Recently Gunmetal and I have undertaken a task to help shift the prices of rare hatches up, we focus on silvers and so far have moved the market from 20k to a page of well-named lovely creatu at 100k. We have been buying the junk names and foresting them all, so far we have spent what would amount to at least 5million tu in two days just on horribly named pets that are now in the forest.
The reason we do this is to stop over supply and we are attempting to have supply and demand meet equally, thus creating a better market for ranchers as opposed to the crippled mess it is now.�
My suggestion is this. Allow people to delete pets, you can phrase it nicely so as not to upset the sensitive ones 'Release creatu into the wild' and this will allow us to delete these silvers we are accumulating, without the worry of them being dragged back out of the forest and placed on the market for 20k where it will not sell and drag down prices again.
It may also be helpful, and a wonderful way to stop all those 0tu pets if this was an option for just hatched pets also, instead of naming you 'release into the wild' which really means it is just deleted as if it never existed and is now not going to clog the search/forest
This will be a big help to our cause, but thinking of the greater picture it will also be a wonderful help to all ranchers, wont you love to price your nicely named silvers at 100k instead of having to beat 20k badly named pets that don't move just in order to sell something? And think of the benefits of not having pets names 'ewtrewrwerw' hatched three times daily on the search, it means you will have more productive creatu searches and you will find nicer things in the forest.
It just seems crazy that something so simple, yet so helpful keeps being denied.
Because a few of us are getting our wires crossed I thought it might help if I did this step by step.
�Currently, when we search the forest we usually come accross a few of these, if you have my luck this is pretty much all we ever see.
likewise if you visit the search you will see something like this
The pets underlined in red are one that have names that are very unpopular and have a small chance of ever being bought, because of this they clog up the search as each day the amount of these badly named/unwanted pets double. they are all priced at 0tu which means the person who hatched them obviously did not want them, if they were given the option they would likely have deleted it as soon as it was hatched. Because we do not have this option though, as I said the search will clog, people will be foreced to sell their hatches with nice names at 0tu in order to compete and it really is just a big mess
Out of 21 names only 5 are passable names, this means that on anerage only 23% of 0tu names are ones which have a chance to be bought
Because people take no care in naming their naturals when you search for names in the forest you only have a 23% chance of finding something worthwhile.
If we were gien the chance to delete hatches we would prefer not to keep instead of being forced to forest then or price them a 0tu hoping someone will buy it to use in a junk pet trade (which will end up in the forest) the chance that we find something well named will increase but a large number.
Bigger chance of finding nice things in the forest = Big fun
A smaller percentage of badly named pets clogging up the search = easier ways to search for pets, a smaller amount of badly named pets, a more thriving economy as pets will not be in over supply and those that are named will have had more thought put into them.