The Economy

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12:14am Jun 14 2016

Normal User

Posts: 12
i feel like there is no where near enough tu to go around i mean it is so easy to go through hundreds of millions of tu and hardly get any benefits from it dye kits beans and even morphing potions are really expensive i feel like there needs to be a better way to get tu or something of the like.

buying and selling isnt to bad other than the tuns of pets listed in the pet search that are priced at either 0 or a random big number cause they didn't want to sell it and rather than put it in there show room they put it in there rancher. the most expensive thing i bought in the last 180 days other than cp from some one was i think a pet for around 40 mil but i cant remember other than that i t would be a morph potion for a little over 12 mil its been about the same ease wise to buy things

when nopt purchasing things with tu its a little tricky cause its hard to gauge the value of a item vs a pet or other wise once you come to a satisfactory agreement it isn't that bad

yes things used to cost a lot less and somethings that costed less have gone up its all about how much people are willing to pay things get priced around that and as time goes by people are either willing to pay more or less for certain items its how it goes in any economy 

i have only bought cp with my tu once mostly cause its not that easy to get up tu that well unless you get lucky with hatches and what not the going rate seems to be 550k pet cp point which isn't that bad i think some items in the cash shop are a bit expensive but when you weigh that against there tu price in a shop like a noctis egg i could purchase the cp from some one for around 30 mil or so but in the egg market most cs eggs are priced around 60 to 100 mil just cause getting tu is a little easier than cp

really selling pets, items, eggs and services is the only way i make tu mostly through pet sales though i think if there was more ways of gaining more amounts of tu like a game where you could wager tu to make tu might be very beneficial um or just some way that would make you lots of tu on a regular basis but not to much like being able to make a 100 mil a day would defeat the purpose of most things on this site where that would be very nice it would be as satisfying when you finally get what you wanted

as for new features maybe breeding pets or fighting other peoples pets or some fun mini games involving your pets where prizes are awarded for how well you do or a tournament something that would push us to make our pets the best they can be but like for stat boosts i think it would be fair to only get them from fights so it doesn't become unfair for people with less tu who couldn't afford to buy mass amounts of stat boost items

but this is all just my opinion :D


12:21am Jun 14 2016

Normal User

Posts: 7
I currently kind of feel there's a surplus of Tu and that things jump wildly from a couple thousand to millions and millions very sharply. There's a bit of a gap between 'stuff I want to buy' and 'stuff I can afford'. People charge millions and billions of Tu for things, and because they have millions and billions of tu, a lot of the higher-end stuff stays up there. I simply feel there's a gap between 'average' players and 'rich' players, and it's hard to move around without a lot of luck. (Or endless grinding, which is less fun.)

Cheap is under a million tu. Expensive is multi-billions? The most expensive thing I bought was an ardurr egg, and I don;t seel at all I'm afraid. (Or my attempts go unsuccessful, anyway.)

I pay in Tu/hatches of eggs. I find selling/bartering the hatch slots works very well to pay for things or earn tu. 

I think the economy is much higher-stake than it was previously, but my five year gap in playing the game offers little in the way of knowledge toward that, sorry. 

I don't buy in the cash shop. I don't spend my real money on internet games. I think the prices are around average, not terribly expensive, not too dirt cheap, perfectly fair, for the most part, I simply have a personal rule I tend not to buy into a game unless it offers me a solid full experience. (I don;t buy 'premium currency' but I will pay for a full game download.)

I make tu by hoarding and playing the dailies. I don;t particupate in the economy of selling/trading eggs because I'm not a game player for that reason (I mean, I don;t like the restocking game on many pet sites) and I don;t care enough about names to hoard and sell them like some. It's simply too much a non-issue with me. I find hoarding and saving works quite well, and my toying with the stock market is pretty fun, but I don;t think it's easy. I think MORE ways to earn tu outside of a two-minute run of all the games or marketplace stalking would be nice. 

I don;t know! MORE is always better, for me. And an adventure/battle/leveling system would be great. The pets have stats, I'd like to see them used, maybe? Yes, it would be free, you could probably buy level-up scrolls, but it should be acessible to all at the start with premium bonuses to help get ahead (but not make it pay to win.) 


