Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

A CS item to find specific pets lost in the forest

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2:24pm May 18 2009

Normal User

Posts: 145

I suggested this on the sb and some people thought it was cool...

But the idear is a Search & Rescue Flashlight, you could buy it for  100 credits and get three like beans, or four like the tags, or maybe five...

When you click on it, you can type a pets name in, and it finds it for you and you get that lost pet, or the one you've been eyeballing for a while now. And it could take up a turn in your 'search for pets in the forest' majig, but that last bit might be asking for too much.



2:30pm May 18 2009

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
I support this idea. :3
Maybe it's only cause there's a certain number of pets I desperately want, but I still like it. :D And I think that- if this were put into action- that it should indeed take up one Forest search for the day. Because it seems like a really valuable item and all. o 3o There's a truckload of awesome names in the Forest.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

6:49pm May 18 2009

Normal User

Posts: 419


It'll make finding pets easier, and users will spend less time searching for their creatus in the Forest, Shop, and Graveyard via the ACS.

I'd buy some if it's a real item :D

Official art/coding slave of Kirsti, Uwi, an' Josh xD
Won't be active often- have too much to do! Dx

10:29pm May 18 2009 (last edited on 10:35pm May 18 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 192

I don't like that honestly. So many people would get the chance to get certain pets.

And for price, if this ever went though. My god. It should be expensive. Like 200 credits for one.

And me honestly, I'd spend hundreds of dollars on it, just because I'm greedy and there are some names I really want.

Also, people who get this item, would probably take the pet and try and sell it for jacked up prices in the forums. Which... I really dislike.


4:15am May 19 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
It should be more expensive than a credit shop pet. You could always grab one of the omnis that Jooshy threw in.


Feel the love man D:<


7:27pm May 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 419

Actually, on a second thought.
I would rather have the item search for the pet,
And after doing a quest or something, then you get the pet from the forest/etc.
The quest should be super-duper hard and involves lots of stages.


Comments on these?

Official art/coding slave of Kirsti, Uwi, an' Josh xD
Won't be active often- have too much to do! Dx

7:40pm May 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 616
i was just thinking of something like this. but i would make it so that you could only get one that you put in there like maybe accidently...

8:46pm May 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 145
That or extremeley expensive? Nah I like the idea of a dificult quest, maybe make it a riddle, or puzzle that you'd have to figure out? I don't know I'd have to brainstorm more...


10:27pm May 21 2009 (last edited on 10:31pm May 21 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 419

Yush, Toshi.

In addition to buying the item, you have to complete a quiz/quest.

The item should cost more than 200 creds though.

Some rules that can go along with it...

1) You may not get glitched pets/doubles.

2) Though, you may use one of the uses to delete one of the other doubles, which gives you another chance to get the creatu.

3) If you do delete a creatu, it costs you TU, but you still have one 'grab' left.

4) You may only grab/delete a creatu every 24 hours/reset.

 5) You may not trade the CS item.

Of course, you get 1 delete and 1 grab per item buy.


Eh. Edit.

 Some more ideas.

- Once you do get one free 'grab', you must complete (#) of quests in (#) of hours, to get (#) of points.

- Those points can get you the (%) rarity of the pet you want to grab.

- If you fail the quest, you can retry, but you have to pay TU.

- If you fail the quest and don't retry in (#) of hours, you get "delete" points instead, to delete creatu from the forest/graveyard/etc.


Official art/coding slave of Kirsti, Uwi, an' Josh xD
Won't be active often- have too much to do! Dx

10:26am Jun 4 2009

Normal User

Posts: 371
I don't agree. It would make getting rarely named pets from the graveyard, forest, or shop to easy.


11:26am Jun 4 2009

Normal User

Posts: 336
i completely agree with seeshell- i haven't had my account long but i've had it long enough to understand that for the most part only the already rich stay rich- this idea i think would make things just that much more unfair for those of use who cannot afford an item like this- why not leave it as it is ? Or make this item only able to grab the pet you "accidently" lost and not any other pet- and even at that it should i think most definitely take up one of your searches in the forest. 

My Dream Banner made by Reeses

6:35pm Jun 4 2009

Normal User

Posts: 676
Uhm... It will end up with a lot of disadvantaages so i will have to disagree... Sorry... :(


7:02pm Jun 5 2009

Normal User

Posts: 77

I disagree.

It would make things too easy to snag a pet/name from the forest worth millions. If something like this were ever to be possible, then I think it should be worth a lot more than 100 credits.

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