3:47pm Mar 28 2009
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Yup, this is a creatu suggestion. I know they're about a dime a dozen and, unfortunately, I don't have any fancy pictures to show. But I was thinking about the holiday/seasonal creatu, and it occurred to me that it might be fun to have yearly creatu. They could be released for one year, and then change. It would make them very rare during the time after their release, and each creature could be modeled after an animal from the Chinese Zodiac. So if it were the Year of the Ox (as it is now, I believe) then we would have an Ox Creatu for one year. After the year changed, it would be a Tiger Creatu, then a Rabbit Creatu, etc. I know there would be some mixed sources, like how there's already a rabbit-based creatu and the Liyure is kind of tiger-ish, but then again there are several dragon-based creatu and bird-based ones, and I don't think there's a lack of creativity from the site's artistic staff. I think they would be interesting, either as Credit Shop additions or just as eggs you could find normally on the worlds. Of course, you would have players who threw hissy fits if they signed on after the release of this creatu or that creatu, but since there's already people who run around asking desperately for Ebilia eggs in the middle of Spring, it's not like that would be a new thing. Conversely, if what would essentially amount to a twelve-year cycle seemed unpopular, it could also be a monthly feature. Like the Credit Shop's Premium Packs. But I like the year-by-year idea. What do you guys think?
6:14pm Mar 28 2009
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Posts: 509
thats an awesome idea!!
1:16am Mar 29 2009
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I think a monthly change would be better. Waiting twelve years for a single creatu seems a bit too much, don't you think?
Feel the love man D:<
10:55am Mar 29 2009
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ãƒã‚¯ã‚µã‚¹Rokusasu. #13, The Key of Destiny Event Horizon & Magic Hour
11:32am Mar 29 2009
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Cool idea! All I can think about now is food...
6:03pm Mar 29 2009
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Yes, I suppose if you think of it in terms of 'Oooh, I can't wait for the Rooster... crap, that's like eight years from now' then monthly would probably make more sense. Good point. ^^;
6:18pm Mar 29 2009
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Yeah monthly would probably be better...
8:33pm Mar 30 2009
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Now hang on a minute. No, I like this idea. A lot actually. I think more ideas like this need to be generated, start thinking about spawning long-term interest in the site. However. I think that Res should have it's own version of the Zodiac. Year of the...Krevu. Or whatever the Zodiac-creatu may be.
8:52pm Mar 30 2009
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I'd say the design won't be Chinesey, cause having 12 chinese creatu with a Asian design will get a bit... boring don't you think?
Feel the love man D:<
9:02pm Mar 30 2009 (last edited on 9:11pm Mar 30 2009)
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In my opinion, 12 new creatus seem a bit much, we alrieady have like 36 species of creatu (and people still aren't satisfied) so me thinks it would be better to have one to represent all the zodiacs? besides I rather not see another dragon-like creatu, not that I don't like them, but they're er...a rather popular type of pet to have doncha think? xD Furthermore, if we were thinking about zodiacs what about the 'Western' ('Cause Ping tells me it's not really from the West) zodiacs? To me, they are just as good as the 'Chinese' (though they're not really restricted to Chinese) zodiac cycle. I think we should have a chimera-like creatu instead o3o You know, blend all the aspects of the twelve whatever-zodiacs-you-want into one creatu (which could still be complicated). Also, it would be better to have it as a Credit Shop pets because, well...that's where all the fancy pets live o3o
3:03pm Mar 31 2009
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Yeah there are a LOT of different 'Zodiac' concepts from different areas of the world. The idea is definitely not limited to just china. And you're right, having them all Chinese-ish would get annoying fast. See, that's why I'm suggesting that Res should have it's own 'Zodiac' concept; that way the cultural nature is purely that of Res and we aren't limited to a set of protocols for it. There can be any number of them, in no defined style, without any implications. I agree that 12 is too many, but I think that 1 is to few. I think a nice number would be four, maybe five. Cycles of four or five years.
7:43pm Mar 31 2009
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The zodiac idea was mostly just to give something with animals and a yearly or monthly cycle to draw ideas from. But you guys make a good point, if it weren't twelve then the yearly idea would probably work better. Though if it were a four or five year cycle, then as Trigun suggested we would definitely have to go with an Res-Original 'Zodiac' or else ditch the idea of a zodiac altogether, lest people feel slighted when theirs wasn't included. That would also deal with the problem of having to introduce twelve new species of creatu, though I honestly don't see how having more would be a bad thing. The rancher shops are starving for variety as it is, even with all the species out there. I can acknowledge that it would be a lot of work, but no one says they would have to get made at all once, especially if it did run on a yearly cycle.
4:52am Apr 1 2009
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An excelent idea!I think that there should be twelve creatu,and should be avalible on the planets,but about as rare as the seasonals are,I don't think you should just be able to go around finding it every day,that would take the fun out of it!
6:42am Apr 1 2009
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I don't know, maybe it's just me who's overwhelemed by the idea of 12 new creatu xD We could use other mythical sources such as Bahemoth, Leviathan and Zu and give them the personality chracteristics of the current zodiacs. According to the wikipedia article I'm reading at the moment, zodiac means the 'cycle of animals' so I'm assuming it doesn't neccessarily have to be those twelve. We could incorporate symbolic animals of countries like bears, lions, etc. Or we can create nine creatus based off the nine planets. Because, well, both zodiac cycles circle around the sun/moon and the planets if I'm not wrong. The number the creatu appears doesn't necessarily need to be 12 either. 7 is considered a magical (or cursed xD) number and is mentioned in Shakespeare's monologue 'As you like it', whereas three, if I remembered correctly, is a holy one. Four could also represen the four seasons, planets elements, time, etc. Eh, but these are my own suggestions I suppose xD They might drift away from the zodiac concept.
12:15pm Apr 1 2009
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Oooh, this is why you asked me Bito. xD All I can say is that I like this idea. Otherwise I'll continue to follow this thread around.
9:28pm Apr 1 2009
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Uwi: Yuppers. ^.^ Heck, we could use the Harry Potter house animals as long as there was no copyright infringement. With the four planets and four elements there could be one for each, released in a four year cycle. So if we did do a sort-of-original-zodiac, what animals do people think ought to get used? I realize that this is opening the door for all kinds of wacky creatu suggestions, so let's just keep it to animal (mythical or mundane, both are good) inspiration sources. I'm starting to like the idea of less than twelve, too, just for simplicity's sake. :3 I like Raru's solar system idea too, by the by, though there would be debate on Pluto. There always is.
7:41pm Apr 2 2009 (last edited on 11:27pm Apr 2 2009)
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Sheeps o3o I have a strange attraction to them and they're pretty neat. Bird like cranes, ravens, crows, roosters, raptors would be cool too and animals like snakes, deers (I don't really think valabex are deers), goldfish, mice, boars, elephants, butterflies, moths, spiders.Animal with some sort of symbolism because to me, that's what the zodiacs are. Unpopular animals would be nice to so people like them more or something xD Mythical creatures might include, Garuda, Ziz, Leviathan, Behemoth, Kirin, Hippocampus or Kelpie, Slepnir, Orochi, Unicorn, etc. I'd suggest creatures like Tengu, Manticore and Echidna but the problem is that they contain human elements in their design xD
4:33pm Apr 3 2009
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We could always replace human elements with monkey ones, especially since there are no monkey creatu. I think Valabex qualifies as goat/impala-inspired, although Kioka is kind of deer-like.
12:57pm Apr 8 2009
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I dont like monkeys.