8:35pm Nov 12 2010
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Now, I realize this could have some negative effects, but what if on the Creatu Search, after telling you if a pet with the name "----" exists, it could tell you where it was? Just a thought. Opinions?
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
10:03pm Nov 12 2010
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yes! I was thinking the same thing, it should show you the name and give you a link to where it is.
"Imagine the things you could do, if you just let your imagination run wild" ~ SerenityMist ;)
"OMGZ It's Serenity! NO-WAI!" (sayz you) --- YES-WAI :D I has posted in this thread ;) Feel Special. Am currently looking for a SILVER UILUS FOR KIR if you have one let me know :)
11:14pm Nov 12 2010
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It would be a lot easier than spending time or TU finding them.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
7:53am Nov 13 2010
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Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
8:04am Nov 13 2010
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And a link to the place it is. That would be nice.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
8:47am Nov 13 2010 (last edited on 8:48am Nov 13 2010)
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Nothanks. I've been heavily against something like this for a loong time. There are just too many drawbacks to justify the bit of convenience it would provide. For instance, I doubt any big name-collector would be happy after that. Every day they'd probably get twenty rMails - 'omg can i have wolf?' And that's aggravating. That's why I decided to keep my blonde Iluvu in the very back of my profile Creatu. So people would stop freaking asking if I'll sell him. o_o
9:38am Nov 13 2010 (last edited on 9:50am Nov 13 2010)
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RoFL Yoshi, and now you post it on the forums xD...
I have tons of epic names, still I get hardly any mails about them (maybe one in 3 months or so). I can even put them on my profile right in front. I doubt it has anything to do with the name being searchable or not. They Rmail you because you are active enough on the SB and such, so they just click on your name out of curiousity, and see the pet. And as you seemed such a nice and helpful person on the SB they Rmail you. Black Omnis and Black Liyures are searchable, still noone has ever asked for my ones, as I hardly ever show my face in SB.
The current way to search for names is a pain. There is no reason to hide the names. If someone owns an epic name, they are proud of it. And people envy them. And the owner of the name secretly enjoys that all envy them. Begging mails are part of this, you have to bear it as the owner of a dream name. It is like being a movie star. Everyone wants to be like Brad Pitt, but noone wants to answer 1000 fan mails a day or put on sungla.sses every time they quit the house. You/your pet is admired - you/your pet is chased after. You can't have one without the other.
This is just my personal opinion but the current search system is not practical, implemented with some shady reason only convenient for a few.
I support the direct name search option (as owner of the names Ghost, Gold, Calcifer, Soot, Cole, Zachariah, Advent, Ebony, Dragonfly and a ton of others that do not come to my mind now).
9:49am Nov 13 2010
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I understand your concern, Yoshi, but I would bet that more people would be convenienced with this idea than burdened with it. :/ Plus, the current name search is not practical. Telling you it exists, but not where it is, is not effective... People spend forever searching for some of these names to no avail. Also, think of people with common-word usernames. What if someone with the username Alliance joins Res? (If there is a person named this, I am not trying to point attention to you.) If their biggest dream is to own their username pet, it would be very difficult to complete that goal. With my username (iheartyou919), I never had this problem, but many people do. Thanks for the support Yaiz. <3
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
3:51pm Nov 13 2010 (last edited on 3:53pm Nov 13 2010)
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I collect names. Hunting them down has always been a huge part of the game for me. A lot of people ask me how I got so many and that's how. I just opened the search and trawled every day while I clicked around in other tabs. Some days I would find nothing, other days I would find amazing things worth a lot. With a name search this would not exist anymore. In a number of days everyone would have searched, found, and bought every single awesome name lurking in rancher shops. There would be no such thing as an 'epic find' anymore and the only way players could get awesome names is by spending insane amounts of TU. Additionally, we have the graveyard available to us and can see which names are going to become available again. Having a name search is something I would have approved of a very long time ago, but now that we haven't had it for so long names and finding names have unintentionally become a fun (and frustrating) way of playing the game. Ruining that for convenience is just not worth it. The purpose of the name checker is not for us to find names, by the way. It's there so people don't use Name Tags on doubled names. The point is that it tells you how many there are.
5:57pm Nov 13 2010
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Well... I had some RWNs for sale before, for good price... They were rotting in my ranch for ages, until finally someone bought them :/. The buyer was happy for the "good find". I would have been happy if it didn't take a year to sell it :(. As a rancher I would be happy if the game gave a link at least for those names that are up for sale in ranch.
9:38pm Nov 13 2010
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This is a controversial topic, I realize. Thanks for the comments. <3
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
12:58am Nov 23 2010
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Support. People can always block incoming trade requests or people who keep pestering. But for people who sell RWNs and Mythical names, it's a huge help!
