Allow Spaces in Creatu Names

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9:44pm Feb 18 2023 (last edited on 11:03pm Feb 20 2023)

Normal User

Posts: 13
I honestly don’t understand why this isn’t possible. There are several glitch pets that already have spaces in their names. Anyways, the naming situation on Res is kind of a bummer. I’m the type that likes my pets to have fitting names, and it’s difficult to make that happen with the current naming system. Most single words are taken and not for sale. It honestly makes it where I don’t even have the drive to play as much because I can’t find names for the pets I want to collect. If it’s possible to allow spaces then it would make naming things a bit easier. 

3:03pm Mar 10 2023

Normal User

Posts: 205
I think one thing to think about when it comes to spaces is that it's kind of hard to regulate.

For instance, you could have a name like Britney Spears with a space in between.
But what about B ritney Spears?
Or Britney  Spears with two spaces in between?
Or  Britney Spears  with a space at the beginning and end?
They're all virtually the same name since spaces really don't add/mean anything and that kind of takes away from the uniqueness of names.

You could try to impose limitations but where would you draw the line?
Just my two cents.

But I understand your frustration with naming pets.
Personally, I turn to other languages for inspiration.
Or if I want to name a pet after a fictional character or something I name them after something the character does/owns/says.

For example, I wanted a tribute pet to Amon from The Legend of Korra.
I decided to name them IAmtheSolution as that's something he says in the show.

It may not be ideal and may not be your cup of tea but just a thought.
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