Bone Shop: To Increase Worth of Natties

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1:18pm Sep 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 280
Sit tight.  This is going to be a loooong read.

Purpose:  To increase the worth of natural (low colored) creatu.  Clear Active user graveyards cheaply.*  Add a new item to the CS shop.  Create a new site shop that would not be a tu sink.
*Cheap as in, after the purchase of the new CS item,  were it to be added.

Ok so, the above mentioned is the short, direct read.  Now comes the long part.

1)  Increase Worth of Natural Creatu -   It's easy to see that natural pets are worth very very little.  During the stardusting event, I bought around 150 natural Zaphaos for no more than 2,000 tu each.  And they would have continued being very very cheap.  This is due, of course, to the sheer amount of natural Zaphaos on site.  And then, the sheer amount of 'all' non CS or Seasonal creatu on site (excluding Quelis.)  But, here is an idea that will help clear the system a little bit, and hopefully raise the worth of natural creatu.

2)  Clear User Graveyards. -  In the graveyard, it currently costs about, approximately, 1 mil to resurrect a creatu from scratch.  I'm not sure about the rest of Rescreatu, but I am not willing to spend 1 mil on a resurrection potion to revive natural creatu for the fun of it.  If I have a purpose, such as a name or something, then I wouldn't mind it.  But most of the time, these creatu just sit and rot.  So why not give them a purpose?

3)  New CS Item -  My idea is to create an item (a CS item) called the Bone Retrieval Device.  Could be called something different, but that's just my temporary name for it.  Calling it the BRD from now on.  This item 'could' be in the CS shop, but wouldn't have to be.  The item, on the other hand, could be easier to get.  Perhaps from a site shop (the one added?) or even an easy event, like answering a riddle.
Pros: For only cash points, this item would do two things for the economy.  One, it would encourage monetary spending.  And Two, this would make it a more rare item.  In my mind, the item could be loaned, and would be an infinite use item.  Were it to be an easy to get item, the amount of users able to benefit and use it would increase, therefor the amount of pets taken out would increase.
Cons: Being a CS item wouldn't spread the tu around, and wouldn't help the tu economy very much.  And there's the possibility that it could be stolen.  Also would make the item harder to get a hold of, which would decrease the amount of pets going out of the system.

4)  New Site Shop and Information about BRD - This shop would have a currency that is 'not' tu, asides for buying the BRD anyway.  Items in this shop would be bought with other items, meaning bones.  The BRD, when used, would give a certain number of bones.  This number could differ depending on rarity of species, but wouldn't have to.  I will list some suggestions for this shop later.  Items in this shop would be priced for different numbers of bones, depending on rarity.

5) Suggestions for Bone Shop:*
Ebilia Bone Suit.  (could come in multiple parts)
New Creatu Egg
Morphing Potions (like, specific creatu Morphing Potions.)
Planet Mirror
Food Items: Bone Stew, Bone Meal
Venom Potion (instantly kill a creatu)

* Don't by shy to suggest something for the shop!

6) More Info - The Bone Retrieval Device would work much the same way as Resurrection Potions do, with a drop down list.  And a next pop up should show the pet and name/ID chosen with an 'Are you sure?' confirmation box.  Next box would say "you have been awarded with # bones"

Walk Through of how this suggestion would work - 
Have a creatu.  Creatu dies.  Use the Bone Retrieval Device and get an amount of bones.  Go to the Bone Shop.  Trade in Bones for a new item.

All In All Pros - This would decrease natural creatu and increase their worth.  It would give something else to do on site, and something else to 'save' for while taking away the tu aspect.

All In All Cons - The time it takes for a creatu to die.

OK.  now that I have all that information down, I want to know your opinion.  Especially on these topics:
The idea in general
The CS item diea
The shop idea
Suggestions to the shop
Pros and Cons as to why this would/wouldn't be beneficial

Ok, heading to work now.  Thank you all for reading!!  Will update this with support/against, and new information whenever I get home.

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11:13pm Sep 28 2012

Normal User

Posts: 5,310

I got a suggestion for the name of the shop.

The Bone Ward.

Just popped into my head. o3o

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


9:23am Sep 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 635
I didn't read all that.
Because i'm lazy.

