5:14pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 5:15pm Aug 4 2011)
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Posts: 405
I've suggested it before, but this time I drew it and came up with some ideas 
I was thinking buffalos have a lot to do with native american, so what if this creatu had Markings like below Markings, or war art 
6:59pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 3,426
Dude, we should totally have like... a Native American themed day! :3 The Buffalo creatu could be releasted as some sort of Quest pet (not as hard as Kir's quest, but still not totally easy to get) and it could randomly hatch with different markings (maybe it could only have it's natty, probably brown color, and just hatch with different markings), Native American attire could be sold in the CS with the avatar, and all sorts of cool items could be released! :3 I totally blew this thread out of porportion, but oh well. XD A Buffalo creatu would be totally cool. Support/Do Want!
(P.S. Your Buffalo Drawing is adorable. <3)
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
8:11pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 272
i think that sounds like a good idea
8:46pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 616
I agree, but most people would consider the Malal a bison creatu. Interesting idea with the Native American theme, though I have no idea what it would be used for. I love Native Americans so the idea of having moccasins and buckskins for HAs is very appealing.
10:20am Aug 5 2011
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Posts: 405
I'm glad you guys like :) and so many good ideas to add to it, I wonder if anything will happen with my idea in the future?
1:18pm Aug 6 2011
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Posts: 405
10:44am Aug 8 2011
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2:46pm Aug 8 2011
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Posts: 56
I am quite enjoying this idea, the malal is sort of bisony but I think they could both work because they clearly have many differences, lovin the idea Foxee, keep up to good work ;) I'm lovin the war paint idea too!
I'm Kit... Hello. Lock up your Ebilias and Gondras I just might get em!
12:53pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 405
thank you, The idea actually popped up when i saw the jahra, it reminded me of aztec look so why not other personal marking, some creatu do have them, like the shaefu has personal markings as well.
11:47pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 756
It kind of reminds me of Tauros from Pokemon, and Buoffalant. Tauros
I'm pretty sure Rescreatu is aiming for originality. Most people would consider it as 'followin' or 'copying' pokemon ideas.
5:59am Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 1,775
Drag, I don't think it's copying pokemon at all. It's just copying a normal buffalo, I suppose pokemon also copied the normal cattle and buffalo as well. I would also like to point out that we are in a dull age where almost everything is unorignal (er... if you don't understand what I mean, just don't ask. I'll rant) Foxee...er, do you mind if I play with your design a bit?
Feel the love man D:<
6:54am Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 756
I understand what you mean. All the other Creatu on Res though, don't resemble any of pokemons' creatures so far. As I have said before, Rescreatu has aimed at being original. I would hope that this would not be the first creature that is accused of copying pokemon, even if it was not.
7:23am Aug 10 2011 (last edited on 7:24am Aug 10 2011)
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Posts: 1,775
Define 'original'. What is the criteria for 'original'? This word has been thrown around everywhere in the forums, however I fail to understand what people mean by orignal. As in not seen on other sites? Well, I ask, should we care if we are original or not? Is the thought of having something similar to others really that criminal that we must avoid it at all cost? Anyways, I don't feel that this creatu is 'unoriginal' at all. The design is bland, but I don't think there are many buffalo pets on other sites at all. On the other hand, there are tons of dragons, cats, dogs and winged animals on other sites and yet all that have been looking for something 'original' welcome and approve of them. Furthermore, I have to say that this is the first cultural based creatu proposal I've ever seen and I congratulate it for being so. I'd love to see some sort of themed creatu like this. This design is still in it's baby stages and will continue to develop and shape into something that you will deem more 'original'. Nothing here is based off pokemon. This creatu is based off Native American design whereas the those pokemon you introduced are based off bulls, needing an evolution and Japan's love for afros.
