Add color changes to database (shrine creatu)

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10:59am Aug 11 2021 (last edited on 11:03am Aug 11 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 678
Apparently Viarindi and Guilbyss change color depending on the season and I was not aware of this. Can we add these color changes to the color/species database? And add it somewhere in their descrip.tion that they will change? Especially since it seems not all four shrine creatu will change, it'd be nice to know which ones do lol

Sleepy Art by ZenSleepy Mira by Zen

Art by Zen

8:28pm Aug 11 2021


Posts: 910
All of them change season! :D I'll bring this up and see if we can add it to the creatu descrip.tions!


3:39pm Aug 12 2021

Normal User

Posts: 678
Only the Viarindi and the Guilbyss have changed at all, so I don't know if that's a glitch or not ^^ Might be nice to be able to see all the variations if that's the case so I can tell if it is my end or if they are meant to change, because I have no idea what they are supposed to look like x')

Sleepy Art by ZenSleepy Mira by Zen

Art by Zen

1:27pm Aug 15 2021

Normal User

Posts: 110
I agree, this would be a good idea so we can see the differences
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