Creatu Variants

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3:07pm Apr 25 2015 (last edited on 11:58am Apr 27 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 237
Before anyone complains, I do know that it would be a lot of work for the artists, and this idea doesn't have to be implemented all at once. It's just something interesting and might give the artists something to do during downtimes.

I've had the idea of Creatu variants, or a subspecies of a specific creatu. It can be counted as a 2nd creatu type [alongside Mutants]. Effects don't count towards this as they're not a permanent ideal. Variants would give the idea that the creatu are 'evolving' in their own way.

For example, an otachie egg could have a small chance of hatching an otachie with a growing lion mane. [Full mane when adult]

I've thought of some other ideas for the common pets. [Seasonals and CS pets will not be included]


Berrok - Vines or crystals on their backs
Chimby - Porcupine quills on their back
Gondra - Feathered tail
Leverene - Fluffy tail
Malal - Rhino horns
Paor - Claws on feet
Vogar - Spikes on back
Zenirix - Ridgeback


Drindian - Tail fins
Intes - Antlers
Kayoki - Floppy ears
Meragon - Feathered wings
Mirabilis - Remove the 2 'long' tail feathers and made the red butt feathers longer.
Valabex - Change horns to Antlers
Zaphao - Remove back spikes and add electricity spiral on tail.


Ardur - Add larger spikes on tail.
Aukira - Feathered 'eyebrows' or ear tufts
Meiko - Horns, flaming tail tip and flaming mane
Myotis - Ear tufts
Otachie - Lion mane
Roditore - Curly ear tips
Veram - Feathered wings


Ahea - Leafy tail fin
Draqua - Teal ridge from nose to forehead
Goiba - Spikes on the shell
Murren - Replace white crests on shell with crystals
Quelis - Replace stone spiral on shell with kelp or seaweed.
Sirleon - Short mane, split tail fins
Skaldyr - Front pinchers
Tesuri - No wings/webbed feet, Fangs

The hatch percents for a Variant would be between 1-5%.
Variants would also be used in Kir quests and for Creatu Collections.


3:15pm Apr 25 2015 (last edited on 3:17pm Apr 25 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 30
How about something like for the Tesuri when it hatches it has webbed feet and no wings ? It does live on Atquati after all.  I do like this downtime idea though *is shot*

3:22pm Apr 25 2015

Normal User

Posts: 380
Here's a few of my ideas

Veram - Feathered wings
Meiko - add horns 
Tesuri - Fangs 


3:24pm Apr 25 2015

Normal User

Posts: 237
Good ideas.


4:30pm Apr 25 2015

Normal User

Posts: 159
I agree with the idea except that I think it should come in the form of an effect. That way if people don't like it, they can turn it off.

7:57pm Apr 25 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
I quite like this idea of creatu variants! :o
It'd bring a new and interesting aspect to creatu on the site ^^
But one thing: Would they have any use as a whole? 
For example, would they go towards the creatu collection leaderboard, would we be able to give them to K1R for some extra points due to being 'variants', what would be the percentage of this occurring etc
My only concern is these will become likewise to mutants, and won't have much use in-game ;v; 

@Feathermoth, I think it'd be more suited for variants because, alike mutants, they hatch that way to begin with. And if you dislike its variant, you can always sell the creatu to someone who will, just like anyone would do with mutants! uwu


8:05pm Apr 25 2015

Normal User

Posts: 237
Yes they could go towards creatu collections, for Kir and hatch percentage could be 1-5%?


7:26am Apr 26 2015 (last edited on 7:27am Apr 26 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 159
I'm just concerned that, for example, if someone hatches an albino variant and they wanted a regular one, that will be really disappointing.

And I'm not suggesting that they don't hatch that way to begin with, just that you can turn it off.

8:01am Apr 26 2015

Normal User

Posts: 380
Those people could try to swap for a regular bino. Or sell the variant one and buy a regular. 


11:31am Apr 26 2015


Posts: 3,217
Support, would also be nice to see male/ female variants 


3:14pm Apr 26 2015

Normal User

Posts: 237
Yeah you can trade/sell the albino variant for a regular albino.


9:54am Apr 27 2015

Normal User

Posts: 380
I thought if another one - Meiko: Flame tail tip and mane


11:57am Apr 27 2015

Normal User

Posts: 237
I will add that to the list.


9:50am Apr 29 2015

Normal User

Posts: 841
I want to make a note about Tes's History, This is information pulled directly from its Bio page.

"Centuries ago, the Tesuri may have been glimpsed soaring through the skies of Scria; their sky blue coats and white feathers the perfect camouflage for these graceful, airborne hunters. Even in their native world they were a rare sight, for they kept to themselves, giving other Creatu and humans a wide berth. Even so, it became obvious at some point that the Tesuri were having difficulties when reported sightings began to decrease each year. Loyna, the Guardian of Scria, set out to find them and discover what was happening. Those Tesuri that consented to speak with her told her tales of their prey being stolen by other hunters, and about how they had been driven from traditional hunting areas.

Loyna contacted the other Guardians, and gained permission from Palora to relocate the Tesuri to Atquati. Only a few groups consented to cross the portal and leave their home, but it was enough. Though the Tesuri vanished from Scria, they thrived on Atquati with little competition from other land predators. They adapted to their environment by learning how to swim and waterproof their feathers with oils from certain Atquatian plants. The translucent film that protected their eyes from wind while in flight was also useful for helping the Tesuri to see under water."

These creatu where naturally born on Scria before nearly being wiped out, so I feel it wouldn't make sense for them to be born wingless, it would really mean you'd need to change the creatu as a whole, really I feel at that point ti should be an effect or an entirely new breed of Creatu.


10:58am Apr 29 2015

Normal User

Posts: 237
Ok so maybe no wingless tesuri.


12:41pm Apr 29 2015

Normal User

Posts: 159
I like the idea of male/female variants. Maybe there could be a set of different variations for each creatu type so it would seem more like there are many subspecies. A certain percentage could hatch with gender-specific variations, and there could also be variations that you could only hatch in specific seasons or even for special events, like fire-related variations in summer.

12:44pm Apr 29 2015

Normal User

Posts: 380
Well, you could do a wingless tesuri but with scales and webbed feet instead of fur. The reason for this could be because they are starting to evolve to become more suited to their environment. 


1:20pm Apr 29 2015

Normal User

Posts: 841
Ouija I still think just making an entirely new creatu would be a better idea then XD; I do like the idea of variants in Creatu we still need to consider how much Art this means would need to be made, over all an effect might just be easier on res rather then hatching at random because it kinda just sounds like Mutants with hatch colors to me ^^;


3:07pm Apr 29 2015

Normal User

Posts: 380
An entire new creatu with a new bio, egg etc would be much more work than just changing the lineart a little. 


12:38am May 1 2015

Normal User

Posts: 272
Variants would be lovely to see, and the time and patients from the artists is always appreciated.  It would be difficult, and I recall the male/ female variants being mentioned numerous times. It would be nice.

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