Feel the love man D:<
10:51am Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 405
Well the kioka might look like a sweetkoon, I forgot how to spell it, but its in "pokemon Fourever" so things can be similer mines not just a buffalo thou, it will have indian markings, i've never seen a buffalo like that before. And yes you may play around with it :) I'm suriouse what it will look like, you can shage the style, look at other buffalos and anything like that. It gives better ideas to see it changed up
11:14am Aug 10 2011 (last edited on 11:18am Aug 10 2011)
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Posts: 3,426
This is more of a sign of "copying Pokemon" than a Buffalo Creatu ever will be. I could probably go through the Creatu list and find several other Creatu that are similar to Pokemon (being the Pokenerd I am, I could probably find the closest Pokemon to each Creatu), but the Jaaku stuck out at me. ... I'm actually surprised... how much it stuck out at me... Baby Jaaku and Gastly Middle Jaaku and Haunter Adult Jaaku and Gengar Anyways, my Point is saying the Buffalo Creatu would be like Res copying Pokemon because the baby and adult Zennies look like Poochyena and Mightyena because they're both based on real life Canines. Pokemon and Rescreatu both sometimes base their creatures off Real Life creatures. That's a fact. In doing such, there's going to creatures based off similar animals. Pokemon's been around longer than Res. Does that mean we can't expand and have new ideas because Rescreatu had claim to them because they used them first?I am a bit disturbed by the Ghosts, though... Jeez. Edit:// You've also got to consider that Rescreatu uses three stages of forms for their pet. As far as I'm aware of, Pokemon is the first Popular media to do that. Does that mean Res is copying? o3o I can go on and nitpick, but I'm going to stop here.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:22am Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Personally I support the whole buffalo pet idea as well as the Native American day-thing. It sounds awesome and (though I hesitate to say now xD) unique. The nattie + markings sounds really cool as well. :P
11:46am Aug 10 2011 (last edited on 11:47am Aug 10 2011)
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Posts: 1,775
I don't think the aim of res was to be original and not copy anything. I think the aim was just to create an enjoyable virtual pet site. There's a clear difference between copying and drawing inspiration from something. If res was a website that involved catching creatu and using them to fight against other people's creatu for your own personal amusement, I would be concerned. However, only a few traits are drawn from other games and Res has become their own thing. This accusation of 'copying' is like saying Call of Duty is copying Medal of Honour because they both involve shooting and being in the military or Okami is copying Legend of Zelda because the main characters don't talk and they gain a new ability with every stage.
Feel the love man D:<
1:29pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 102
Support:) I love the Native American idea
Please disregard my terrible avatar. It won't let me edit it...but apparently that's being worked on -_-
7:57am Aug 11 2011
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Posts: 756
Ping, those are quite vague comparisons in my view. Okami and Zelda may be similar to a small extent because of that, but they gain different skills at every stage. However, there is another game that is way too similar to Pokemon, called monster galaxy. All the concepts of capturing pokemon and all that has been copied. (also, all fighting games seem to be the same to me. All contain violence and things like that.) c: Leaving those facts behind, I think that Res, and every other website's side aim is to not copy any other websites' creatures, or they could be sued. We would not want that to happen, now would we? I agree with Graveyardfox, one very similar creatu to pokemon is enough on Res. I am not saying that Res has drawn too many "traits" from websites. I am referring to the designs of their creatures, not the way Res works.
8:35am Aug 11 2011 (last edited on 8:43am Aug 11 2011)
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Posts: 1,775
Dude, I was joking with the whole Okami-Legend of Zelda thing xD You're coming back to where I started. Basically I what I mean to say is that there is a clear difference between copying and having something similar. So I don't care if things look similar to pokemon, in fact it was you who was bothered about creatu looking like pokemon in the beginning xD It's just one creatu, and no one really notices it looks like a pokemon at first sight. It's not like you glance at the jaaku for the first time and be all like 'oh, that looks like a gengar' or something. I also don't think that not copying has ever been a side aim. It's never been my side aim and I don't think people are that paranoid to have that as a side aim. They can't be sued by the way, it's not like they just redrew other people's works (why would you?). Virtual pet sites aren't the only things that 'copy' each other, video games also copy each other countless times. You can see many similarities between them in both gameplay and character design; and yet no one ever sues each other
Feel the love man D:<