12:30am Jun 14 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1
Current Status: Current status isn't the greatest in my opinion. Some more desired items that should be cheaper and more achieveable are too expensive, and there aren't too many ways to make lots of money in a short period of time.
Buying/Selliing: To me, anything under 500k is considered cheap. Anything from 500k-1mil and up is expensive to me, as money isn;t that easy to accumulate quickly. Example is me buying Orchid Dye a month or so ago for my Noctis. Cost me like 3.5mil. Egg market prices fluctuate too often (prices drop like rocks in a lake). Trades are kind of dying off as most people either want too much for their stuff, or no one checks it or offers. Also, as a rancher, pets are a bit difficult to sell as players have to save up for pets they want.
Payment: I buy items mostly with TU. Haven't had any problems yet with that.
Inflation/Deflation: As I mentioned before, prices in the egg market go up and down like a seesaw. One day an egg can be worth 250k, the next it drops to 50k. Also, some user shops price items that should be common way too high (I know the site has no control over that).
Cash Shop: Haven't bought credits before, so haven't used the cash shop before.
Gaining TU: I make most of my TU by selling eggs on the market, or by playing games in the Luck section.
New Features/Ideas: I had an idea of like an Egg Collector. Kinda like the Pet Quest NPC, but with Eggs instead. Only thing is, it wouldn't be a Quest. You'd gather/collect eggs that are obtainable in the wild on the 4 planets, and then sell them to the collector for a set price depending on the rarity. This would only be for eggs from common Gondras to rare Ardurs, etc. You could also implement this for the Cash Shop, where users can trade in rare eggs (Easero, Jakku, seasonal egg) for some Cash Shop credits.
Thanks for considering our opinion in this matter. Goes to show that you care for us players and about the game/site.

12:33am Jun 14 2016

Normal User

Posts: 13

A lot of things people are selling are super inflated, so I guess more TU should go around? It is a little bit difficult to make TU on here other than selling pets and eggs, there are not too many dailies. 

I guess cheap would be anything between 1 - 50,000 TU. Expensive being 100,000 to 1 million + . I'm a rancher, so I trade items more often for other items (like eggs for eggs).  I rarely buy things, so I don't know what to say about how much I spend XD Overall, it's been pretty difficult to sell anything that aren't event-related (I was making a lot of TU selling flowers and seeds for the Spring Celebration), but now even egg sales are slow again. 

When I do buy, I usually pay with either TU or other items (like eggs) for trades.  I found it hard to haggle with people on here, it's like they give me no wiggle room XD

The economy on here is definitely inflated, ever since I've known Rescreatu. Many valuable things are hard to save for and buy. I've found the best way to make TU on here is to sell lucky hatches and Creatu with real-word names, which can be really touch-and-go. 

I do not use CP, but I feel like some Cash Shop items are expensive. It costs $8 for one Cash Shop Creatu egg...

I usually get my TU from dailies, but when holiday events come around, I make a good amount of TU selling Seasonal Eggs and items for events. But, making TU year round is hard unless I can get lucky with hatches and finding good names for pets. I think adding more dailies that give out items would be good, especially items that are in high demand like rare eggs and dye kits. 

 If I were to add something, I think I would add features/games that users can visit daily, and on rare occasions the feature would give out a rare item that would be easy to sell, such as a rare CS egg, seasonal egg, and/or dye kit. I think certain eggs like Omni and Kioka eggs are too hard to get, but I also understand that they are CS eggs. 

12:47am Jun 14 2016

Normal User

Posts: 3
Currently, I find the economy very hard to break into from a new user's perspective. The rarest pets, items and names are almost always if not completely unattainable unless you've been playing the game for three or more years. 
10k tu when you start off is a piddly and insufficient amount for new users to try and get into the game with.

Cheap is anywhere from 1 mil to 99 mil tu. Expensive is anywhere from 100 mil to 200 bil tu. Names, retired/CS/high coloured pets are all generally sold for very high and often unreachable prices (again, unless you've been playing and saving for a really, really long time). I feel that it is much easier to buy than it is to sell, because often older users who have been on the site for a long time hold all of the valuable pets/items and refuse to sell them for more than what they paid for them.

Payment methods are very good. We have rancher shops, merchant shops, tu transfers, barter tokens, credit transfers, pet trades, auctions... the list goes on. I don't think that the payment methods need any work.

I remember when I first joined - probably around 2008, 2009 - a natural CS (which at the time was a kioka/liyure/omni) would cost 1 mil or less. Now, you'll be lucky to get a nattie CS in season for 5 mil.
Seasonal eggs, however, have deflated drastically since then, which I think is due to the 'more interesting' method of seasonal egg hunting (I, personally, prefer the old method).
It all depends on what's available, what's not, and who is selling it.

I'm not really an avid CS purchaser, so I feel that I am not able to provide an accurate answer to this section.

Selling pets that I hatch and using the stocks is the only way I have really found it easy to make tu from the get go on Rescreatu. Names, CS pets, and all of that expensive trade is only really accessible once you have been around long enough to actually attain those things.
I think that, for new users, it is exceptionally hard to make the amount of tu that is generally exchanged between users. Perhaps the starting tu, tu earned from flash games, and random event tu could be raised to match the current economic situation?

 I think that there should be a public auction house run NPC or by the staff which auctions off pets stuck on accounts that have been inactive for more than a year, or something like that. Proceeds can go towards the raffle, which would then actually be a significant prize to win and enter into (at the moment it rarely gets beyond 5mil). 

1:26am Jun 14 2016

Normal User

Posts: 138

Kinda stagnated? It's hard to move money. Whether from or into my account I don't typically lose or gain tu. 


