Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

Defferences between creatu genders. o____o

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9:15pm Dec 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 437
Okay then here is another number you can even check for yourself, and it is from Res:

Search for pets on Profile (people's profile pets are their most treasured ones, agreed on that?)
According to ACS:
Located on Profile, gender: Male: 759 pages
Located on Profile, gender: Female: 369 pages

Search for RSTU:
Male: 6 (not counting Patrick's test pet, which is male too)
Female: 2

Search for Wyrae:
Male: 65
Female: 37

In case of Wyrae or RSTU you can choose which pet you want to morph/transform so you can actually choose a gender. And look what, users like to transform males.

I do not say there are no users who prefer females, there are many. They are just not the majority. I do not say that those users who prefer male pets do not want any female pets. They do own some, just less females than males, that is.


5:33pm Dec 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,864

Okay, sorry to say this, Yaiz, but does it really matter?

I understand you want to prove this point.

But I don't understand why.



6:04pm Dec 8 2010 (last edited on 6:10pm Dec 8 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 437
Fizzy: I just thought it is not a good idea to add more differences to genders, as that might increase the existing difference between their popularity o_0.

And actually I do not understand either why you had to add the above comment, as you haven't even post any opinions in this thread yet...


3:44pm Dec 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,088

Maybe it's because male creatu are easier to hatch? It's supposed to be equal (the percantage of hatching genders) but a lot of people have a male streak. O-o If there are more male creatu, there are more males to transform into a wyrae/rstu. Whatsoever. 

Also, some people don't "prefer" males, they just have them. Take my profile pet Equine, for instance. He's a male. I'm not bothering to make him female, but not because I don't like females. I only use gender pendants when I think it is absolutely necasarry. I don't care of Equine is a male OR female. It doesn't matter to me either way. 

It's nothing to argue over anyways. :P So there are more males, who cares?


2:06am Dec 12 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,775

Yaiz, I'd have to agree with Fizz. You are putting up all these statistics. Everyone gets it. It's actually pretty obvious. I mean, this is about the differences in pet's gender. Not how much people want a certain gender or not. Though your point may seem relevant, it actually isn't. Sorry >.>


Feel the love man D:<


3:02am Dec 13 2010 (last edited on 5:19pm Dec 30 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 5

Please don't hijack threads. Start your own thread in the appropriate section.



1:59pm Dec 28 2010 (last edited on 2:01pm Dec 28 2010)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135

^ That's not a relevant post. It's an advertisement for commissions.


Differences would be cool, yes, but for the sake of my little brain, did we need all those numbers? Besides, you can't choose the gender of your pet anymore, which is just fine with me. So people really don't have a choice.

OHYEAH. That was to Yaihz.


6:58pm Dec 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 56

Support I like the idea alot this isn't something major like having them wear clothes and it wouldn't change the site in any way well like as in huge diferences so Support. :)

I'm Kit... Hello. Lock up your Ebilias and Gondras I just might get em!

2:50am Dec 31 2010 (last edited on 2:51am Dec 31 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,731

I really don't like this. Pets should just look the same all around. :/

It's not that big of a deal. Pets have looked the same for this long and it's been fine the way it is. Besides, this would mean extra work for artists, and they already have enough to focus on as is. Doing this would mean starting up a whole other project, and not only that, but not all pets are revamped in order to match the requirements this would take.


I know I posted before, but this is a more relevant post. 

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