Design a battle ability/weapon/armor/utility item

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4:23pm Oct 1 2012 (last edited on 4:34pm Oct 1 2012)


Posts: 394
This is your chance to get an idea implemented into the battle system. We are currently seeking suggestions from our pla[injection]yers regarding creatu abilities, weapons, armor & utility items.

Creatu Abilities: 
Abilities are moves that can be taught to creatu to use in a battle. Each creatu species will have 3 default abilities that it learns through evolving.  Abilities can be assigned "effects" (see below). Abilities require energy to use. Creatu begin with 100 energy each battle, abilities consume X amount of energy. Abilities are assigned a corresponding "element", aka Relcore, Reiflem, Atquati and Scria (Earth, Fire, Water, Air).  
Water (Atquati) > Fire (Reiflem) > Earth (Relcore) > Air (Scria) > Water (Atquati)
Fire is neutral with Air. Water is neutral with Earth.

Some items and abilities will have various special effects attributed to them. Each effect will have a $P percent chance to be applied on hit. This number is different for each item and ability the effect is given to. Each effect also has a base damage statistic, which for now will we call "Ability base Damage". Listed below are the different effects and how they function.

Item1 has 50% chance to apply a poison that deals 10 true damage each turn for 5 turns.
Ability1 has 75% chance to confuse your opponent.

Deals $TD amount of true damage (damage that cannot be blocked) per $T amount of turns.

Each turn you have an $P percent chance to lose your confusion.
If you don’t lose your confusion, your next attack damages yourself for $P percent of your pets total health.
Confusion can only last for 4 turns max.
You can still use utility items while confused.

Prevents you from attacking for $T amount of turns.
Lowers your agility to 0 while immobilized.
You can still use utility items while immobilized.

Debuffs lower a particular pet stat by $P percentage or $X points.
Can Debuff the following: Agility, Power, Defense, Ability Power, Ability Defense
Debuffs only last until the battle is finished.

Buffs raise a particular pet stat by $P percentage or $X points.
Can Buff the following: Agility, Power, Defense, Ability Power, Ability Defense
Buffs only last until the battle is finished.

How to suggest an ability:
When suggesting abilities, please use the following format:
Ability Name
Ability Element (planet)
Ability Base Damage
Energy Required (out of 100)
Intellect Required
Effect (optional. If using, provide all associated variables. See "effects" in the section above)
Default? (if so, for which creatu and what growth stage)

Weapons are self explanatory. Choose a weapon item that already exists on Rescreatu. When suggesting weapons, please include the following:

Weapon Name
Weapon Base Damage
Weapon Effect (optional. If using, provide all associated variables. See "effects" in the section above)
Intellect Required

Armor are self explanatory. Choose a armor item that already exists on Rescreatu. When suggesting armor, please include the following:

Armor Name
Armor base ability defense (blocks ability damage)
Armor base physical defense (blocks physical damage - weapons & normal attacks)
Intellect Required

Utility Items
These are items that are not weapons or armor but can be brought into battle with you. These items are used for utility purposes. These items can restore life, energy, and can remove debuffs. They can also be applied with the buff effect. When suggesting a utility item, please choose an item on rescreatu that does not currently have a use (lots of potions, etc) and assign it the following information:

Item Name
Amount of life restored
Amount of energy restored (out of 100)
Does it remove debuffs?
Does it apply a buff? If so what stat and by how much.

Please make every effort to make your suggestions BALANCED. We do not need weapons that are too strong. Also keep in mind the rarity of the item you are using. This should effect your ideas for it.

4:32pm Oct 1 2012


Posts: 394
Reserve for user suggestions

4:51pm Oct 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 635
I have no suggestions, b/c i do not know where to really start with that.
i have to say, i love this so much <3 
Thank you staffies for working on this again!

On a major quest for Omnis. Kthnx

4:51pm Oct 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 243

Ability Name: Desperation
Ability Element (planet): Scria
Ability Base Damage: 75% increase of chance of a critical hit
Energy Required (out of 100): 45 (and only if HP is lower than 10%)
Intellect Required: 60
Effect (optional. If using, provide all associated variables. See "effects" in the section above)
Default: Any Scrian pets, such a mirabilis, zaphao, etc. Adult stage only. 

