3:13pm Jul 6 2015 (last edited on 3:15pm Jul 6 2015)
3:23pm Jul 6 2015 (last edited on 3:33pm Jul 6 2015)
Normal User
Posts: 418
Though I do agree, creatu clothes and accessories would be cool, it would take a lot of art. I alsojust wanted to tell you the ice cream shop owners creatu is a cream Otachie. Also, this idea has already been suggested, if you look at the suggested ideas thread, it will be there .
Cetari are puplic transport on Scria and you can\'t change my mind >:O
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Too similar to other petsites and each clothing item would have to be redrawn 150+ times.
And yes, the Ice Cream owner's pet is an Otachie, which do have wings.