--->>> "Witchy has mentioned you in the topic _____"

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12:35am Feb 19 2012 (last edited on 12:35am Feb 19 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 603
You see what I just did there. >o>

Even though we have the option to subscribe in topics, I thought this would be a nice little feature too.
If not liked - oh well.

When you put '@' in front of someone's username, it would become clickable and would send the user an alert showing that they've been mentioned.

Examples :
"I bid 10k on ____."
"Alright. @James is now in the lead, @Bob has been outbidded."
"Who drew that?"
"@Bob did."
"@Bob needs to see this topic..."


4:41am Feb 19 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,809
This looks epic. |D Supportttttt.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

8:32am Feb 19 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,034
This is basically Subeta. lol. 
It would look as if we were copying directly from them, and that wouldn't work out.

10:16am Feb 19 2012

Normal User

Posts: 603
Fizz -
*Tries to remember*
Hm. I guess so. >.<


1:18pm Feb 19 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
Subeta, Twitter, Celendria, most VBulletin forums, possibly Verpets and Paladore (I forget). Subeta didn't invent Pinging, which is what it's called.
Human Avatars, the Facebook chat we had for a short time, it's a kind of pet site movement where these sites are are kind of using the same ideas, but no pet site invented them so it's not copying.

I think this would be useful in some cases, but you should be able to turn the pining feature off for yourself. I lurk in most places, so if someone mentions me, I will know within a day. No need to spam my alerts. If I don't think I'll immediately see a thread, I subscribe.
Personally, I hate the look of it. I don't want to see @ signs everywhere, and I feel if something's really important, Rmail is your friend.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

6:21pm Feb 19 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,996
Looks kinda kewl. Support ^^


9:06pm Feb 19 2012

Normal User

Posts: 157
Nope i prefer the alerts, and Rmail myself.

take care,

i zap pets, 50 k per pet. rmail me for more details.

-haat, ijaa, haa`it -truth honor vision-


12:28am Feb 20 2012

Normal User

Posts: 895
Looks like I'm really mentioned in here. lol.
I would like this, I guess. 


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1:54am Feb 25 2012


Posts: 394
Not something I'm really against. I suppose it is a possibility for the future.
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