Achro beans!

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7:22pm May 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 517
I'm almost positive something like this has been suggested before.
I'm sorry.

What if there was an achro bean like a calico bean?
It would be bi-monthly (come every two months) and come in a pack of, say, 2 at 300 credits?
Or maybe a special offer, like with the retired eggs.
(But that's not all! When you buy 500 credits, we'll throw in this special offer of 2 achromatic beans! Yes, we said it! 2 achromatic beans!)

But really. What do you think?


1:46pm May 22 2012


Posts: 3,217

id love to see an achro bean but I doudt it'll happen and part of me thinks that it shouldn't

Achro are ment to be rare and uber special if there was a bean (even if the bean was expensive/ rare) i think it'll take away part of what makes achro so desirable and Awsome :)


3:55pm May 22 2012

Normal User

Posts: 640
I agree with skypi! I'd love to have it, but at the same time I like that the achros are rare and hard to get :3


1:42pm May 25 2012

Normal User

Posts: 517
Yes but people geet stuck with non-month achros with Kir.


2:13pm May 25 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,444
Kir can't ask for achros. Only year-round colors :)

Also, no support because you can already get achros from regular beans and the springs, no need for an achro bean, it'd make achros too common.


3:46pm May 31 2012

Normal User

Posts: 517
good points.

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