"Terrible, terrible damage!!"
1:40am Nov 23 2010 (last edited on 2:08am Nov 23 2010)
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It is a controversial topic and I'd like to see it discussed here further. It's important to consider not only the obvious pros of easily finding names, but the possible cons as well. The ability to find names would increase pet sales for some ranchers. But would anyone just flip through the search? What about all the less-epic names? Will they have an even less likely chance of selling? If we had a pet search, would every decent name be gone in a matter of weeks? Will a new player ever be able to have an 'epic find'? Will the selling of names become too competitive? I'm just not sure.
9:34am Nov 23 2010 (last edited on 9:49am Nov 23 2010)
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As time pa.sses, good names get taken. That's the same on all pet sites I ever played. By the time I registered, names like "Lightning" or "Brave" were taken. New players have to live with it.
At least on Res there is a chance to find a name and buy it from the previous owner, not by "epic find" but by looking it up and making a decent offer. Sure, you might find "epic" names by shaffling through countless Ranches, but how much is the chance that the "epic name" you found is the "dream name" you wanted? Sure, users are happy to have found a nice name, then just tuck it away to Show Room, and keep sparing up for their "dream" one.
Honestly, I would give up 10 "epic finds" for just one dream name of mine. At least a direct search would make it easier to check them out, if they are up for offers or not.
And actually what is an "epic find"? A good name? No. It is a good name for ridiculously cheap. Like the name "Gold" for 2 mill. Buying it is actually ripping the user off of a profit because they didn't know what the name is worth. Like buying a blonde Tesuri from a newbie for 20k. If I put "Gold" in my shop for 80 mill, noone would call it an "epic find". It is a correct price, average users wouldn't pay. But those who consider "Gold" their dream name, would do not hesitate to start sparing up for it. But as it is now, it could rot away in my Ranch for years, as those who would look for it and would find the price fair, cannot even find it :/.
6:12pm Nov 23 2010
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The problem I have is one person's dream name might be the dream name for 10 other people and I feel like if it's that much of a dream name, they'd put the extra effort in to find it and all of the people after it can compete to get there first. You're right about names having a high value in general, but I still believe that names are subjective. I have sold pets for not much at all and seen the buyer re-sell them for millions and millions and the reverse too. I define 'epic find' as a name you want that others are likely to want, accidentally finding it while you search. The other worry is all of the names that no one would ever search for. During your search for the name you're looking for you run into names that you never would have thought about otherwise and spend on them. This happens to me all the time. Your arguments make sense to me, Yaiz. Honestly I completely understand why people want a name search and all of the reasons are good, but I just think people are ignoring possible negative repercussions. I can't bring myself to support a name search unless there were limitations in place. To have the whole site sit at a name search pulling everything decent off the search is a really bad idea in my mind. If the search was to become obsolete for anything besides species/colour sales would drop. Hopefully we can come up with some sort of compromise. Perhaps if it was a CS function or an item of some sort?
12:26am Nov 24 2010
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But that wouldn't be very fair either because then only the already rich users who probably already have plenty of decent creatu would be able to use it. That would give newbie's less of a chance to find good names because they would have already been bought by those who are wealthy enough to buy the name search item. Maybe there should be a limit of using it once a day or something.
"Imagine the things you could do, if you just let your imagination run wild" ~ SerenityMist ;)
"OMGZ It's Serenity! NO-WAI!" (sayz you) --- YES-WAI :D I has posted in this thread ;) Feel Special. Am currently looking for a SILVER UILUS FOR KIR if you have one let me know :)
2:02am Nov 24 2010 (last edited on 6:58am Nov 24 2010)
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New users are going to lose out either way, Serenity. All the good names will be gone. q: If we're considering new players who are signed up now, we have to consider new players who sign-up in future. Otherwise we can't consider them at all as that would be a backwards approach.
10:07am Nov 24 2010
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Okay then how about the search for a name only listed how many exists and what species it is? So if someone would want to search for it do not have to go through all 30+ species :/. It wouldn't have to link directly to the pet.
Something like this:
There is pet with the name Zachariah. It is a Meiko.
12:32pm Nov 24 2010
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I like that idea Yaiz! I'll discuss it with other staff and send the suggestion on to Patrick to see if it can be done.
5:08pm Nov 24 2010
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/154.gif)
Posts: 312
that's an awesome idea!
"Imagine the things you could do, if you just let your imagination run wild" ~ SerenityMist ;)
"OMGZ It's Serenity! NO-WAI!" (sayz you) --- YES-WAI :D I has posted in this thread ;) Feel Special. Am currently looking for a SILVER UILUS FOR KIR if you have one let me know :)