Cheap I guess would be a couple million tu or less. It of course depends on the item, I wouldn't expect to pay more than 10k for an apple and I wouldn't expect to pay less than a billion for an albino or achro cash shop pet (although I haven't checked prices on those in a long time)


I typically prefer to use tu, although sometimes I will do item/pet/art trades. On rare occasions I also use credits.


Eggs have definitely lost value since I've joined the site, but certain pets have gone up a lot. I think that's mainly due to some players not checking on market prices before selling. Or people trying to outdo others by offering a bargain.


I'm typically not interested in cash shop items, but I feel like their pricing etc is fair.


I think it's a bit difficult to accrue tu. I typically make it through the stock market on the site, or by selling a rare pet I've hatched. I think it would be cool if there was an easier way to make tu like perhaps by battling or hunting for resources and selling them or something. *shrugs*


The only thing I can think of is perhaps some hunting and crafting system? I think the site already has one but I don't actually know how it works nor can I find information on it. It's a bit difficult to learn and understand. But then I could be looking in the wrong places!

Boop Doop

4:05am Jun 14 2016

Normal User

Posts: 3
Definitely not enough TU to go around as of right now. Too little

Anything that can be found easily is cheap (obviously) such as Berrok, Ahea, Otachie, etc. Creatu Eggs as well as 100k recipe cards and squishy. As for expensive items, I'd have to say anything from the Cash/Credit Shop to retired items such as the regression ray. The most I've spent recently was around 40+ mil TU in RMPs each costing around 15mil (this was my most expensive purchase recently as well).

Pure TU, it's so much more easier and convenient. And without it, it can sometimes make purchases a bit complicated.

The economy has definitely inflated. Last time I bought an Amber dye kit it cost me 2mil! Just look at the price now.

I have bought Cash points once and probably won't ever again unless the 'prices' on the items drops. I personally felt the amount they were going for just wasn't worth it. 

My main source of TU comes from the stock markets. I also get a significant amount of TU from just finding it randomly as well as playing games (particularly the Luck category). I'd suggest implementing new games in the Skill category where players have the opportunity to gain large sums of TU.
 Maybe add more competitions? I've always had the idea where players can compete in who gets the best hatches within a month. As well as monthly avatar fashion contests and other players can vote to see who has the best outfit?


4:18am Jun 14 2016 (last edited on 9:19am Jun 14 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
I feel like there is too much TU with too little circulation of it. There is an issue with getting started as a new user, ESPECIALLY if they choose merchant and not rancher. You basically need one lucky hatch or one kind, rich friend to start you off, and then it's a stock waiting game most of the time to make money. And older users have a lot more stocks, making it exponentially easier for an established user to earn money than a new user. And because the older users have the majority of the money/items/pets on the site, they get to decide what their items are worth. As a result of that, they ask for high prices and complain about not being able to sell anything while the new players who are the potential consumers can't afford anything.

Names, Kir, and Retired pets are expensive. Almost everything from the NPC shops are horrendously underpriced, with the exception of a few rarer or newer items (and BM items, but that hardly counts). The reason for the deflation of NPC items is that there is no real efficient way of getting them out of the system most of the year. Only a select few people do the item quests, and those that do then just get stuck at the rarer items that can sometimes go for something ridiculous like 5mil.

The most expensive thing I bought was the name Summoner for the equivalent of 200mil in books/pets/other barter stuff. It has definitely been easier to buy than to sell, especially if you aren't looking for something very niche. Rare items have been a pain to sell recently.

I tend to pay for things in Tu, though I always offer the option of letting people do an exchange for pets or items I'm selling. I figure if I'm already selling them anyways, there is no point in not doing an exchange. I never sell CP though.

Our economy is inflated, and it steadily gets more so as time goes on. I don't know when exactly it happened because there is no time to pinpoint. Every time I come back to Res after a hiatus, things are more expensive, that's just what I've come to expect. And that is because, in my opinion, there is no real way of getting Tu out of circulation efficiently. NPC shops are the only way of really removing tu, and compared to what people get in stocks every day that's chump change. There isn't something the site offers to just gets rid of tu that is funneling money out fast enough, in my opinion.

Think of it like this; the American economy is getting inflated because we aren't producing as many goods as we need to in order to keep up with the amount of money the government is printing. In other words, the GDP isn't able to rise at the same pace as the amount of dollars pumped into the system. In the same way, stocks keep printing money into the system without anything really being produced. The money the site can bring in, not the users' or the cash shop but the actually the NPCs THEMSELVES, are falling short of the amount of money that stocks make users. And that is what makes inflation in any economy, Res is no exception.

I buy CP from other users usually to get something for myself. I generally buy CP from someone else about once a month, though lately it's been less because I've been making some as staff. The going rate for CP is around 550k, while it used to be around 500k. I think 500k is a lot more fair personally, but because of inflation people need to charge more, and I understand that. I think the price of the items in the cash shop are fine, they all balance out well and make sense compared to one another.

