HA creatu the Art Team has spotted in the wild!

Always looking to buy these Chimbies:
Albino | Achro | Glitch name/color | Prehistoric | Chimby Morphing Potions | Chimbies w/interesting names | CHIMBIES

11:15pm Oct 15 2022

Normal User

Posts: 23
Oh my, already in love with the HA Liyure pose. I'm excited :)

2:38pm Oct 17 2022

Normal User

Posts: 9
Ooooo!! I can't see the rest of the creatu! I patiently wait for the results CX


1:21pm Nov 18 2022

Normal User

Posts: 26
I wasn't really a fan of that species but the new designs are adorable and I'll definitely be looking forward to collecting them

~I am a Neko named Kiko! Nice to meet you~

12:26am Mar 1 2023 (last edited on 1:19pm Mar 1 2023)


Posts: 340

Foremost, thank you all for your understanding with the news of delaying the release of Birthstone colors. 

We would like to clarify why we have decided to do this, while showing some behind-the-scenes art too. 

Your thoughts & feedback are greatly appreciated going forward!

1. The Birthstone designs as a whole set are not complete. 

This is causing us to become behind schedule, making monthly updates a very difficult task. This means their quality is at risk due to being rushed--something we really don't want to happen.

2. The designs must be finished together so that each is unique and fun! 

This ensures they are all properly balanced with each other. Pausing is now allowing us the proper time to explore the full potential for each Birthstone's design.

Here is an example of  Aquamarine's design currently (left), and one aspect of how we plan to improve them (right). Keep in mind this specific design you see will be changing as we continue to develop it!

3. There are inconsistencies we want to refine to make the project stronger as a whole. 

Our Creatu are very different from each other in terms of anatomy, and sometimes we need to adjust the design to make it look better on certain types. When this happens, we like to establish guidelines for consistency to make each pet look as amazing a possible.

We want to recognize those who are concerned for how the existing Birthstone Creatu you've come to know will be changing. Our artists carry that knowledge with them as they continue to explore and refine them so that these updates will knock your socks off!

These are the reasons we're taking a step back and putting a pause on releasing more, for now. Despite the disappointment in the delay, we hope you're excited to see what will come of them!

We want to really make Birthstone colors something truly special! 💎


12:41am Mar 1 2023

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
thank you guys for this update! I do like the birth stones we have gotten over these last few months. However, I was totally obsessed with the opal colors when they first came out. One of my favorite things was how different each of them were. You can really see the way light would reflect off of the creatu, and it illustrates unique specific colorations that match each creatu. Like I said, I do like these new colors, but they look more like a consistent overlay of a pattern/color rather than independent, awe-inspiring designs.


8:41pm Mar 1 2023

Normal User

Posts: 12
Thanks for the additional information. If it's alright for me to ask, what are the plans for the existing Opal creatu? Are they all eventually going to be changed to the same pattern/palette (as seen on the Veram and Zenirix)?

2:41am Mar 2 2023

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135

We're going to eventually move every gemstone pet to the same design, so even if the current Opal doesn't change during this period, we will be updating the current, older Opals to standard. :]


1:56am May 3 2023

Normal User

Posts: 27
Oh hey my one amythyst I did is on the good side hehe (the veram)

Trashsidhe or trash-sidhe everywhere else\r\n\r\nI luv iluvu

10:52pm Nov 2 2023 (last edited on 2:17pm Nov 3 2023)


Posts: 340
Another fun update for you all! ♥

Official Creatu Size Charts

This represents the average size for adult stages.

(Visit each URL under the images to view the full size.)


2:08am Nov 3 2023

Normal User

Posts: 1,459



7:27am Nov 3 2023

Normal User

Posts: 75
Oh wow, giant moth Mahina.


10:51am Nov 3 2023

Normal User

Posts: 9
The tesuri was so unexpected for me lol I was thinking the size of the zenrix its cute though

11:26am Nov 3 2023

Normal User

Posts: 31
Oh, where's the Uldavi critters?

Life is tough, but that\'s how it is. Always keep an eye out for the brighter moments.

2:18pm Nov 3 2023


Posts: 340
@Niyo1221: Oops! I just forgot to add the image in. They're in the post now. :3


3:44pm Nov 3 2023

Normal User

Posts: 53
wow my danger eels are huge lol

5:36pm Nov 3 2023

Normal User

Posts: 8
The Aerix being that small just blows my mind D:

7:33am Nov 5 2023

Normal User

Posts: 8
The Cetari and Skals are killing me xDDDD 

Also Drins are huge??? Gondras small??? Ahea small??? Aerix tiny??? Love that for them 💕💕

Mahinas are, it's official: Just the right size to bury yourself in their fluff. We have been blessed this day. 🙏🙌

Foundling by Zen

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