~Kir Quest Brainstorming - Post your ideas here!~

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4:01pm Apr 12 2016 (last edited on 4:08pm Apr 12 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 789
After having a few discussions in the SB lately about modifying the Kir Quest, I decided to start up a thread to brainstorm these ideas in one place.

Suggested Ideas:

- Fix the point rewards to properly reflect the value of pets

- Kir asking for multiple low coloured pets at once

- Kir asking for dyed creatu

- Kir asking for mutant pets

- Kir asking for Quelis

-  Kir asking for Achros

- Option to 'skip' a quest - (According to tle="this thread" target="_blank">this thread, this idea has been approved by Patrick)

Please feel free to post all your ideas and also give your thoughts on those already listed! ^.^


4:08pm Apr 12 2016

Normal User

Posts: 423
Dyed pets would probably raise their value greatly, soo I'm a hit & miss on that. :o

I would sob all over Kir if he asked for Mutants. ;~;

I do like the idea of him asking for Quelis though, it could raise their value, and more people might actually want them.

I'm a definite YES for handing in achros to Kir. I honestly feel like I have no use for them, otherwise. 

The "Skip" option.. I feel that should be acquired after turning in so many pets. Like say you turn in ten creatu, then you deserve a skip option. ^^


4:14pm Apr 12 2016 (last edited on 4:19pm Apr 12 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 37
I think asking for achros would be stretching it, considering we only get some pets every...two years. As opposed to seasonal (once a year) and quelis (you have a change of getting one everyday after tier 15)

Tinyurl.com/achrolog. (This hasn't been updated in a long time. Please correct me if you see fit!) But look at goiba. january 2015 and then August 2012. Maybe if we had more achro pets pet month they would rotate faster...Good thing is that achro is beanable.

Maybe the skip option can take points from your score? That way people might think twice before skipping.

7:10am Apr 14 2016

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Posts: 1,326


8:22pm Apr 14 2016

Normal User

Posts: 37
I like this ^^^^^^^
Too bad I think credits would be a nice option and could be given more uses instead of being phased out, cause they keep the prices of CS items steady.
But overall I love Alma's suggestion!!

12:10am Apr 15 2016

Normal User

Posts: 789
With the skip, there'd definitely have to be a limit to how often you could do it, otherwise nobody would ever hand in albinos. xD Also the problem with balancing out the prices of different species is that it would be less incentive for people to hatch the rarer, less popular ones (like skaldyr, intes, vogar…), if they'll just sell for the same price as more desirable species.

I feel like as long as the points system is fixed (e.g. so that 3 blacks don't give the same points as 1 bino), the switching possibility wouldn't be needed so much, because we'd get larger rewards for the trickier pets.

I quite like Suede's idea of a multi choice system, because it means we wouldn't necessarily have to sacrifice our favourite species.

Definitely something to be considered, though! ^^


6:47pm Apr 15 2016 (last edited on 6:52pm Apr 15 2016)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
1) You can bean any species Achro (aside from CS + Uldavian) at any point in the year so that's.... literally almost nbd.

2) I don't understand why you would want the value of "less popular" creatu to change??? They're literally so rare and expensive because we still do get them for KIR /now/ but no one hatches them obsessively and would sell them. Intes are a godforsaken PAIN IN THE ASS to get.

Honestly, add Quelis, dyed, and mutants. Keep the achro as a "skip."
That's almost all you have to do right now.
In the future, perhaps add NATURAL CS. Not black, not albino, but natties, and MAYBE dyed at some point.

 We have SO MANY that are just sitting around and taking up server space. I thought KIR was supposed to be a pet dump anyway.

EDIT: and credits are no longer being phased out precisely for that reason, Pipsqueak.


4:03pm Sep 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 68
not skip but multiple choice cuz the only albino berroks on sale are that huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge number


4:40pm Sep 7 2016 (last edited on 4:47pm Oct 20 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 193

7:32pm Sep 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 3,006
I think with SKIP..should only be done once a month.
can't be done right away.
and might take points off from you,because you had
to skip it.

I think Kir should take mutants as well.
alot of us love mutants,i think people
in kirs planet should love them too.

There should be a Great reward section,
only for handing in CS.
this will be entirely seperate from the main kir
He will ask for dyed cs,because you litterly
have to dye with a kit.
And hatch colors,as well as nattis.
this section will hand out HUGE rewards.

Kir should have an event.
which he will do his 'scan' pets thing.
you'll get hiddin avy's..and maybe some
rewards too,not just avy's.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

5:37pm Oct 10 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,062
I definitely agree with taking non-retired natural CS. We have lots and lots of those running around. Most of the time, they're not nearly as expensive as some of the pets Kir likes to ask for. 

I like the idea of Kir asking for multiple low-colored pets at once. I'm not sure if it's here in the forums, but a long time ago a bunch of users were brainstorming in the sb about some kind of "Kir Jr." (not Elliott xD) who would take strictly natties and low color pets, and you would need to hand in a lot of them to get anywhere. The prizes might not be as grand as Kir's, or they might take double the points, but it would help cull a lot of those lower colors. I don't know how that would work alongside Kir, though.

"Bring me fifteen natural Zenirix" would definitely help clear at least some of them out, I would think?

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