We get tu from stocks stocks stocks and more stocks. Did I mention stocks? There are other methods of course, name searching, egg hunting, hatching, merchants, etc. but those all require some amount of effort or luck, and they aren't getting money from the site itself, but from other users. Stocks aren't hard or easy; they're a waiting game, and that's all there is to it. And I certainly don't think the way stocks work needs a drastic change. I personally love the stocks system myself. However, the numbers need tweaking. They are the thing that pumps money into the system, but they're pumping too much, and that is what makes it hard for new users. 

I also don't think there is an easy fix to this; if you did decrease how much stocks made (ie what would sell for 15mil nowadays would sell for 12mil instead and what would buy for 1mil would instead buy for 800k), it would be a very long, painful process to get the economy back to it's normal, non-inflated state, and no one would really be able to buy anything until everyone adjusted their pricing. Another more out of the box solution might be to decrease how much stocks make, and at the same time decrease how much tu each user has by some percentage, to force tu to be worth more. Like say for every 10 tu each user has, remove 1 from the system, and reducing the money that stocks make by the same margin while keeping prices from the NPC shops the same. This would create less tu in the system while funneling the same amount out (in theory) which would cut how much the economy was inflating. Of course, that's a lot better idea in theory than in practice. I'm sure it would cause a massive uproar (even though it's just a number crunch, not really taking away people's tu. WoW did something similar with all of the stats because they were getting to be outrageously large numbers. People at the top were still at the top by the same percentage of strength, it just looked like there was less of a difference), and it would demand a LOT of explaining to get across properly. Plus a lot of people would try to cheat the system with barter tokens, and the economy would still take time to readjust. But it would be more like ripping the bandaid off instead of peeling it back slowly. In may hurt badly for a few seconds, but in the long run it is less painful.

Well gee, that was an essay. Sorry for whoever had to read that <3

 Ability to add more slots to an HA. 15 isn't enough, man. But that's not really a feature, haha xD.
I think a battle system. I know it's being worked on, but it has BEEN worked on for years now, and I would like to smack some Berrok around with my Tesuri.

But things are good, Res is good, and ya'll are doing a good job. Keep it up <3 And keep in mind to treat Res like the economy it actually is. This is a complex thing that one solution won't fix completely, because it is an economy. But if it's treated like such, then real progress can start to be made.


5:33am Jun 14 2016

Normal User

Posts: 81
sorry havenot read all of above current status ~ trying to build up tu having spent is all.



sure as I changed from from poverty stricken rancher to somewhat
better off merchant when I then used egg sales or stocks to generate
enough daily money to play small scale. I do think there is a wealth
bias according to your class and that I perceive it harder to buy
things as rancher.


I buy all my CP things from other people but I play long term so I
will wait for them to become available to me at sensible prices. Having some long term
aims ties me into the site and forces me to log in to re accumulate


is to consider the hatch rates for merchants and ranchers and look at
egg sales as part of this as a funding source. I would also make
trash isthmus smaller ( to get it to load ) , change more frequently
and have a random really decent couple of items to hunt for across
two twelve hours periods so you catch just a few people both sides
of the globe with a chance of making a lucrative find. A better way
of cashing-in unwanted items than having to reload huge trash isthmus
~ a separate “thrift shop” for putting them in would be better.


on that but “premium status” will not encourage site growth if
people can not access real world banking. I do appreciate it might be
necessary for site finance as programmers / servers etc. are not

Exploring .... need a compass ... amd a return ticket !

7:08am Jun 14 2016

Normal User

Posts: 30
I don't think there is a shortage of tu, quite the opposite in fact... Anyone ever seen that episode of Clarence when he makes Clarence Dollars and at first they are worth a lot because there aren't many and then they mass make them and the value becomes worthless? The fact that things can cost upwards of , I think this could be the problem. I think the problem is a handful players hoarding tons of points. There are so many points, it's causing the prices of other things to rise as well. Basically the value of the TU is worthless because there is so much in the economy.

Cheap would be a few mill, expensive would be like over 20 mil?
I think the most expensive think I bought recently was my pet Zhip and he was like 3 something million. It is harder to sell things though, unless you price them way low [which in turn also harms the economy].

I pay with TU, I have never tried to pay by any other way [since I came back prob a few months ago, anything before I came back I don't remember ^^"].

Inflated, as described my my 1st paragraph.

I do not use this.

I sell pets through my shop and auctions. Also sometimes I put some items for auction.

More games to play. Gambling games. Also a TU sink, wherein you can like "donate" TU and get prizes at a certain amount. You could do it site-wide and as a whole site if we "donate" or TU [like to Malcom for him to "develop new items for his shop" or something], there could be stages and at each stage [provided you've actually donated at least a certain amount of points], everyone would get a prize from it. It could be a site event where we have like a month and every week there is a different goal we have to meet, if we meet it we get the prizes for that round and if not, the leftover amount would go into the next week and we'd have to try to get the rest of the 1st week plus the second week to unlock the prizes. Something like that. My opinion is there is too much currency and that is why it's so hard to get things.

