Daily Ticket Limit for Raffle

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12:09pm Aug 16 2009 (last edited on 12:09pm Aug 16 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 221

Alright.  I don't play it, but this constant winning of the raffle by the rich is irritating.

Please impose a daily limit of a maximum of 100 tickets per person.

I really don't understand why there isn't a limit on the raffle.  You limit stocks so people cannot get rich instantly.  Why not limit the raffle?  This way, everyone will have an EQUAL chance of winning the raffle.

It will still take luck to win, but the rich folks will not be able to pour 100 million tu into the raffle and win it just because they buy enough to beat the odds.

"How sad the world is when everyone holds out their hand when you have something to offer, then withdraws it when you are in need."

12:10pm Aug 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,035
Agreed. Total and utter support of this. :)

12:11pm Aug 16 2009

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Posts: 125

Noche on Dragonadopters

12:11pm Aug 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 98
I agree. There should be a limit for this, it's sort of unfair to most of the users on Res.

I see you shiver with antici... pation.
It\'s not easy having a good time! Even smiling makes my face ache!

12:11pm Aug 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 10
i agree :]


12:11pm Aug 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 221
Of course, if staff doesn't agree with this... they can always remove the 50k share limit on stocks instead. :P

"How sad the world is when everyone holds out their hand when you have something to offer, then withdraws it when you are in need."

12:11pm Aug 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 28
of course i agree with you geo and i think if somebody wins they have to wait 4 weeks te replay the raffle just so at least maybe different people will win.

12:13pm Aug 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 28
I agree that something needs to be done to make it fairer for everyone, rich and poor alike. A daily limit sounds like an excellent idea to me.

April showers bring forth May flowers.

12:13pm Aug 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 61
I deffo agree with this, Geo. I hope this idea gets approved!


12:15pm Aug 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,682
Agree. Finally something that makes sense

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12:15pm Aug 16 2009 (last edited on 12:16pm Aug 16 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 120

definitely agree =)

disagree with removing stock limit though because it would cause monopolization + bad inflation = Res becoming a super fail game for most users.(which I'm sure you already knew xD)


12:16pm Aug 16 2009

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Posts: 1,035
The annoying thing is, HP isn't doing it just for the TU. It's become a competition amongst those who can afford to hijack the raffle to see how many times they can do it before losing. I think the record is six or eight...

12:19pm Aug 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,682
Hijacking the raffle is lame. Whoever does is sad. :/

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12:19pm Aug 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 11
Please, yes. I played the raffle once and got discouraged. Never touched it again.

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12:20pm Aug 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 221

I wasn't seriously considering removing the stock limit. ::chuckles::  I put that there to make a point. 

And while I wasn't specifically thinking of HP, I agree with you Horselova.  Rich people tend to keep putting their stocks in the raffle to see how many times they can win.

I personally consider it a waste of my valuable tu since I'm not willing to pour 50 mil into it, much less 100 mil.

Would love to see someone put that much in and lose, though. It would be hilarious.

"How sad the world is when everyone holds out their hand when you have something to offer, then withdraws it when you are in need."

12:25pm Aug 16 2009

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Posts: 1,682
If someone put in 50-100mil and lost, it'd be funny, but then that person would whine to staff or Patrick. It'd make it funnier, yet annoying.

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12:26pm Aug 16 2009

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Posts: 1,035
Someone once did, mentioning no names. :p

12:28pm Aug 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,444
total support. And I agree it'd be funny. I think it'd be great if someone poured 100 mil in and someone like me or 14brokenmirrors, who just buy 1 ticket every time, got it. That'd be perfect. Not saying me in particular, just anyone that bought 1 ticket.


12:28pm Aug 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 221
Oh I know, Horselova.  But someone beat her out by putting in even more.

"How sad the world is when everyone holds out their hand when you have something to offer, then withdraws it when you are in need."

12:28pm Aug 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,682
Lol, Fizzophie. Had to be hilarious

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