Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

Defferences between creatu genders. o____o

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7:58pm Dec 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,800

It has been rumored that in the first version of Res, some of the creatu had differences when they were different genders. Like, for example, The male sirleon had a mane, but the female ones didn't.

It might be a lot of work, but I think it would be cool, and I'd love to see it brought back.

Lemme know what you think! c:


8:40pm Dec 5 2010

In Training

Posts: 355
This is an interesting concept, but I don't think it will ever happen. We already have 3-stage graphics that take a long of time and effort to produce. Adding another graphic or two would require a lot more work, not just in the production of new pet designs, but also to go back and alter the old graphics. Implementing something like this now would require a revamp of just about every pet.

I don't think this is going to happen. I have no support for this kind of feature.


10:04pm Dec 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 436
Flare: I've been thinking about this as well (: It certainly would be nice to have some difference though let the users decide if they want their current pets to receive the revamp. I don't know about anything drastic but some things might be awesome



10:57pm Dec 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,148

I'm going to go the high-road and not mention the "Neopets Effect" and say that I agree with xee that the extra graphic would be a bit much. Instead of making them appear in image as a different gender, maybe give gendered creatu a specific feature that only their gender can experience.

Making females bleed once a month isn't going to be an option. -____-

Maybe give them features in training? Or different illnesses? Or a random event specific toyour active creatu's gender? *shrugs*


11:40pm Dec 5 2010

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Posts: 721
I support Le


12:00am Dec 6 2010 (last edited on 4:55am Dec 6 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 437
I don't really want different features for my different gender pets :/. Difference in training would only be logical by making the females weaker, but that would only devaluate them even more. Most Res users prefer males as profile pets even now.

Different diseases are kind of okay until balanced, but I cannot really come up with any disease that would make sense affecting only males or females (unless you want to add prostate cancer or things like that o_0)

And on a side note, only very few existing species bleed once a month. The human reproductive cycle is actually very unique. Dogs or cats only bleed twice a year or so, and fish, birds etc. do not bleed at all (I envy them actually).

Summary: No support, sorry.


8:28am Dec 6 2010 (last edited on 8:29am Dec 6 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 854
Although I think it would interesting to see the  differences in the different genders of creatu, I have to agree with Xee here in that it would simply be too much work for the artists to ever implement such a feature.  As for features in training, I have to disagree with Yaiz here, since I don't think it would have to make the females weaker.  Perhaps have a female creatu's Agility stat rise faster than a males when training?  And a male's Power stat rise faster than a females?  I think it could be balanced out to keep males creatu from becoming uber-powerful and leaving females in the dust.  Not sure about the differences in diseases for the genders, though.  I can't think of many diseases that would only affect one gender and not the other (and still be appropriate for a little kid's site).  To sum it up, no support for the change in appearances.


8:41am Dec 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 437
Lol, mychelle, and how come females are faster? On a 100m race men and women run separately because if they were running together the men were left behind? I doubt that o_0. It just would not make sense.

And I do not know what kind of Battle system is planned here, but on all sites I saw so far, Power had much more role in Battles than Speed, so even with a higher agility, females would be left in disadvantage with a lower power.

If you insist on training differences, I say: the females need less stretching, because they are more flexible, and the males need less warming up, because they move more on a daily basis, or I don't know. But no differences in the valuable stat points training speed, please (^^;).


9:00am Dec 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 854
I was simply using it as a "for example" kind of situation to show that the female creatu don't necessarily have to become weaker ^^;.  And I didn't mean a drastic kind of rise, just enough to make a difference between the genders.


9:00am Dec 6 2010 (last edited on 9:03am Dec 6 2010)

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Posts: 854


10:13am Dec 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,148

Lol. We probably won't be having training differences simply due to the fact that anything that is done would be considered sexist.

And diseases for creatu don't have to be limited to real life. We have a team of artists with a powerful weapon of creativity on their side and they can come up with diseases.

I'm not saying this would actually be implemented. lol. I'm just offering up another idea since the image differences probably won't be happening.


3:01pm Dec 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 429
No support! Reminds me of Neopets, and I do NOT want to see creepy eyelashes on my female Creatu.

Formerly an Assistant
Formerly known as Gravy
Aukira enthusiast

3:16pm Dec 6 2010 (last edited on 3:17pm Dec 6 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 50

I agree with Gravy plus I think they look fine as they are anyway.

Though I do like Le's ideas.


5:16pm Dec 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,088

Hmm...what if we only had a male-female graphic for the adult stage? I know that'd still be a lot of work, but it cuts it down a lil. :P Because that does make sense. A lot of the times (IRL), appearance differences between genders can only be visible when they are full grown.

But then again...that might make one or another gender more popular. :P

Yaiz: I always thought females were valued more. o-o They are generally harder to hatch. I dunno why. :P


6:26pm Dec 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
I think out current graphics are okay for both genders. I don't think we need differences in gender since creatu don't look like this or this (where is is hard to believe that they can be a male or female) xD


Feel the love man D:<


7:30pm Dec 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 437
Priana: It is a general trend on pet sites where users can pick gender that there are more male pets. I prefer male pets myself too (I do not mind at all that females are harder to hatch. Indeed!). That's just my theory, but I think it is because males are easier to put into character than females. Of course I am talking about treasured profile pets, not collection pets tucked away in show rooms.

This is a statistic from another petsite where you can choose the pet's gender at birth, and you cannot have limitless pets, so you have to choose wisely:

Registered users:
male: 27%
female: 73%

Pets: (Average 1.84 pets/user)
male: 56%
female: 44%

It is interesting that despite there are three-times as many female users on the site than male, they prefer to pick a male pet instead of female.
Males are more popular for some reason ^^. If we make female pets weaker or in disadvantage at any point, they might lose popularity even more.


8:30am Dec 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,731

I wouldn't exactly call that 'picking'.

It's more like the luck of the draw now, as hatching is random on the site. Now and days, anyways. Although  before, when you could pick genders, that was the case.


8:47am Dec 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,576

Whoa, Yaiz. Great research O_O 

And also. Wouldnt that have mental images around the site x_x ? /pokes LeWhit's post.



6:11pm Dec 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 437
Uwibami: If you read it again, I was talking about a different site, not Res. And on that site you can "pick" a gender. An if there is a choice, users tend to choose "male". On Res there is no choice at birth, although I did gender tag several females to male.


6:49pm Dec 7 2010 (last edited on 6:51pm Dec 7 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 373

 56/44 looks like a fairly even ratio to me. I mean, it's only a difference of 6%. I guess I just don't really see how a difference that small definitively proves that males are preffered across all pet sites. XD

If the ratio were more along the lines of 66/34, I could see it more. But I'm just not seeing how a slight difference in gender percentages, especially coming from a pet site where you can pick genders, really has any validity with which gender is more popular on a pet site where gender is randomly determined? XD

Other than that, I agree with Xee. Honestly, I'd rather have the extra effort put into making a new Creatu or another revamp. c:

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