7:52am Jun 14 2016

Normal User

Posts: 159
I have played Res for six or seven years in total now. I'm not as active now as I once was, but regardless the economy seems somewhat slow and inactive compared to how I've seen it before. I'm sure this is due in no small part to Res's decline in active membership. It seems that most TU that does move around does so via the stock market and sales of premium items and pets for Kir. I don't think NPC quests and restocking are nearly as big a part of the game as they should be.

For me, cheap is anything from 0 to around 60 mil; that sum, with patience and planning, is relatively easy to recoup in the stock market over a few days to a few weeks. Expensive, then, is anything 60 mil to a bil+. The most expensive things I have bought recently are a natural Wyrae for ~45m maybe? and a whole butt ton of NCBs at around 7.5m each. Beaning creatu is one of the only things I do for fun here anymore.

I've only ever used TU to pay for things.

Yes, the economy is inflated but not unnaturally so. I seem to recall Regression Rays selling for 75 mil back in the day. Maybe that's a bad example since they weren't quite as rare once upon a time, but they were still retired then and 75 mil was a very hefty price to pay. NCBs used to be around 3.5m, I think. This was at least four or five years ago. But still, I'm surprised how alright the economy seems with such a (relatively) small player base today. Even pet colors are not *that* hard to acquire though the number of pets hatched daily has no doubt dramatically reduced.

I don't buy CP or use the cash shop often, partly because the premium items are not that interesting. More variety would be good; I think the human avatars system has a lot of potential that has not really been capitalized on that way I would expect. It's also so predictable that there isn't often much motivation to buy so-and-so eggs or items right then; why not hold off a couple of months when you know they'll be right back in there for you? Again, variety might be helpful.

Already touched on this, but the stock market is my main source of income. I also sell my hatches. It's not that hard to make TU, even for a hands-off player like me - it just takes patience. I think the 50k trading limit is good to stave off hyperinflation and dramatic wealth differences between players.

 I think Res just really needs improved trade features. Autopricing, for one. It could be a premium feature, ideally probably with a "gold membership" type of thing that I would price at around 50CP a month. This could also enable free switching between merchant and rancher class and other little perks like that. These features would help keep the economy more active and competitive even for players who can't take the time to hand-price every pet or item they own.


9:31am Jun 14 2016

Normal User

Posts: 319
Hmm, the stocks don't go that high that often anymore xD But I would say that the economy's doing not too bad, perhaps been sliding down a little. And YEAH, there is enough tu to go around.  

Cheap would be kinda everything sold in the NPC shops and sometimes too in the pet and item auctions. Expensive would be THE FREAKING EGGS IN THE EGG MARKET. The most expensive purchase would be a nattie galta, for about 90mil. A steal I think, but the most I ever spent for a creatu. I actually think it's gotten more difficult to buy or sell goods nowadays because everyone's aiming for a higher price.

Mostly tu. Rarely do I offer my pets or items up. CP only when buying stuff in the credit shop. And that also I use tu to buy the CP first. 

I wouldn't say our economy is inflated. Some prices for CS and retired stuff are actually reducing a bit. Last time, it was not quite a common sight to see players owning a CS creatu. Nowadays, CS creatu, in my opinion, are almost becoming like the norm and some CS creatu also go for remarkably low prices too in the pet auctions. Some retired things like the ribbon masks have also gotten cheaper too.

Nope, I'm the buyer for CP xD The going rate for CP is from 500k to 600k, I think. Hmm, I have plenty of tu and normally when I need CP it's urgent so I usually don't mind that much about the price, I just gotta buy it. Prices of items sold in the Cash Shop are JUST RIGHT :)

STOCKS, WOOHOO. Kinda hard to make tu but once you have it, just be smart and like always work on increasing your tu and maintain at least half of your tu at all times. 

Maybe, like, games for the creatu? Like bungee-jumping, parachuting, crazy stuff. That you have to pay a certain sum of money to join every day. And of course, it involves risks. Like your pet could lose a limb, get injured, die, etc. But the rewards would be cool, maybe every time your pet survives, it goes up a level. And each level has prizes. And you could increase the chances of your pet surviving by like reading more books, playing with more toys and making sure it's full (maybe you could introduce smthg like vitamins???). And the more rare the pet is, the better rewards there are. Risks xD
Anyway, just throwing out an idea. But it would involve lots of work xD  

9:39am Jun 14 2016

Normal User

Posts: 209
For new users I think there is little TU for them, without donations form another user it would be hard for them to get stocks which is a great way to get TU but not so much if you don't have over a couple million TU for the good stocks that never get very low and I feel like users that can't access the SB will have toruble getting on their feet especially if they start out as Merchants and don't have good items to sell at the begining and might be turning new users away from the site. Also I know it's random but hatching isn't doing much good t this point because some people never hatch an albino and some hatch one every week along with the fact someone could be putting in lots of money for CS eggs on the site and constantly get natties I feel there should be more when it comes to CS eggs
Cheap is a hard thing to defy: Event items such as the value vouchers flying around? I think like 500k would be cheap and around 4mil would be expensive but I'm kind of a scrooge so I rarely buy things over 10mil unless it's something I really want or I have TU to burn, probably the most expensive thing I bought was a Dye kit or Beans, It's been easier to buy things with the influx of new users but selling things especially pets is hard because no one really wants them besides for k1r unless it's a die for pet or CS/Retired CS which again many new users have a hard time obtaining. 