BUT from what i've read.. i LOVE THIS IDEA O_O.
I have like.. 50 dead natties. That really are just annoying. 
If i could trade them in for "Bones" To get other items. I would lLOVE that.
Although the "release creatu" button would become pointless. b/c then users would WANT their nattie pets to trade for bones xD
But yes, there would be a lot more Lower color sales.
Which also is like <3 OMG. thank you someone figured something out  ;P

Dear Pat,
We must do something alone these lines.
I would love you forever.
Maybe not to the point of bowing down to you.
But still, SO MUCH LOVES <3

On a major quest for Omnis. Kthnx

1:32pm Sep 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,749
The idea in general: Love the idea. The only problem is for those who have a ton of food in their pen.
The CS item idea: I think it is okay, except for the fact that people wouldn't share the thing. They would sell uses, much like people sell zaps. It would be extremely unfair to those who don't have money to have to try and get anyone who is nice enough to sell it. Those who had the item would collect more and more tu, while the others who needed the item would get less and less.
The Shop Idea: I think this is really cool. I also think the item should be in here, maybe for like 2mil instead of being the CS shop.
Suggestions to the Shop: Maybe like a Jaaku soul-in-a-bottle thing. Maybe it could do something cool, like make your pet have a ghost effect, sort of like the stardust effect but that makes them semi-transparent.
Pros and Cons as to why this would/wouldn't be beneficial: I think that it would be good to get nattie pets more expensive.

Note to Pat: Do this!!!

Hi there

3:09pm Sep 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 635
I see this more as a quest. 
Like Kir's quest, but for nattie, sepia, creams. 
With prizes.. but not as rare, and each pet is worth like. 1/2 a bone.
I don't think there needs to be an item from a shop or CS to delete the creatu.
Just feed them to the new quest dude.

There def could be a new CS item related to the quest. <3
I'm down for that.
But not one NEEDED to delete them or anything...?

On a major quest for Omnis. Kthnx

3:26pm Sep 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 479
Can the whole 'clearing pets from graveyards' thing be optional?  I have a ton of nattie verams in my graveyard that I will resurrect one day.  I don't want them all to be cleared.  I would not like if my pets just got deleted.  Just because they're in the graveyard now doesn't mean I won't resurrect them at all.

Other than that, everything else seems fine.  I can't buy anything from the new CS anymore, so I can't really have an opinion on the things related to that.

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6:21pm Sep 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 280
Yeah, the way I imagined it, you would select the pets you wanted to delete from a drop down list, much like the resurrection potions. :3. <33

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4:52pm Oct 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 635
I just want to give this a lil bump <3

On a major quest for Omnis. Kthnx

10:16am Oct 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 10
I support :D
But I dont think there should be a CS item needed :D

10:46am Oct 10 2012 (last edited on 10:47am Oct 10 2012)


Posts: 2,155
While this idea is nice in theory, unfortunately, I just can't see this ever increasing the worth of natties. I think we need to simply accept the fact that a nattie is not going to be worth anything unless it bears a name that is desirable by other users.

What I see happening if this is implemented is that users will stop releasing nattie hatches unnamed in the hatchery, and will instead name them junk names and keep them to die to use in this shop.

We have over 100,000 users on Res - nearly 200,000 at this point I believe. If only 100 of those users keep 3 nattie hatches per day, that is 2,100 new nattie pets added to the system in one week; 8,400 pets in one month; 109,200 in one year. The items in the shop would have to be so ridiculously expensive that it would cost about a year's worth of nattie hatches for the cheapest item; otherwise, we'd just be flooded with natties and the items would be as common as sea cloth blades.

I honestly don't think there is anything that will increase the worth of natties other than giving users the option to delete their own pets, with a significant TU reward in exchange.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

5:31pm Oct 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 280
Do you know if that would ever be implemented?  The deleting pets, that is.  Because I could see how this would be beneficial.  :3

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11:27pm Oct 10 2012


Posts: 2,155
I don't know for sure, but I don't see why not. We are allowed to delete items if we like, so why not pets? 

The only drawback to deleting that I can think of is it being used to replace name tags. would only affect the use of one tag, not two. I suppose we could solve this by only allowing dead, unnamed pets to be deleted.

Can anyone else think of any drawbacks or problems?

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

1:49pm Oct 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,749
I got an idea for something for the shop.
Some sort of thing that mutates a pet.
It would be extremely, extremely expensive, but sometimes you just really want a mutant pet and they are craaaaazy expensive.

Hi there

5:33pm Oct 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 280
Well, to what broken said before, this idea would be vary similar to just deleting pets. :).  Dead pets, even.  But I guess it could be a hassle for the item coding and such. Why not just give it an option and the monetary reward be usable in the shop?

Also, mega, I LOVE that idea!

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7:31pm Oct 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 640
I dont like deleting pets :/ it ruins the rp. Ateast it coud be something like taking it to the vet for the last syringe...


8:54am Oct 20 2012


Posts: 1,586
That's a scary thought Kinera. But then we can choose to starve our creatu so that they die. Much more cruel xD

But I like this idea. Make the items expensive enough in the shop, so they won't be too common.

Either that or allow us to delete pets ^^


11:37pm Nov 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,057
I think that this is a great Idea and will KEEP USERS INTERESTED IN THE GAME OF RES!!

Us old users are getting bored with the same old day to day crud :[

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