The ageless extract item allows pets to stay at a certain stage of life forever. I was thinking it might be nice to have a similar item that sets the age of a creatu at a certain number. For example, if my creatu was 42 days old and I used the item on it, it could sit on my profile for the rest of time (provided it didn't starve) but never get any older than 42. A creatu that used the item before it became an adult would still have its art updated to adult stage after 30 days of existing on a profile, but its age would still display as being younger than that. The item would be one-use.
I have certain creatu that I want to keep at the age they have now. Imagine having a creatu named One, for example, and wanting to keep his age at 1 day while still displaying him on a profile. Sure, you could just take an rray to him, but it's a shame not to let him hit adult stage. Similarly, a pet named Hell or Satan would ideally stay at 666 days after it hit that point, and zaps can't fix that. Only letting the pet rot in a showroom would.