Email Res Updates

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3:20pm May 8 2011

Normal User

Posts: 616
I just thought it would be nice if we could be emailed when there are new updates. I know that I've been a lot busier than normal this year and haven't gotten to get on Res every day like I used to and because of this I get a bit behind in the newer features and have completely missed events like Cinco de Mayo. I would just like to be informed when things happen so I can make sure I can make time for Res when important stuff happens. I guess this would work like Facebook email notifications.

3:51pm May 8 2011

Normal User

Posts: 670
Maybe an option for this?  I'm on Res almost every day and never miss an update, it would just spam my email with updates I already know about.

Adopt one today!

7:40pm May 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,036
This kind of thing will likely be a bigger part of Res when V3 comes out. :) I'm pretty sure I heard Pat mention something.
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