2:13pm Mar 29 2009
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Posts: 1,447
First off, I think that we should have a black dye kit. I mean, if there's a color black and there are dye kits for things like gold and silver and lemon, I think it would make sense to have a black or blonde dye kit. I understand not having an albino dye kit because those are really rare and special, but I think there should be dye kits for the other colors. Also, I believe that we should be able to dye any creatu with an existing dye kit. What's the point of having a gold and silver dye kit and not being able to dye a creatu that comes in that color that color. For example, silver Draqua exist, why not be allowed to dye them silver? Why should dye kits be restricted to a limited set of pets?
2:26pm Mar 29 2009
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Posts: 556
Well the dye kit are different colors from the ones you can hatch and they are super expensive so I think having dye kits in natural colors would be a little pointless. And it might bring down the price of some pets.
2:41pm Mar 29 2009
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Posts: 1,447
I just don't see the point of being able to have all these colors of pets and then not being able to dye them that color. Like the Draqua, I was really hoping for a silver, blonde, or black one. I realized there was no blonde or black dye kit and, while I hoped they would make one, I figured that part was luck. However, there is a gold and silver dye kit, so why is it that some creatu can't get dyed that color when it is one of the colors it is possible for them to be?
3:09pm Mar 29 2009
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Posts: 556
The dye kit dyes pets gold and silver. We also have natural colored jelly beans that will change your pets color. Besides, would you really want to spend 10 mil on a pet you could spend 1mil on?
5:19pm Mar 29 2009
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Posts: 1,447
but i wanna name her....... lol. So natural colored jelly beans will change them to what color?
6:22pm Mar 29 2009 (last edited on 6:22pm Mar 29 2009)
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Posts: 676
Doing this will take away the fun part of hatching pets' colors randomly! And this would also surely ruin the economy...
11:31pm Mar 29 2009
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Posts: 1,117
Yeah. Hatching is Res' speciality. And I believe Res is the only hatching pet site in the whole internet (not sure though). Anyway, everyone might like Res the way it is now, in hatching colours randomly, that is.
4:28am Mar 30 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 815
Adding in dye kits for hatchable colors would be a waste. The economy of ranchers is currently dropping as is... The addition of dye kits would kill it even more because of impatient newbies who are all: "I want this color cause it's pretty, and I want it now!" The value of creatu would drop, and all of the fun of hatching colors would be lost.
5:20am Mar 30 2009
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Posts: 829
Totally disagree. Why? Its like a useless suggestion. So like whoever mention eariler on about hatching is res's speciality. I think that too, there not other hatching sites. So, a black zenirix cost around 1,000tu. The black dye kit would be? 1,000,000tu? That be insane. What about the kioka? Dyeable black kioka? What about the function of bean? Its to change the one pet's color into another, right? :)

ãƒã‚¯ã‚µã‚¹Rokusasu. #13, The Key of Destiny Event Horizon & Magic Hour
12:04pm Mar 30 2009
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Posts: 556
Beans randomly change the color to any of the natural colors, however it is really easy to hatch a black draqua it just may take some time. And you could also use a name tag but that would be a waste for a relatively common pet.
12:18pm Mar 30 2009
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Posts: 1,447
So, any of the colors listed in the Draqua creatu colors list that don't have dye kits for them can be gotten by use of a bean? (my first Draqua is special, I want her to be black or blonde, not hatch another one just to get black or blonde) And we've established that the color thing is a bad idea, we can stop saying that now.
3:01pm Mar 30 2009
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Posts: 616
if you use a bean it is very unlikely that you will get black or blonde. therefore it would just make since to hatch until you get one of those two colors or buy one of that color.
4:55pm Mar 30 2009
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Posts: 1,447
Why would it be unlikely? What colors are likely?
5:21am Mar 31 2009
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Posts: 815
I think the bean probabilities corrospond to the hatching probabilities. The beans are mostly for pets whose names you love but wish to see a different color of. The order the colors are listed in the hatchery list are from most common (natural) to least common (albino) and dye kits.
5:54am Mar 31 2009
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Posts: 829
For beans, the most likely color you get is sepia or cream. Which is most common ._. So I still dont see a dye kit for a draqua to turn it black. Ri-di-cu-lus.

ãƒã‚¯ã‚µã‚¹Rokusasu. #13, The Key of Destiny Event Horizon & Magic Hour
2:48pm Mar 31 2009
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Posts: 1,447
Well, looks like I'm buying myself a lot of beans then, because I love my pet and her name, I just think she needs to be not pink.... better start saving....
12:59am Apr 1 2009
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Posts: 1,775
I disagree with the entire suggestion, it's pointless. Beans are fine, there's nothing wrong with them. Sure you'll get cream and sepia all the time, but why bother with a bean? Just hatch a pet of the desired colour and then get a name tag. Simple. However, the bean is a more economically friendly alternative for a rare pet, let's say... an ebilia. The way beans work and their existance are perfectly fine, I see no point in changing how they function or making dye kits for hatch-able colours. There is a reason why certain pets are not available in dye kit colours. Most of the res artists are too busy to make those colour and many pets are in need of revamps (so changing their colour is pointless at the moment). I'm sure all pets (except the credit shop ones) will be available in all colours eventually. Just be patient.
Feel the love man D:<
3:38pm Apr 1 2009
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Posts: 1,447
That's nice Ping, as I'm sure you have seen by looking at previous posts, the fact that this was a bad idea has already been established so you can drop it. Also, I would like to point out that Draqua are available in silver already, they just can't be dyed using the dye kit, it's a different concept than not having that color at all.