4:29pm Oct 1 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 256
Now I know many users will probably scream no almost immediately because they don’t want those values dropping, but I honestly believe that some of the old credit shop pets should be brought back. I’m not saying they should be permanently put in the credit shop, but a lot of newer users never got the chance to buy those pets. By now eggs like the Omni and Kioka are practically extinct, with only a few still out there for some users to save up for (well try to at least). I’m saying that instead of making a new pet every time a credit shop pet has run its course of circulation they may want to start running old ones back through for another go. I’m not even saying they should run through for a long time, a two weeks to a month would be plenty of time for a new shot at some of those good old creatu that many people love and want. A long two to three year cycle before that credit shop pet became available again would still keep them rare and valuable, but newer users would get a shot at getting a set eventually. This doesn’t mean that I don’t think there should be anymore cs pets. If there is a new pet they want to add to the credit shop, it wouldn’t take much to simply stick it on in the cycle of pets at some point, or simply wait till the end of the current cycle. It doesn’t mean that I want prices plummeting, but most users can’t hope to make enough credits to buy the few remaining credit shop pets that are still available (by this I mean pets like the Omni and kioka which have been out of circulation for a long time). It may decrease their value for a time, but it’s like a seasonal egg, the farther away you are from being able to get them again, the more valuable they are (the reason why everyone is willing to trade two Iluvu eggs for a single ebilia egg during the valentines season, they can get more Iluvu eggs now, ebilia eggs won‘t come back until Halloween). Upgrade that by two or three years before the next release, and those eggs will be very pricey. Also the number of users on rescreatu rises, which means that those pets will be more and more in demand as new users join. Some of those new users will turn into serious gamers who would willing shell out money to get those pets.
7:47pm Oct 1 2010 (last edited on 7:49pm Oct 1 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 2,282
you cant bring back liyure,omni, or kioka back into the credit shop. It whould ruin thier prices and cuase them to lose thier value.Bringing these pets back into the CS will totally NEVER happen. Rescreatu even said they will never be avialbe in the CS again. but with cypid,aerix, and habbies whould be great :)
8:40pm Oct 1 2010
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Posts: 3,002
The Cyid, Habbie, Aerix, etc. are eventaully coming back. :P
Why the cloud, Sunny?
11:29pm Oct 1 2010
In Training 
Posts: 355
Eventual retirement is part of the appeal of credit offer pets. All CS pets will eventually retire. Bring them back into circulation would be completely unfair to the players who worked hard and/or spent real money to obtain them.
I am 110% against ever bringing them back. Having retired items and pets are a perk of playing the game on a long-term basis. As long as the pet exist in the game any player has a chance to obtain one.
6:26am Oct 2 2010 (last edited on 9:31am Oct 2 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 437
Actually the cheapest Omni in ranch is 20 mill, the cheapest Kioka is 15 mill. Still far from unaffordable, so people can spare up for them.
And I think it is not the aim of the game to own all pets. If you cannot get the older ones, go get the newer ones, Cyid, Ehzani, Haberisar. If you cannot get enough credits, buy the pets, most of them sell at only 3 mill (which is a shame by the way, hence the need for retirement). Once those pets will retire too, and then you too will own a pet others can only dream of.
7:12am Oct 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 502
I can't wait for Cyid to retire for just the reasons stated xD
4:43am Oct 11 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 336
As much as I want a Black Omni I too say~ no support, sorry but what the others have stated is true. Ren: Me too~ only it's the Ezahni I'm waiting to see retire xD
12:08am Oct 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 393
I am strongly against this. Even when I was desperately saving and scrounging for my Omni, I would have been against this despite how badly I wanted one.
2:18am Oct 17 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 199
no support for the resons stated Dream and ren: i dont wont them to retire intel i get one lolx XD
2:36pm Oct 17 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 26
i was new and i waas saving up to buy some Ezahni creatu eggs and just when I had almost enough to get them, the eggs got removed from the credit shop. Support. My friend just made her own acount and now she really wants a Liyure. The eggs are like, 9 million per egg. :(
 Click Me!
"Those who think that sunshine brings happiness have clearly never danced in the rain."
2:41pm Oct 17 2010
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Posts: 3,642
Ezahni aren't retired though, Twilight. They'll be rotated back into the Credit Shop in a few months - you'll just have to wait for that.
9:13pm Oct 19 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,003
hhhmmm i say i support, though, in order to maintain the value, they should be extremly difficult to obtain (like a once a year contest w/ only one winner)
10:19pm Oct 19 2010
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Posts: 4,355
inna: i am sona. fear me! (:<
10:57pm Oct 19 2010 (last edited on 10:58pm Oct 19 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 255
I understand that old players want to protect the value of their hard-earned pets, but as a new player I feel alienated by the staunch insistence that rare things be kept so out of reach of those who are starting out. It is one thing to as.sure us that if we save, we'll be able to afford them eventually. But between retired CS pets, and Kir's quest, and one-of-a-kind names, the saving seems near impossible. I just think it's harsh that we should be so disadvantaged simply because we had the misfortune of joining later.
7:00am Oct 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 437
It is the same on all online games. Yes, joining later is a disadvantage. Real life is just like that too. If you decide to collect stamps now, and there was a limited edition stamp released 10 years ago, they will not re-release it just for the sake of all the people who didn't collect stamps 10 years ago. If they want it they have to spare up and buy it inflated.
10:35am Oct 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 255
No yeah, I agree, sorry I wasn't saying that retired things should be made available again. That would destroy the meaning of retiring something. I just wanted to comment on how alienated I feel as a new player, and how it seems more difficult for me to get immersed in all the aspects of the site because I don't have the means to. But I suppose it will come in time, and I'm just being a little impatient >.> I apologize if I seemed incendiary in any way, it was not my intention :)
4:25pm Oct 20 2010
In Training 
Posts: 355
As a new player, you need to understand that the players who have more than you didn't magicaly get thier pets or their wealth, they worked for it. I consider new players rather lucky, they have so much to explore around the site that's just hum-drum stuff to the older players. I think new players have more fun earning that old players do having. ;P
5:36pm Oct 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 255
I completely understand, I too am working towards lofty goals (aka Ivik XD) and enjoy it a lot. I think I am just being hasty and that eventually, I will feel well incorporated into the Res community :D
5:57pm Oct 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,685
You know this same problem will happen to the Cyid and the other current CS pets, right? :P Once they are retired, there'll also be, 'BRING BACK THE CYIDS !!1!one!11!! CUZ I'M NEW AND MISSED THE CHANCE" threads in the Suggetions and Ideas section of the forums. :P So although you missed the Omnis, Liyures, and Kiokas, consider yourself lucky to be able to get the current ones. Later in the future those who are new and missed the chance to get the CS pets that are now still new will be envying us. :P
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
7:02pm Oct 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,003
yeah, but what would u rather have, the epic cat w/ feathers.....or the cat fish >_>
(several people out there would probbably pick the catfish anyway XD)