Bring back some of the old credit shop pets

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12:03am Oct 21 2010

Normal User

Posts: 64

These are all valid points, but as someone who has tried to save, it is freaking hard. T-T

I don't support bringing them back, but I do question what will happen when all of the eggs are bought up. How will people aquire them then? What about when people get to the point where they don't even want to auction or sell those pets even? :(


6:41am Oct 21 2010 (last edited on 6:43am Oct 21 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 437

Then people will have to concentrate on the newer/more recently retired pets. You can't have everything you know.
And by the way I have spared up many times on Res, and it is incredibly easy. I have bought names I liked (note the plural) for 50 mill pure, 40 mill pure several times, and then I just spare up again. And when Kir comes out I help someone completing the quests spending 200 mill pure to get an ivik egg. And then spare up again. And I buy an RSTU Frame for 45 mill, and spare up again. And I complete Kir's quest on my own account too with some 100+ mill. And spare up again. And then I just exchange 30 mill tu for credits to buy five morphing potions, and feed them all to my kayoki, so he ends up a zaphao and no Wyrae. And I just spare up again. Sparing up is that easy.

Compaired to that omnis are still only cost about 20 mill o_0.


5:30am Oct 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 340

I do agree mostly with keeping retired pets retired so they are rarer and worth more etc etc.

I am just also wondering what will happen when, as Shinrai said, all the eggs are bought... and every account with one of those pets on it is inactive or banned? As in, it is absolutley impossible to get that species of pet anymore? Now I know that this would take years to happen since there are a lot of each retired species around but one day it is inevitable that it will happen; no one is going to play this game forever. And so, what then? What is the point of the pets still existing on the website when no one has one? Just nice art to look at? Will they be un-retired then?

I'm not really suggesting anything here, just kinda wondering if retiring them forever will always be the best idea? I mean, it is a really good idea at the moment but will it be in so many years time?

Then again, pets suh as albino omnis are almost impossible to get now, maybe it doesn't matter if even the naturals turn out that way some day.

Yeah, again, just wondering what peoples ideas are on this matter.


6:24am Oct 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 130

If an item or pet entirely disappears from the game then it's gone, simple as that.

I doubt we will see none in existence though.


8:09am Oct 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,003
like my earilier point, what if an extremly small number (like 3 a year) could be obtained through extemly difficult/almost impossible means, not to lower the value, but to compensate for retired pets on accounts that have been ban


9:15am Oct 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 130

There is no need to compensate. If we wanted 3 more of a pet in the game each year, we would put 3 more in a year. q:

We want them completely retired.


10:31am Oct 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 437
What's the point of releasing 3, that can be obtained in an extremely difficult way? How would that help newbies? Most probably all 3 would be snatched by old and experienced users who have enough funds (or whatever needed) to complete those "extremely difficult" tasks. And newbies could keep on dreaming about the pets :/.

As for albino Omnis, yes, they are rare. And always will be. Just as Albino Iviks. And Iviks are not even retired!
I do not have an Albino Omni or Kioka, never had one, and never will. And I will never have an Albino Ivik. As I said, you can't have everything...


1:59pm Oct 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,088
No support. For reasons already stated. Yaiz has very good points.


9:29pm Oct 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,003
by extremly difficult i meant something like a contest once a year :l
my point was it wouldn't require money, just time or luck


9:31pm Oct 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,003
gunmetal: and you say "we" like you represent everybody, a lot of people would deffinatly agree with you, but quite a number don't


10:11pm Oct 22 2010 (last edited on 10:14pm Oct 22 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 437
I was not talking about real money either. By funds I was talking about TU. Whatever quest or contest you mean it requires TU (like Kir or Dress-Up-Your HA Contest) or skills (like Drawing/Writing contests). Older user have more TU. Older users tend to draw better and write better. Older users are more patient, that is, invest more time. I just cannot see any way of contest that would make it available for newbies, who do not want to invest time in sparing up either.

Sheer luck, well, it is a way, but then you mentioned real money here. Omni, etc. were originally CS, that is, a lot of people got theirs by paying real money. Wouldn't they be upset if now others could get it just by sheer luck?
(Not to mention the fact that in luck games like Weekly Raffle, people who have enough TU tend to buy up the tickets, and have a higher chance to win, so it is back to the question who has more TU.)


