A Suggestion for the Stockmarket

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10:30am Feb 12 2010 (last edited on 4:10pm Feb 12 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 520

I would like to propose an idea for the stock market. This has been annoying me for a while now. Well, to be honest, a week :/ But that's not the matter here!

Whenever I buy stocks I always seem to forget what the original price per share was. I was wondering if it could tell us how much we bought each share for? I don't have microsoft on my computer so unlike you most privilaged people out there, I can't open up a word dcument :c


Sorry, I have fail-tastic eyes, I really should read things more thoroughly ^^

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10:41am Feb 12 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,444
Under the line where it tells you what your portfolio is worth (which is under the buy and sell areas), there's a link titled "View Portfolio Transactions". This tells you what stocks you bought and sold at what price, how much they cost when you bought/sold them (total) and what they are worth now (total)

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