Tu or trading sometimes CP if I'm really depserate for it and yes if you have CP or good items and pets- again not easy for new users.
Not entirely although I haven't been here for long I mean many items especially retired clothing has shot through the roof and it's hard to make up for that when there is not many new clothing/items coming out for new users to save only returns of "retired" ones which we all appreciate but I feel that there should be new coming out during events.
I trade for cp if I really want a CS egg but I rarely buy it I normally trade for it because while I love this site there is better things I am funding right now on other sites if I do get CP I normally buy clothing packs that I know can be sold for high amounts of TU

Stocks, honestly I believe it is too hard for new users I think that could be fixed with more events and more new items.
More clothing and events as I said above it would get the economy flowing because currently most "good" items are sitting on an abandoned or banned account and there is nothing to replace it as more and more items disappear, also perhaps maybe a better way to clear out a banned users SR.


10:19am Jun 14 2016

Normal User

Posts: 36
(How do you feel the economy is currently doing? Is there enough TU to go around, or is there too much/too little?)

Oh, there's enough tu to go around (you can easily make at least 25k on most days just through games)... Its a matter of how its being spent.

(What would you consider to be "cheap" and "expensive" in regards to buying or selling something? What is the most expensive purchase you've made within the last 180 Days, and how much did you spend? Has it been easier to buy or sell goods within the past 180 days?

The most expensive thing I bought was an egg I think.  Most items are expensive and sometimes hard to find, unless its "junk items" like you find fishing for example.  These junk items just sit there, you can't get rid of them, unless you donate them.  Maybe we can have Seasonal Collections in places like fishing, or limited release items you can only get from there.

(How do you pay for things; whether it be TU, Pets, Items, or CP? Is it easy to make a purchase for something when not paying with TU?)

I only use tu.... That's mainly what anyone wants.

(Would you say our economy is "inflated"? When did this "inflation" happen, if so? Can you recall a time when something costed less, and if possible please list why you think it increased in price over the time.)

The economy is inflated.  I think Kir had something to do with it.  He asks for the most expensive pets, and then when you go to hatch, you don't get anything good.  I think the best hatch I've had in the past year was a cream.  So Kir takes the good pets, and I can't hatch anything better than a cream in a year, so we aren't circulating good pets like we used to, and their prices have sky rocketed.  I've stopped hatching, its not worth the time.  Plus you only get 3 hatches in one day, and I've had it happen where all three hatches where duds ( all fresh eggs, all fully incubated).  Hatching isn't fun anymore.

(Do you buy and sell CP ((Cash Points)) to make TU, or gain something else on the site? How much and how often do you usually purchase CP? What would you consider to be the "going rate" for CP? Do you find this amount too expensive, not enough, or just right? Do you think items sold in the Cash Shop are too expensive, not enough, or just right?)

No to the cash shop, too expensive.

(What is the main way(s) in which you make your TU? Do you think it is easy or hard to make TU? How could making TU be made easier, if it is too hard, and if it is too easy how could it be harder to obtain?)

Mainly the games.  I used to by ranching, but like I said, that's a waste of time now.  

 (If you could add ANY new feature to Rescreatu what would it be? What would the rewards be? Would it be free, or cost to play? How often could it be accessed? What other ideas would you implement into the feature?)

Maybe some more seasonal type things.  Quests to win certain items and pets, not just trophies.


10:20am Jun 14 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1
(How do you feel the economy is currently doing? Is there enough TU to go around, or is there too much/too little?)

I don't think it's very good. People always want more tu.

(What would you consider to be "cheap" and "expensive" in regards to buying or selling something? What is the most expensive purchase you've made within the last 180 Days, and how much did you spend? Has it been easier to buy or sell goods within the past 180 days?

The most expensive stuff is always the stuff people REALLY want. The special potions, the dye kits, mutant or colored rescreatu. The stuff needed to make potions (blessed flowers, healing water...). One of the worst is probably wings and masks and the like.
I think the most expensive thing I've bought lately was a blessed flower, which was somewhere in the area of 400500 tu, or something.
It's easier to bye than sell, but really only from the NPC shops. All the users, myself included, have jacked up prices to try and make a little tu.

(How do you pay for things; whether it be TU, Pets, Items, or CP? Is it easy to make a purchase for something when not paying with TU?)

I just use tu. It's simpler, and I don't have to worry about buying CP.

(Would you say our economy is "inflated"? When did this "inflation" happen, if so? Can you recall a time when something costed less, and if possible please list why you think it increased in price over the time.)

I really have not been playing long enough to give a good answer for this.

