Barter Cash in

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9:51am Nov 11 2020

Normal User

Posts: 735
Seeing as barter tokens are much more prevalent, and getting a bunch of low-cost tokens can easily pile up, my suggestion is a 'machine' or NPC where we can cash in our tokens at once.

I imagine the interface would be something like trading, 
where a screen pops up with all the tokens you can exchange being able to be selectable
or more akin to the forest so no new windows have to be loaded.

It might make cashing in a bunch of tokens easier for mobile users too, rather than having to load a bunch of new pages.

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

10:06pm Nov 20 2020


Posts: 394
Good idea. Go check out Reiflem Bank :)

8:22am Nov 21 2020

Normal User

Posts: 1,444
I don't know if you're going to read this Pat, but first of all, thanks for the cash-in! It'll definitely help a lot of people out.

Unfortunately, it's an all-or-nothing thing right now, but there are a lot of tokens I don't want to cash in (either because they're extremely high value and I'm using them to spend less TU or because they're actually retired). Normally unless I REALLY need some TU badly I only cash in my tokens under 1m so rolling back to Flygon's suggestion I was wondering if there was any way to get an option of "deselecting" and "choosing the number" for certain tokens (with a "select all" option for those that still want that).

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