11:21pm Oct 22 2010

In Training

Posts: 355

When Gunmetal says 'we' he means the collective of staff and developers that make this game.

(Can't wait for the new forums system so staff are properly listed as staff!)

And he's right. When a pet or item retires it's retired forever, and if it disappears from the game, then it's gone.


11:50am Oct 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,003
when i said "money" i meant tu, not real life money, i don't expect people to go spending real life money on a game if they don't want to


3:31pm Oct 23 2010

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Posts: 2,282

dragon: I was here a little less than a year ago, when i started. I was still able to otbain a retited pet, actally 3. including a dyed one.It look a lot of effort for 2 of them, one of was a gift.  but 2 cs pets is though to earn, and they were naturals. Old players with black retired cs pets didnt just get handed those pets, like what xeeroh said. I really want a black kioka, but im strongly against this.



3:49pm Oct 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 520

Honestly, I doubt that the Credit Shop pets were taken down primarily to spite users. If you look at it from a buisness angle, they must not have been selling as well as they used to. Whenever a new expensive item/pet is released in the Credit Shop there is a huge wave to get it, but after a while those waves die down. The rotating scheme combats that, in a way. But, at the time of the 'old CS pets' retirement, most of the people who wanted them had them. The rush had died down. (Really. Why would you waste your money on pets that you already had? You would hardly need 10 albino Omnis on your profile to sustain your CS cravings.) So, when the announcement of retirement came, people were not only buying for themselves, but buying for the future players that they could sell them to. Which meant, a lot of profit from the same pixels.

Also, we really don't need the 'old CS pets' returning, with the arrival of newer artists and a more defined style, the pixels are only getting better. Put down your idea of 'value' between these pets and compare the art of both the adult Kioka and the adult Cyid/Aerix/Ezahni etc. I remember getting a Black Kioka which I had saved up for. But, at that time the Cyid were also being released, it actually took me a while to get past the 'value' of it and realize that I liked the Cyid alot more. So I gave that kioka to somebody for several Cyid eggs, and I became poor again. (Yay! :D) The only old CS pet that blew me away was the Liyure, but that is besides the point.

What will happen when all the pets/eggs are forever lost?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. They are gone. Get over it. 

Maybe Omnis are your favourite pet? Well, in this case, I feel bad that you chose such a difficult creature to obtain but pleading to bring them back is not going to get you anyway. At all. Similar to what Yaizhbeen said, if a person has spent a lot of real money on the pets knowing that they were to be retired then they'd be pretty upset if they were just introduced into the credit shop again. What would have been the point to hoard them in the first place?

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6:09pm Oct 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,282
nice point, lolbot.


6:45pm Oct 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 130

Items retire all the time and soar in value.

Pets barely ever retire, and that's part of the reason those retired too.

Ranchers need to have something which builds value over time.

Before Kir's Quest, pets dropped in value every month and showed no signs of stopping or even slowing down.

Those retired CS pets are the only real investment available to ranchers in the form of pets.


10:22pm Oct 23 2010 (last edited on 10:29pm Oct 23 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 218

Hmmmmm, i dunno, right now there seems like there is no point in putting the retired CS pets (Liyure, Omni, Kioka)in Cs shop again, (although i desperately, desperately want a albino liyure.. XD) since the prices are actually really reasonable. XD they are the same price as albinos, and ive even seen a gold kioka go for 20 mil (-9 mil for the dk, if im correct... meaning the kioka itself was only 11 mil) they really are only 15 mil to 25mil, so there is no point in rotating the older CS back in just yet.


But i wonder in the future if the prices on these pets will go to unbelievable amounts.. like say  300mil o_o, or more... XD

Edit: now i see that people can easily get 300 mil! XD

well, on another site, Magistream, i understand they have 3 donation pets every month. So, you can imagine how hard and difficult it woudl be do collect all of the pets there! XD

I believe the fact that Res actually made credits obtainable by Tu also is very generous, as not all sites do this XD :)


6:02am Nov 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 270
it would be completely unfair to the users who have bought and saved up for the expensive omnis, liyures, kiokas and their eggs

Fuoco Ezana Speranza

4:52am Nov 13 2010

Normal User

Posts: 64
I still say all CS pets should be able to use the Natural Colored Jelly Beans. xD

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