You all know how some of the shopkeepers have been updated to have creatu as their pets.
So why can't our avatars do that?
Here's how I think it should work:
A user puts a pet on their profile, and their pet is selected. The pet still has to be fed, has a deion and such, but it also appears with your HA.
I think it would be cool if you could go to your wardrobe and change your creatu's position as well. Like have a little mirablis sitting on your shoulder, or maybe you could be riding an ezhani, meragon or valabex, etc.
It would also be cool if the creatu's facial ex
pression changed depending on its mood and hunger, kind of like on neopets (which I hate!).
Naturally, when the creatu is at different stages of its growth, it looks different on your HA, and when the creatu dies, it disappears.
So what do you all think? Yay or nay? Please be mature, it's only an idea.