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6:06pm Feb 13 2014 (last edited on 6:16pm Feb 13 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 157
Ok here is a harsh one. Res has a lot of Necro-users. Who dont long for god knows how long. I uderstand that someone may take a break or something. But if your not showing up for a year, then your retired not on vacations!!
There should be a system deleting those acc. And why you ask. Well  here is my answer:


There are lots of very nice names taken by people that played Res few years ago and are no longer active. Those creatu that are in SR will never die!! And so those names will never clear off. Its unfair for the new users or active people.  Also banned Acc should be deleted after some time. Had a person in my respal who was banned 6 month ago O.O And i didnt even know that untill i wanted to ask on her profile why shes not around. 

A year is long enough for a player to reconsider, does he/she wants to come back to Res or not. There is no point in holding to such Acc!! Not to mention usernames. Res has FBC, but with the about of necro-users, getting a nickname that you would like isnt that easy. 

Hope you undestand my POV. 



7:07pm Feb 13 2014


Posts: 3,217
Banned accounts are deleted after a time :P
 and ive seen many users come back after an awful long time... longer than a year,

it is pretty sad seeing amazing names on in-active accounts but I dont think things will change or should change... at least with alot of warnings after a long time of an account being inactive.


7:18am Feb 14 2014

Normal User

Posts: 157
What I was thinking of is; Res asks you to register with you email. Why not send a warning after 10 month or something, that your Acc will be deleted if not used for a year. 
And yes I know some people may return after a long time of being in-active, but its only a handful of people. In my opinion if isnt fair for the new and active people. Those names stay in SR and there is no chance in the world to get them. 
And before some will come up with "But there are active people that wont part with some names as welll!! Whats the difference then!!"

The difference is that an Active player may or may not change his/hers mind. While a ghost Acc will never do that. 

I really hope that people will not see this as a attack on anyone. Its just sad to see that you cant achive your goal simply because a name is in a SR of a person thats gone for at least 2 years or more. And I'm not talking here about myself only ...


12:07am Feb 15 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
Agnes, Banned accounts are cleared after a while, but inactive accounts will be left untouched, and will stay that way, I'm afraid. </3


11:25am Feb 15 2014

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
I have seen users come back after 2 or 3 years. They worked hard for those names and in my opinion have the right to keep them on their account. It would be horribly sad to return after a long time and discover that your account has been purged. :c

Besides, many people take looong hiatuses due to real life things. We can't expect our users to have all the time in the world for Res! If someone wants to take a break, I'd want them to feel safe to do so without the risk of their account being deleted. C:

I was on a site where it deleted your account after a certain amount of time and to be honest it really sucked. ;; Once I came back after a long hiatus from that site and my account had just been completely deleted-- I lost the drive to do anything and it felt really bad to have all the effort and time I spent on the site, months and months, wasted. So no support on that end.

I understand where you're coming from of course, I think everyone does, but it's not going to change. ;v;

Hope that clears everything up!

But yes, banned accounts get cleared after a while c:

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

1:10am Feb 16 2014 (last edited on 1:11am Feb 16 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 749
I support this, but sadly I highly doubt Res will ever delete inactive accounts as it's been stressed time and again that it's never going to happen :(

Personally though, I think if someone is away for more than 2 years their account should be wiped. While yes, it's sad that all their hard work is deleted, at the end of the day it's just a a bunch of pixels. Sorry if I come across sounding harsh, but if a player leaves Res for an extended time then that's their choice, and they should know by leaving that their account may be deleted.

I myself left for 18 months and was very surprised to see my account still alive when I came back. If everything had been deleted I would've simply started again. Frankly when I returned I'd forgotten everything about this site anyway so it wasn't like I would've missed my names if they got deleted. To this day I still don't remember what names I lost (I had about 10 pets in the graveyard, so they must've had names at some point...), and I couldn't really care less. I don't see the point in keeping old accounts as all it does is prevent newer players from achieving their goals.

But heh, that's just my opinion, and the rules of this site aren't going to change. :(


8:08am Feb 16 2014 (last edited on 8:09am Feb 16 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 157
Its all around one thing. 
"what if ....." 
What if someone comes back after XX time.
Sure some people will come back after, I dont know, 2 years. But like Thowra said. Most wont even remember their "dead" pet or wont care about them. And so the fact that he/she will simply recreat the acc wont stress them so much. AND is someone leaves from personal reason and is sure to come back then a year time to simply just login for a sec or two wont be a hassel. 
I understand that many people got friends that are taking a break. 
Still its a closed circle. If they come back, we dont know. If they DO that great really. But if they DONT they its a wast of a good name. 
Last, but not least. Working hard for the name. Sure people worked hard to get  the name. But what will you tell to a new player?! Work even hard and become a Miracle Worker?!
For them, no matter how hard they work it wont change anything.


10:17am Feb 16 2014

Normal User

Posts: 611
"Sure you worked hard to buy that vacation house, but you haven't used it in two years because you couldn't afford a plane ticket to go stay there, so someone else should be able to have it instead"

"Sure you worked hard to buy that computer in the vacation house but you haven't been able to afford internet due to helping your broke in-laws recover from financial debt, so someone else should be able to have it instead"

"Sure you worked hard for all those pixels but since you can't afford internet and haven't been able to play for the past two years, we are going to erase your account so a new player may benefit from all your hard work"


10:23am Feb 16 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,148

Why punish some one for losing interest in a site?
Why punish some one for not having time to visit a site?
Maybe some one had a baby or they're taking care of their sick mum?
Why punish some one for not being able to gain access to their account?
Some people lost access to their account and can't get it back.
Why punish some one for not coming online because she became terminally ill and fighting for her  life?
I know for a fact two of those things above are the reason why a few people with really, really good accounts had to leave Rescreatu.
It would be unfair and immoral to remove things from an inactive account simply because they're 'inactive'.


10:39am Feb 16 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,071
Banned/Inactive accounts
Items, pets, tu, or anything else will not be put back into circulation from these accounts. Pets will be deleted from banned accounts after a significant period of time. Inactive accounts will not be touched in any way.

^Right under topics not open for debate^

It's not fair in any way to take away something somebody else has earned FAIRLY.
Is it hurting you in any way not to have those names? No.
So why do you feel entitled to those names?

I happen to know of several users who have come back after being gone for several years. Sometimes they had just lost interest, sometimes there were circumstances that prevented them from being able to get on the internet. Either way, it's not fair to punish them for it.
You don't know other people's circumstances, so for you to judge whether or not they "deserve" their own pets is so wrong.

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