
Go to page: 1 Bookmark Thread

7:49pm Apr 24 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,274

*just a really random idea that came into my mind so before you totally shoot it down just remember this

So are any of you big on blogs?
You read them, make your own, go back pages and pages to read about things that tug your interest.
I want to suggest blog features?
Certain blogs could be picked daily {or weekly, monthly or even yearly} for certain reasons.
Maybe it helps other users out a lot, or it's just featured because it's important, or because it's really good.
Then there could possibly be a featured blogs archive, where you could like let's say...September 2012, and see all the featured blogs from that month.
Not really sure how many would be featured daily/weekly/monthly/yearly, but whatever the people who would be in charge of it want.
If people even agree with this suggestion, lol.
And to keep people from posting like 50,000 blogs just to attempt to get a feature maybe have a daily blog cap?
I don't really know many people who actually post more than one blog a day, but this could be implemented to prevent the above con.
And, if you don't want to have a cap, or don't want your blog to be featured, maybe before that "post blog" button,
there could be a check-box that said, "Allow to be featured?"
So that way, if someone doesn't want their blog featured, they could do so.

And I know, staff are busy and they have alot of things to do.
So if this won't work because of this, I completely understand.
I've been busy lately and have had many other things to do than be on res.

This is where another little feature could come in.
Maybe have certain people that debated amongst each other to choose which blogs would be featured?
Of course, they'd have to be site-appropriate and have a legitimate reason for being featured.

I might add more to this later.
But I'd really like you to say your opinion so I can contemplate whether or not this is a great idea,
or if there are things that need tweaking.

And by the first sentence I don't mean don't be harsh, I just mean don't go all, "THIS SUX WORST IDEA EVA"*


11:28pm Apr 24 2013


Posts: 2,155
This is good stuff! I hope to see more brainstorming on changes/additions to blogs. They are a neglected area and could use a good revamp. ^.^

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

5:19am Apr 25 2013


Posts: 348
Great thoughts! I think that would be a good way to highlight lovely posts from the Res community.

What other ways would it be fun to respond to blogs. Likes, star rankings, Rescreatu-themed icons? Let's get creative!


4:28pm Apr 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
I think there should be a bookmark potion like in Forums. I'd love to keep track of some blogs, and maybe you could even have the option to get an alert when someone posts on your blog? That would be nice.


5:53pm Apr 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
Aww...thanks Crow and Broken, I didn't actually think it was that good! ; w ;

That sounds really good Mega, but if it got deleted the bookmark would be deleted too, right?
I've been on some sites where it totally glitches up when that happens, so just want to double check.


11:08pm Apr 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
I would hope so. That sounds like what would logically happen, just like on Forums c:


12:06pm May 3 2013

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Posts: 1,274


10:53am May 5 2013

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Posts: 1,274


6:24pm May 17 2013

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Posts: 1,274


12:33am May 23 2013 (last edited on 12:36am May 23 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
I think what Crow mentioned about star rankings is an interesting idea.

I wouldn't like to have just plain old choosing a star rating from 1-5, as it would be pretty negative and discouraging to have your blogged ranked very low. So if this were put into effect, my suggestion is that you can only gain star rating, or that at least there are no 'levels'-- with a number being ranked the lowest and another the highest.

Maybe it could be related to how many people subscribe to a user's blog,
 or users have a certain number of stars to give away per
week/month/something. Or a user could have a certain number of stars in total-- like 50 per user-- that they can use to raise the star rating of a blog, and be allowed to remove it at will to distribute elsewhere if they choose.

Alongside it we could have a page for "Best Blogs Overall" or "This Month", etc.

Just tossing out ideas!

EDIT: I also support your original idea completely Flo! It would add incentive to have a blog in the first place, which are great outlets of creativity, emotion, and advice. I'd love to see them become a bigger part of Res.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

5:51pm May 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
Ahh I love that suggestion, Dust! <3

I was thinking maybe instead of just star ranking, since people could just go,
"I wanna be a troll and give them 1 star."
But instead if they want to give them a star ranking they'd have to critique it or express their opinion.
Not in a way that would break rescreatu's rules, mind you.
From there people could agree with, it, and disagree?
And maybe from this featured blogs could be chosen?

And maybe with x amount of blogs you'd unlock like achievements or extra tidbits to spice up your blog?
Not sure what you could add as achievements though, blogs are pretty free will.

And maybe featured blogs, when viewing the blogs page they could be in gold text? o3o
Of course, when maybe looking in a suggested, "Featured Blogs Archive" page, it wouldn't really matter.
Since of course, they are all featured.


5:57pm Jun 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
Reviving this poor dead thread.

Also adding the suggestion of a "preview" button before posting your blog.


2:12pm Jun 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,752
This would be something cool to have implemented! I support this would make the blogs a bit more "interesting".


3:02pm Jun 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 319
I really, really like all of  this.

Status: Studying the blade

3:51pm Jun 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
Thank you guys. <3


6:39pm Jun 16 2013 (last edited on 6:41pm Jun 16 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 459
I really like every aspect of this idea as well as all the input everyone has given. Full support! :) I've never posted a blog myself, but I would totally start doing it more often if these ideas were implemented.


6:53pm Jun 17 2013


Posts: 348
I like that idea of the star rating. Blogs are completely about free-will. It would be discouraging to post and get 'down voted'.

We are looking to improve all features of the game. Keep ideas coming! I will be using this thread as a reference of ideas when we take on the task of revamping the Blogs.


12:18pm Aug 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
/brings back to life/

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