Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

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9:17pm Dec 16 2008

Normal User

Posts: 1,775

I think it would be better that you would go to the 1st page of the thread rather than the last page, so people will see the first post, it gets really annoying when people don't read the first post (e.g. when you have commissions, people go 'how much?' or request when commissions are closed).

Or at least give people the option to automatically show the first page or last page. Showing the first page would be more convinient for commission and contest forums and showing the last pagewould be convinient for game forums.


Feel the love man D:<


9:23pm Dec 16 2008

Normal User

Posts: 6
I agree with you there. I just noticed that because I went to go read something on another thread and it both confused and annoyed me that it went to the last page instead of the first. I would really like it to go to the first page like the v1 version did because i would make posts and there would be tons of pages on there and the only real important page is the first one.

11:50pm Dec 16 2008 (last edited on 11:50pm Dec 16 2008)

Normal User

Posts: 1,775

They should do things like they do on ichumon with the game forums. People should visit the first page to familiarize themselves with the rules, but they are not allowed to post unless they are on the last page, so they can keep updated with the game.

For example (playing, I dunno, the wishing game?):

Player 1: I wish I had 54 doughnuts!

Player 2 (who was reading the first post, but didn't go to the last page to see the last player): But the t-rex ate you!

Not allowing people to post whilst they are on the first page would prevent the above. 

However, on threads such as commission thread, this is not necessary. This preventing of posting on the 1st page could be optional. It gets annoying when you have to go to the last page to post when it is not necessary.


Feel the love man D:<


2:46am Dec 17 2008

Normal User

Posts: 829
Yup, it gets pretty annoying D:


#13, The Key of Destiny
Event Horizon & Magic Hour

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