Different Options for the Top Bar's Icon Links? ;o

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12:35pm Sep 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,642
Like. The icons in the upper left that link to the hatchery and Showroom and whatnot. P:

It'd be nice to have a little changeability in what's linked there, as it's the most convenient spot for the places we visit most often, but we all have different places we like to visit. For instance, I have absolutely no use for the food pen and collections links, as I use an Infinite Popcorn Sack to feed my pets and just plain don't do collections. But then I go to my Ranch a lot, at least a couple times a day, and I find myself wishing it was just right there in the open.

Maybe there could be an option in preferences to change what's linked there to make things more convenient? c:

Some good links might be Ranch, Merchant shop, stocks, various quests, the popout Shoutbox in fullscreen..

Also as a separate suggestion, subions/bookmarks buttons on the main page of the Forum perhaps? I hate having to click on a board first in order to get to those. It always ends up with me distracted by other threads in the board I clicked on rather than going to the bookmarked ones I wanted to look at in the first place. xD


6:11pm Sep 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 401
Support! I don't do collections either, it'd be nice to have the stocks or something up there instead.

Adopt one today!

8:22am Sep 27 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
Support. I tend to get my inventory, food pen, and collections mixed up a lot. X3;


3:27pm Sep 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 4,893

i’m such a gamer uwu

4:49pm Sep 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,679
That would be super nice!  Support. :)

Click for Graphic Commissions

2:48pm Oct 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 455
Support :) I dont really collect items xD
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