Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

Battle Turn Off Button

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3:46am Dec 28 2008

Normal User

Posts: 85

To have an option not to accept any Battles whatsoever from anyone. This is because once it didn't bother me so much, but now if I get a request if something happens to my creatu I can't heal them until I go to the battle page and decline anyone who has just 'tried' to launch my creatu into a battle. So the option not to accept any battles at all I think should be implemented for people who aren't into the battling thing. With or without that (what seems like a bug) happening, because even in the past it was annoying getting those requests and having to decline them everytime.


Or maybe in the battle list, when it shows a list of all the Users Online, users can have an option to click something in their preferences that says  'we don't mind being battled', like an 'It's okay to Battle me' tag or just a big Yes, or No besides the player name meaning Yes you can battle them, No they don't want to be battled kinda thing. (though if it says No, then if you request them they won't get the request o_O). kinda thing.

"Do you know somewhere he can be free? River, deliver him there." (Play that line to Xena as she gives up Solan and you've got a killer video) [] (Creator Endorsed licenses increase value more than current copyright licenses).

2:50am Dec 30 2008

Normal User

Posts: 829

Agree :3

it gets kinda annoying when random users request for battle

and the battle system here isn't that great D:


#13, The Key of Destiny
Event Horizon & Magic Hour


8:01pm Dec 30 2008

Normal User

Posts: 16
Roxas that why Pat is work on the battle system. So they can look better. In any case, I agree. I don't think a user should be spam buy people wanting to battle them.


8:43am Dec 31 2008

Normal User

Posts: 829
Ichigo - Ohh :3 thanks for anwsering x3


#13, The Key of Destiny
Event Horizon & Magic Hour

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