(Do you buy and sell CP ((Cash Points)) to make TU, or gain something else on the site? How much and how often do you usually purchase CP? What would you consider to be the "going rate" for CP? Do you find this amount too expensive, not enough, or just right? Do you think items sold in the Cash Shop are too expensive, not enough, or just right?)

I don't use CP....

(What is the main way(s) in which you make your TU? Do you think it is easy or hard to make TU? How could making TU be made easier, if it is too hard, and if it is too easy how could it be harder to obtain?)

I find that doing pet auctions is a really good way to make tu. Since I am a newer user, my pet shop is not very well known, so not that many people visit it. So I put my nicer creatu up for auction, and see what happens.

 (If you could add ANY new feature to Rescreatu what would it be? What would the rewards be? Would it be free, or cost to play? How often could it be accessed? What other ideas would you implement into the feature?)

I think it might be fun to have a kind of Rescreatu Battle section. You could pick your favorite creatu, and then enter it on a battle board, and people could challenge you. There would be a level up system, so your creatu to gain battle XP, and a reward system for winning. The higher battle level you are, the better the rewards. (Level one: a pair of shoes. Level 10: a shirt. Level 100: a pair of wings....something to that effect) I think two battles a day would be fair, and each creatu can only be attacked 4 times every day, so that no creatu just gets pummeled to the dirt by multiple users wanting to reach above a certain level. It would be free to play. No betting system, no entry fee for battles.
Each creatu should start with 10 XP. Then the system would be minus one XP for losing, and plus two XP for winning. That way no one gets an utterly insane advantage at first.
I don't know if there should be a level up board or not.


10:38am Jun 14 2016

Normal User

Posts: 487
It feels like there's a bit too little, or else it just doesn't seem to be moving around a lot lately. 

Cheap is up to 10 mil for me personally at the moment. It is definitely subject to change. For now I'm saving but I think the last thing I bought that was expensive-ish was a dyed creatu for 3.5 mil, which was a completely normal and worth it price for me. It's been much harder to buy; not quite as hard to sell? But I'm not sure. 

I pay with tu. I don't buy CP except if I want things from the Credit Shop.

The Res Economy has definitely inflated. Not by a lot, but it's noticeable. I'm sure this happened slowly over a long period of time. 

I think the items in the Cash Shop are relatively worth it, although of course I wish they were cheaper. I'd buy things from there much more often if they were a few dollars cheaper. As it is I buy things from there maybe 4 times a year? 

It's always been hard to make tu, especially as a new(er) player. All you can do is play games until your quota is filled and hunt around the planets and the only game that provides a worthy amount of tu is the Pearl Quandry and sometimes Twentie Cay (when you get 20k). More games should give a higher amount of tu.
I'm a rancher so I make a little cash from selling creatu, but the profit is clearly not much unless it's a high color I happen to not need OR a creatu I dyed in the springs. I LOVE that feature by the way.   

Ohh boy I gotta think on this one. I love new features :3 
How about a pay tu for a chance to win CP? 
Or rewards from NPC shops when you buy a lot of things? Like membership rewards in real-life stores. 
Oh yes, I remember there was supposed to be a battle area for creatu but it was probably too complicated to incorporate into Res. But it would be fun and would give a purpose to the creatu stats and armor shack items. 

"He was a dreamer at heart, chasing the stars"

Get your own adoptable in Planet Kusher!

10:59am Jun 14 2016

Normal User

Posts: 736
(How do you feel the economy is currently doing? Is there enough TU to go around, or is there too much/too little?)

As many other before me have said, I believe the economy is stagnant. Nothing much is happening at the moment. There is no flow or exchange of curency.
 Not sure if my observation is going to be nullified, but I feel like users who have been on the site 3+ years tend to have all the money, and newer users are unable to obtain even a small fraction of that because they don't have anything to sell to those who 'have it all' so may lose interest rather quickly.

(What would you consider to be "cheap" and "expensive" in regards to buying or selling something? What is the most expensive purchase you've made within the last 180 Days, and how much did you spend? Has it been easier to buy or sell goods within the past 180 days?

On Average I would say anything below 5mill is pocket change.

The most expensive thing in the last 6 months would probably be the retired Gear vest. (425mil) I think that what I spent that amount on. 

As for buying/selling, No. Generally those who have money these days are only after exclusive/retired items because fewer new and shiny things have been released.

(How do you pay for things; whether it be TU, Pets, Items, or CP? Is it easy to make a purchase for something when not paying with TU?)

I purchase things with Tu generally.

(Would you say our economy is "inflated"? When did this "inflation" happen, if so? Can you recall a time when something costed less, and if possible please list why you think it increased in price over the time.)

I believe the inflation started it steady incline 2012-2013 After the Kir Event (Bioscanning event) And also after the CS Shop introduced CP which if I recall happened in the same time period.

Alibino's have defiantly increased in price. 15mil used to be the high end, and now it is 40m+. CS Eggs are also a good example. They used to average around 20mil for a single egg and now it quadruple that.

The only 'Expensive' thing that I feel has remained in a similar bracket are DK.

