Buying and Selling More Stocks per Day

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10:39pm Oct 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 19
Currently the Stocks limit if 50k per day total (buying and selling).

However, I do have millions of TU and find it very inconvenient to only be able to buy AND sell only 50k stocks of ALL stock brands once a day.

Maybe the limit could be raised to 100k per day, maybe more?

7:27am Oct 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 517


9:29am Oct 24 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,133
Support. c:


3:53pm Oct 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 373

I think rather than just being able to buy/sell 100k total shares per day, it should be more along of the linses of only buying 50k shares per day and selling 50k shares per day for a total of 100k. That way people aren't all of a sudden completely doubling their profits & you could still sell 50k shares of something and still have room to buy shares of something else if it's a good buy. c:


5:22am Oct 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,369
This has been suggested before. I've been asking for a 50k buy / 50k sell limit per day for a while now same as Sasu, but have NO support for a 100k limit.

The reason for this is the same as why we have a 50k limit. People could say just use 25k a day for each, but I'd rather use all 50k one either buying OR selling, because I'd like to max my profits. With a 100k limit, we'd still have the same thing.

But with a 50k/50k limit, we'd be streamlining res. Instead of our economy flowing up or down each day depending on how well stocks did, it would go a little smoother as people would be able to trade more stocks each day without overloading on a single. 

If there was nothing good to buy, then that 50k is not used. If there was nothing good to sell, than that 50k is not used, etc.

With a 100k limit either way, we'd soon be out of control with tu profits. Imagine people like Redrock, who has ONE BILLION tu in stocks - on days when stocks hit 500tu a pop(or more!), that's 50mil in a single day. They'd probably still be able to sell another stock for more than 300tu as /usually/ there is at least /one/ stock over this amount. It'd be insane. 

So, no support for 100k increase, but support as usual for 50k/50k

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