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11:14pm Feb 1 2014 (last edited on 8:14pm Feb 5 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 253
I Know people have already suggested separating the not started, unfinished and finished collections which I think is great! 
And I thought I could contribute more ideas into this topic...

1. When browsing inventory, instead of having to click on an item to see if it belongs in a collection, Colour coding it.

So the name of the item would be Red if it's in a collection and hasn't been filled
Green if it's in a collection and has been filled
Black if it isn't part of any collection.

2. When viewing pop up box of a particular item, it could have a button of "add to Collection 'xxx'

This would add it to the collection and create a pop up screen of that particular collection so you can see what else you need to finish it.

In doing this, we would avoid being redirected to another page of the collection the item is a part of, clicking on said collection, finding said item in collection and clicking submit. Then if wanted, also avoid having to go back to inventory to search up other items of that collection.

This would make it easier to sort out through inventory items for those who want to fill their collections and are trying to clear out their inventory.

3. Maybe in the inventory we could have a filter of organising for collections? (Would work like books, squishy etc filters) If you click the 'Collections' Filter, only items that belong to a collection will be shown and will be grouped in alphabetical order of COLLECTIONS rather than actual items. Therefore, items that go in the same collection will be next to each other and it makes it easier to see what you have.

4. When looking through the actual collections, adding onto the already suggested tabs of not started, unfinished and finished collections, maybe we could have a filter in the collections section that shows you collections you currently have an item that could be placed in. If that makes sense?

5. Also, I'm unsure of this, but if an item belongs in 2 collections, do you require 2 of that item? If so, maybe make it so we only require one of the item in our collections area to fill collections? again, I'm unsure, but if there are any rare items... it makes it hard to achieve two just so you can have two seperate collections complete, when you already have the item. Once you have the item and placed in collections I think it should serve for all collections it's attached to.




11:15pm Feb 1 2014

Normal User

Posts: 48
Good ideas

Why bother with a signature.

4:12am Feb 5 2014 (last edited on 4:12am Feb 5 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 253
Thank you! :)


5:59pm Feb 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Support! I used to collect things, but I gave up eventually because it's so hard.


5:40pm Feb 7 2014

Normal User

Posts: 253
Thanks Meg! <3


5:32am Feb 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 253


12:42am May 16 2014

Normal User

Posts: 253

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