Creatu Idea... Monkey Love... Gahh... I am so bad at drawing sorry...

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7:41pm Jul 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 337

Well here we go this is just to get the Idea out there...

I love monkeys so I would love to see a little monkey creatu.. Om Wow that would be so amazing here are my ideas... Um they are very crude drawings... -.0 I am not an artist .. so I am not good at it... anyways I just want to get the idea out there... Um please feel free to post your Monkey Ideas... these are 2 teen versions... um I will draw out the rest and post them... GAH i am sorry I am so bad :(


Here is the first teen version I thoought of just reg style.. quick sketch... this is as far as I come in art I am so sorry its crude..

 Untitled-6.jpg picture by JohnandKaren_photos
The other one... XD teen again.



8:03pm Jul 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
This looks a lot like that new pokemon.... no idea what it's called, but it's a fire monkey.


8:13pm Jul 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 337

Diion: I dont have a name yet but here we go. I am just going to call it a Simianus which is Latin for monkey :P


Simianus are an ancient breed, for centuries they have roamed the planet of relcore.. *I was thinking a good relcore creatu?* Simianus eyes are very sensitive to light and avoid it at all cost. Naucturnal, they roam the night looking for mischief and anything they can get their hands on. They are quick and evasive using their large ears to pick up any slight noise. They are gathers of food and store food in the largest trees in the forest. They live in large family groups they tend to contrive plans of any pranks they can accomplish to irritate the civilians of Relcore. Though you might be pranked by the simianus you probably will never see the little mischief maker who pulled the prank on you.


8:14pm Jul 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 337
Oh lol I never watch pokemon hum I will try other ideas then ^^


8:33pm Jul 6 2009 (last edited on 8:43pm Jul 6 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 337

I was trying to go off this little guy Om Wow his hair is so cute ^^


10:46pm Jul 6 2009

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Posts: 1,447
Heh, I don't watch either but I've seen pictures.


11:18pm Jul 6 2009

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Posts: 3,642

It does really remind me of an Infernape. xD I'd been thinking that too, even before I looked on to other posts. I think it's something in the stick-y up hair being on a monkey.

Perhaps you could try adapting it to a certain one of the planets and giving it more traits that place it upon that planet, see if that helps? I personally think a monkey on Atquati would be pretty interesting.. especially considering there are some monkeys that actually learn to swim underwater, for minutes at a time. P:


12:24am Jul 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 337
Sure yoshi ^^ I will try acouple Ideas out ^^ an aquatic monkey would be so cute.

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