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12:00pm May 13 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,148

Gonna bring this thing up again because it does matter especially if people are looking at joining and check the forum posts first.

The forums in general are, by definition, inactive. On the brink of being considered dead. Activity is at an all-time low and it's depressing.

If we're looking at trying to attract people to our website, having a dying Forums is the number one way to keep chatty people away from this website. Chatty people at this point IS Rescreatu's only source of revenue and the only people who come on to the site because there are games, but none of the flash games provide incentive to play them since they no longer reward you with TU, what games we do have that do provide TU pay out too little to make them worth playing, or take too much time to- ANYWAYS this isn't my point.

My point is, we need users who are willing to hang around and fill up their time on the forums. We need forums where, if you sat on the front page and picked your nose and grabbed a tissue to wipe it off and throw it away, then refreshed, you'd have found AT LEAST one post in nearly all threads that you would expect to be active and full of chatty people (I'm looking at you, Community, Fun and Games & Market forums).

Right now, they're dragging at best ("best" being weekends). We need provoking to post! Give us TU for our [credible] posts! Give us contests for the most-active user on a weekly/monthly basis! HAVE A LITTLE PLATFORM WORSHIPPING THE PERSON(S) WITH THE MOST POST COUNTS TO DATE! Nothing spurs a little competition among users than seeing some one with the most post count and wanting to get close to that, if not above! (And don't say that this will encourage spam because it won't. If it does, it won't be anything out of the control of staff. Trust me.)

Above all else.
This is the point that I'm trying to get across here, so if you were all "tl;dr" before, stop it right now.

Thread counts DO matter when a user is deciding whether or not to join a site. Websites that have been up for 2+ years should have at least 1,000,000 posts generated in their forums. Rescreatu has that. Rescreatu has had that for over 4 years now. It has never broken over the 2 million mark. It hasn't even gotten close because we keep deleting threads. Users joining are going to look at the forum posts and say "Cripes. They only have just reached over 1 million and this site has been active since 2005? 2006?" We should have hit that mark before the roll back and then struck it again right after!

That's why I'm suggesting a CLOSED forum. Staff only have access to it. They're the only ones who can post in it or can put anything in it. Users can view, but not interact otherwise. This saves them the fret of losing their thread because there it is! Right in front of them! If they had an art shop up and it goes inactive, but want it back up again, they can submit a support ticket or contact a mod to get it reactive in the proper forum! If a roleplayer gets grounded and/or needs to work on his/her grades and they can't actively post on their thread, then it shouldn't get deleted! Just like a user who goes inactive, we should not be taking away things that they honestly worked hard on!

Granted, yes, forums do take up server space, but it's a bunch of text with pictures here and there! How much server space can it really be taking up? AND EVEN SO!!! CHATTY USERS ARE THE ONLY USER WHOM WE CAN ACCOMMODATE HERE BECAUSE THERE SIMPLY IS NOTHING ELSE ATTRACTING USERS! 
No games to suck up hours of the day that make it worth while.
There aren't constant events being vomited out like that one chick from The Exorcist.
Quests barely count as a time-waster because of the (rightfully-placed) cap on them!
Not everyone enjoys (let alone can access) a chat line.

We NeEd AcTiVe FoRuMs
We NeEd A hIgHeR pOsT cOuNt To CaTcH pEoPlE's InTeReSt

 Do I have evidence that people have specifically said "I'm not joining Rescreatu because their forums are dead."? No.
What I do have is experience.
What I do have is a consumer opinion.
And you guys know I'm right about this because you just need to ask yourself these questions:
- If a website had no forum, would I join it?
- If a website had a dead forum, would I join it?
- If a website had no games and a dead forum, would I join it?
- If a website had few games and a dead forum, would I join it?
- If a website had a ton of games but no forum, would I join it?
- If a website had no games and an active forum, would I join it?
- If a website had a few games and an active forum, would I join it?
- If a website had a ton of games and an active forum, would I join it?

And the post count? Let's be honest. People like seeing big numbers. Big numbers draw the attention.
Right now, Rescreatu can only offer a unique way to get a pet, and then when that magic is gone, what do we do? We chat, or we leave.
So please, please, please stop deleting our threads. Relocate them to a forum that only staff can manipulate, but users can access.
NATURALLY, I'm not saying "keep all posts/threads". The ones that clearly need to be deleted (ie. spam, inappropriate, rule-breaking, etc.) should be deleted, but stop deleting threads that have done nothing wrong.



1:39pm May 13 2014 (last edited on 1:40pm May 13 2014)


Posts: 3,216
I haven't seen any threads get deleted other than the ones that users have asked to be deleted (and the ones in the RP section... but they're back now...kind of...*thumbs up anyway*)
Maybe im wrong 

But there are alot of locked threads.

I defiantly agree that posts count, the bigger number  the better, and want to see more activity in the forums.
I've seen a suggestion (made by The Pat himself [I think]) suggesting that activity improves hatch chances and other aspects of the game, I cant remember what else so I'll stick with hatch chances as an example. 
Doing "daylies", posting in the forums etc gives you slightly better odds at hatching a high colour.
I really like this idea and think it would be a huge help.

annnnd back to your suggestion
I like your idea of a "Closed thread" section, though I love to see a " Your Threads" tab, like the Bookmarks and Subions tab, where a list of all the threads you have created will be listed, locked or not. 
I know there is a search option in the threads but I think this would be alot easier to navigate, instead of going through a list of other users threads ^u^
(I guess you /could/ book ark them but I think this would be nicer)  
Maybe even have an option to unlock a thread (if locked due to it being "dead"/ necro-posting) that the owner of the thread has complete control of.  
If the maker of the thread wants there thread unlocked they unlock it :D
I can see this causing some issues, people unlocking threads only for it to die and not be active again and again and again. 

Its worth saying that I've unlocked some of my lock threads in the past by simply Rmailing a support staff to ask.

Daylies? dailies? spelling urgh 

also more game/ game like things plz


10:17pm May 13 2014


Posts: 2,155
I'll be back to post more later, just wanted to confirm that the only threads we delete anymore are necessary to delete, being dupes/inappropriate/old sales threads. The older ones are simply locked now.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
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