Ability Name: Stealth
Ability Element: Atquati/Scria
Ability Base Damage: None
Energy Required (out of 100): 10
Intellect Required: 50
Effect: Increases chance of dodging attacks by 25%
Default? Baby stage. Atquati/Scrian pets only


5:13pm Oct 1 2012


Posts: 394
Thank you for the suggestions Magician. Just a few issues with them that I would like to point out so that others do not make the same mistakes.

On Desperation, you did not do the ability base damage correctly. Base damage is simply an integer  I.E. 50 damage. What you have listed is more like an effect (although it is an effect that we do not offer).

On Stealth you have chosen a buff that does not exist. Dodge is not a stat. You can dodge, however it is calculated a different way and with our system you cannot buff the dodge ability.

5:44pm Oct 1 2012 (last edited on 5:45pm Oct 1 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 3,005
I was wondering.Do we get a 'health' bar.. above or below the
creatu? some of us, have a hard time keeping tract of these
minus points and pluss points.

If someone wins a battel, do they also get a tiny bit
of TU? like for a prize.

I was thinking of a weapon, that has feather at the end..
like thoes toys. to tickle a creatu into not letting it not think
straight. like lower its ability by a tiny bit, to hit correctly.
or maybe a confusion effect,or not.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

5:52pm Oct 1 2012


Posts: 394
Yes there is a health and energy bar. And yes, battles can result in TU rewards depending on the settings of the battle.

5:54pm Oct 1 2012 (last edited on 5:55pm Oct 1 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 4,749
Ability Name: Whirlpool
Ability Element: Atquati
Ability Base Damage: 30
Energy Required: 10
Intellect Required: 20
Effect: None
Default?: Yes. Tesuri, baby

Ability Name: Waterfall
Ability Element: Atquati
Ability Base Damage: 50
Energy Required:20
Intellect Required: 70
Effect : 50% chance of confusion
Default?: Yes. Tesuri, adolescent.

Ability Name: Windstorm
Ability Element: Scria
Ability Base Damage: 10
Energy Required: 10
Intellect Required: 10
Effect: 100% chance to buff agility and power
Default?: Yes. Kayoki, Baby

Ability Name: Twister
Ability Element: Scria
Ability Base Damage: 40
Energy Required:40
Intellect Required: 40
Effect: 60% chance to debuff power
Default?: Yes. Kayoki, adolescent

Yes, so I am a Kayoki and Tesuri fan. Hope i did this right, i may have more suggestions later :)

Hi there

6:11pm Oct 1 2012


Posts: 394
Those are all in the correct format for the most part. Well done Megabyte.

7:24pm Oct 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,369
Ability Name: Berserk
Ability Element: Reiflem
Ability Base Damage: 5
Energy Required : 10
Intellect Required: 0
Effect: 25% chance to double base attack for duration of battle
Default: none


7:30pm Oct 1 2012 (last edited on 7:32pm Oct 1 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 4,749
I said I would have more :D

Ability Name: Hurricane
Ability Element (planet): Atquati/Scria
Ability Base Damage:60
Energy Required (out of 100): 30
Intellect Required: 0
Effects: None
Default?: Yes; Tesuri and Kayoki, Adult

Hi there

6:52am Oct 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
Weapon Name: Bow and Arrow
Weapon Base Damage: 5-10
Weapon Effect (optional. If using, provide all associated variables. See "effects" in the section above): None
Intellect Required: 10

Weapon Name: Flare Staff
Weapon Base Damage: 10-15
Weapon Effect (optional. If using, provide all associated variables. See "effects" in the section above): Buffs Reiflem creatu, debuffs Atquati creatu
Intellect Required:20

I'll add more later.

