Bring back some items

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7:25pm Oct 17 2012

Normal User

Posts: 923
Yes, that's a great idea Kin ^^


3:33pm Oct 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,828
I support this. There's only what, 8 pairs of angelic wings out there and maybe ONE that would possibly be lent out? Do something like the credit offer with the retired CS eggs, to have a chance to get a regression ray, or an old item that gives you an avatar. Maybe keep it up for only a week, just some type of special event for it. I'm a huge fan of the Ishu and Angelic Wings avvie. 


hello my name is elder price

2:13am Oct 28 2012

Normal User

Posts: 910
I support the poop out of bringing back some of the items.  I'm trying to collect all of the clothing on res and it's REALLY hard when some things are going for 60 mill or more.  I'm not clever in the stock market so I do most of my shopping by selling art.  I would die of joy if I could get some of the rare items without having to chop off a leg to sell for them.<3


7:56am Nov 12 2012 (last edited on 8:10am Nov 12 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 858
I've spent so much tu on retired MPs lately (trying to be #1 collector for that species), that I would not be happy if they were brought back. However, if they made creatu specific MPs in other species that were not available before (Like Zaphao, Malal, etc.), I'd support that :) They would preferably still have to be rare and expensive items though.

I also agree with Foo on the R-ray. As an owner of one, I sell zaps for 10k each. That's peanuts, really. Barely worth my effort. The reason I charge so little is because there are other users who zap for free. Point being, buying an R-ray isn't high demand at the moment, even so long after it's been retired, because the service is very easy to find at a low price.

Maybe if these things were only released in VERY limited quantities for a very limited amount of time, and as a reward for being really good at some sort of event, then yes, I'd support it. Kind of like how they did the retired CS eggs.

5:48pm Nov 12 2012

Normal User

Posts: 335
I agree with bringing back the MPs just because for a lot of creatu it is, for all practical purposes, nearly impossible to get to the top of the collecting list without them, and with the morphing potions for some creatu so difficult to get, it gives newer players a large disadvantage in collecting. For most of the other stuff I agree that they should stay retired, except maybe in small quantities. 


7:20pm Nov 12 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,057
I think it is a GREAT idea. this way it will give new users a chance to get the items and bring the site funding :D


2:24am Nov 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 257
I think it is a great idea,some users weren't even around at the time to purchase or have a chance at some of that stuff. It gives the new users a chance to get the item they have been searching for and older users the chance to get a certain item they couldn't get then but could get now. I fully support ^^

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