(Do you buy and sell CP ((Cash Points)) to make TU, or gain something else on the site? How much and how often do you usually purchase CP? What would you consider to be the "going rate" for CP? Do you find this amount too expensive, not enough, or just right? Do you think items sold in the Cash Shop are too expensive, not enough, or just right?)

I think the average going rate is 550k:1CP

(What is the main way(s) in which you make your TU? Do you think it is easy or hard to make TU? How could making TU be made easier, if it is too hard, and if it is too easy how could it be harder to obtain?)

Stock Market.
Beaning Desired colours and reselling.
Reselling DK.

 (If you could add ANY new feature to Rescreatu what would it be? What would the rewards be? Would it be free, or cost to play? How often could it be accessed? What other ideas would you implement into the feature?)

A low coloured/Nattie exclusive creatu depository. The rarer colours are so elusive now that kir get's 'clogged'. 
It could be a quest similar to the Xespa/Xoria/Holida creatu events. There could be a Natural Only Point shop.
 It could be a ranch or some sort, you get points depending on the rarity of the natural species rather than the colour. you could also deposit natural CS too and get bonus points.
Additionally, where it says 'Let this Creatu go free if you do not wish to keep it.' There could be another button that links you right to the Quest.

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

11:05am Jun 14 2016

Normal User

Posts: 5
(How do you feel the economy is currently doing? Is there enough TU to go around, or is there too much/too little?)
I feel that there is enough Tu but its not easy to obtain, the only real ways to get money is by trying to get a rare hatch and selling it or by trying to invest in the stock market which can be annoying to get profit from as you have to wait a while.
(What would you consider to be "cheap" and "expensive" in regards to buying or selling something? What is the most expensive purchase you've made within the last 180 Days, and how much did you spend? Has it been easier to buy or sell goods within the past 180 days?
I think cheap would be 50k-100k and expensive (well for me who doesnt have the most money) would be 7mil+ ish but i know things do sell fairly at a higher price due to their rarity ect. As for buying im not too sure but i think i bought a dye kit recently for around 2mil but im not sure.
(How do you pay for things; whether it be TU, Pets, Items, or CP? Is it easy to make a purchase for something when not paying with TU?)
Uh I have only paid for things in TU.
(Would you say our economy is "inflated"? When did this "inflation" happen, if so? Can you recall a time when something costed less, and if possible please list why you think it increased in price over the time.)
I havent really been playing long enough to know but lots of things are super expensive but i guess that is understandable for some.... Althoug lots of items you can purchase in basic shops are sold for like 10x their original price which is sometimes annoying.
(Do you buy and sell CP ((Cash Points)) to make TU, or gain something else on the site? How much and how often do you usually purchase CP? What would you consider to be the "going rate" for CP? Do you find this amount too expensive, not enough, or just right? Do you think items sold in the Cash Shop are too expensive, not enough, or just right?)
I haven't bought any CP.
(What is the main way(s) in which you make your TU? Do you think it is easy or hard to make TU? How could making TU be made easier, if it is too hard, and if it is too easy how could it be harder to obtain?)
Well i guess by stock market? But the spikes sometimes take a while to come around or i might miss them.
 (If you could add ANY new feature to Rescreatu what would it be? What would the rewards be? Would it be free, or cost to play? How often could it be accessed? What other ideas would you implement into the feature?)
A special raffle for some CP items every couple of months or something????


11:10am Jun 14 2016

Normal User

Posts: 8
I feel that it really just depends on the cost people are willing to pay for something at the moment. I felt it was easier to receive tu a couple of weeks ago because people were willing to pay more for the rare eggs. This has changed due to people setting the prices extremely low in an attempt to sell quickly. People now expect all items like it to be around the same price. Things that you could once easily sell for 300,000 tu are now only selling for 30,000. This makes grinding to find these rare items pointless because the income does not out way the effort put into finding the items. This is not exclusive to eggs either. All items and creatus are slowly becoming less valuable.

11:36am Jun 14 2016

Normal User

Posts: 73

I think there is "enough to go around" but there is a huge imbalance between users. It seems you are either ridiculously rich or really struggling to make TU. 


The only real way to make TU without spending actual, real money is through the stocks. I barely make anything through my merchant shop mainly because there is a huge issue of users underpricing. (So say the lowest Resurrection Potion is listed at 1mil, then a user comes in an prices theirs at 100k; everyone selling loses about 900k.)


I only use TU. 


I don't think it's inflated. I think that the costs have actually gone down in some areas. When I first started playing, things like Dye Kits were actually a lot more expensive. 


I never use CP. 

See above in "buying and selling". 


It would be cool to have a feature where you can see the most currently stocked creatu in Rancher Shops. Right now the only way for Ranchers to really sell is by advertising in the forums or SB, or by just putting creatu for sale in the auctions. A user has to go all the way to their profile, and then click to their rancher. It would be cool to almost have like a "new arrivals" or "newly stocked" sidebar or page where you can see, say, the 25 most recent creatu stocked my various users. 

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