Yah. I think this would be spiffy. ;o I was flailing at the Shoutbox about the 0 tu Creatu at one point, and Allen thought something like a price range would be good.
And having the unbuyable Creatu show up isn't entirely useless. Say, you were looking for a specific name and it was set at 0 tu in someone's Ranch. If unbuyable Creatu didn't show up, you wouldn't be able to see it, and you wouldn't be able to find out who had it. I'd say that would be even more annoying than having to spend time looking through the unbuyable Creatu.
Also. ;o Being able to search for names would take all the effort out of it. Effort's good. It's easy enough already, having the ability to look at everything at once now, rather than doing a profile search, then manually looking through Ranches, then Atqueen, then dead Creatu.