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


9:40am Oct 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 165
Magic wand
Base damage: 7-10
Weapon effect: Has small chance of confuzing opponent creatu. also has small chance of making them Delighted.
Intellect required: 5

what about abilites based on colour?
(my spelling sucks)

"Hello, this is... Mom Universe. Yes, the children are playing swords. Sorry, playing with swords. They\'re bleeding, oh noo they are dead. Don\'t call again. * click * Sorry I panicked"

3:59pm Oct 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,749
Weapon Name: Winged Tesuri Sword
Wepon Base Power: 30
Wepon Effect: Has a 60% chance to immobilize
Intellect Required: 60

Yes, I know, again with the tesuris. I think it would be cool to have abilities based on color, like the fewer there are of one color on the sight, the better abilities they get.

Hi there

4:15pm Oct 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 105
what about if the planet sword were very strong?(not so much).the swords are very rare to find,so,they ,ust be famous and strong!

4:54pm Oct 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,003
Ability Name: Decay
Ability Element (planet) Refliem
Ability Base Damage: 10
Energy Required (out of 100) : 10
Intellect Required: None.
Effect (optional. If using, provide all associated variables. See "effects" in the section above) Poison: 65% Immobilize: 10%
Default? (if so, for which creatu and what growth stage): Ebilia, Teen
(More or less meant to be an Ebilia exclusive ability) 

Ability Name Bunny Boot
Ability Element (planet) Relcore/Scira (Either or)
Ability Base Damage: 30
Energy Required (out of 100): 15
Intellect Required: 5
Effect (optional. If using, provide all associated variables. See "effects" in the section above) N/A
Default? (if so, for which creatu and what growth stage) Creatu the resemble rabbits (I'm not sure if a creatu from Scria could have a Relcore ability, so if that becomes to muddied you can just ignore this ability)
Ability Name Jigen-Ryu
Ability Element (planet) Scria
Ability Base Damage 50
Energy Required (out of 100) 25
Intellect Required 20
Effect (optional. If using, provide all associated variables. See "effects" in the section above) N/A
Default? (if so, for which creatu and what growth stage)
High level Zaphao
(Relatively low accuracy)

...I hope I filled this out right, it's likely I'll try to add more later. I'm so happy that there will be a battle system. I wasn't around long enough for the original one.


6:06am Oct 3 2012 (last edited on 6:15am Oct 3 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 2
Ability name: the locker
Ability element: relcore
Ability base damage:50
Energy required: 30
Intellect required: 20
Effect: 50% poisoning
Default: creatu resembles locking people
High level zaphino

10:57am Oct 4 2012

Normal User

Posts: 157
whoa lots of epic ideas i'll have to rethink what i had in mindas others have posted similar already
take care all

i zap pets, 50 k per pet. rmail me for more details.

-haat, ijaa, haa`it -truth honor vision-


7:26pm Oct 4 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,749
Yes, I am back. i hope you like my ideas and you don't just think that they are spam, because they are not. If you want me to stop posting Pat to let other people get their ideas in, just let me know. I want everyone to have a fair chance :)

Weapon Name: Atquati/Refleim/Scria/Relcore Sword (A bunch of people wanted one of these. Here it is)
Weapon Base Power: 85 (Yeah, it's really powerful, but they are really, really rare.)
Weapon Ability: Atquati-85% Chance of Poison; Scria-85% Chance of Immobilization; Refleim-85% Chance of Confusion; Relcore-85% Chance to Debuff Everything (I thought each of the planets should have some differences. I matched the ability with what planet I thought it would be good with. Atquati looks like it has poison around it, refleim is strong and the fire would blind you and make you confused, Scria looks like an imobilizing whirlwind, and relcore looks like a sort of debuff thing, all planty-like)
Intellect Required: 130 (So not every pet can use it. Hard to find sword with hard to gain intellect, but good rewards if you have a pet that can use it.)

Hi there

8:27pm Oct 4 2012 (last edited on 6:10am Oct 5 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 617
Ability Name Crystal Storm
Ability Element (planet) Reiflem
Ability Base Damage 25%
Energy Required (out of 100)  30
Intellect Required 15
Effect has a 65% of immobilizing or confusing your opponent.
Default? Ardur adolence and ardur adult

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