Enchanted springs

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1:15am Feb 17 2019 (last edited on 8:39pm Feb 19 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 131
So I've been thinking about the enchanted springs lately and how frustrating it is to be a high level and still get lower teir items

EX: level 100 still getting sea glass shards

I think that if we're past a certain prize teir we should no longer get those teir items 

like if we are in teir 5 we shouldn't get prize Teir 1 items
Also it says Swim in the Enchanted Springs every day consecutively to earn better rewards.
But it doesn't feel like better rewards when we are still getting sea glass, sand dollar, glass shards excetra when we are over level 61 prize Teir 5 

Maybe can add new items for users over level 100 like

A new squishy (something spring related)
A new book ( how the enchanted springs came to be)
A higher increase chance of getting spring dips or quelis eggs or snow merbits and tail
A new clothing item(s)
 A new creatu suggested by chaos

Also it would be nice that some of the items like Dormant engergy ball would be a toy as it currently has no function or a HA item suggested idea of Chaos

I feel like it would engage users to keep doing springs cause as much as I like the springs sometimes feel like not doing it cause we still get the lower teir prizes in the higer teirs

Maybe adding like a Coin for each Teir that would be a trophy suggested idea from Kaymeg

A check point at each Teir suggestion idea from Razthezukan and koopa

Please feel free to add or imput your ideas on how we can make the springs more fun and engaing for users


1:58am Feb 17 2019 (last edited on 1:58am Feb 17 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 1,018
I feel the same, like once you get into the top tier, maybe more chances for even tu. (like more than what the chances are of getting now)
-builds a house for a creatu with 111 Petrified Wood-
Don't even want to know how many Waterlogged Books I would still have if it wasn't for feeding them to the shrines.
Like even if it was like a chance at 100/200k tu once you hit 100 days,
150-199 days 200/300k
200-249 days 300/400k
etc etc.
Or maybe even a higher amount I'm not sure what others would deem fair.
I'm all for a chance at a new squishy, book, clothes, etc as well. I feel like I mainly get lower tier stuff.


2:30am Feb 17 2019

Normal User

Posts: 65
I like the idea of a coin or something, even if it is not to reset the springs when you miss (which is so frustrating) but perhaps as a collection item. So each tier has a coin or trophy of some such reward you can collect.

10:52am Feb 17 2019

Normal User

Posts: 42
I agree that it is frustrating sometimes to go there and get sea glass and whatnot when I've been going there every day for 2 months. The coin idea would also be cool, since sometimes I think that I checked the springs when I logged on and I actually got distracted lol. Even if that doesn't happen though it'd be cooler to have higher tiers than just above 61 since I've gotten to like 150 before and didn't feel like it was much different from level 50.

11:29am Feb 17 2019

Normal User

Posts: 418
I think a higher chance for the higher prizes as you move up tiers would be good... It always feels like Quelis eggs are the hardest thing to get at the springs, which makes sense, but if its a kir pet, that makes it so much harder to obtain a quelis egg to begin with. At least with seasonal you can hunt them, but you have to visit every day continually for even a chance to obtain an egg :v

Cetari are puplic transport on Scria and you can\'t change my mind >:O

5:52pm Feb 17 2019

Normal User

Posts: 356
I think this is a very good idea! I'm all for it (:


2:18am Feb 18 2019

Normal User

Posts: 556
Agreed! It would motivate me better to use the spring daily.


10:45am Feb 18 2019

Normal User

Posts: 321
I'm all for it! But I would like the dormant energy ball to be made a HA item. I think it would look cool with a lot of outfits. I would like a higher chance to get HA items/spring dye dips/hatchable color dips/quelis eggs as you get higher in the tiers, maybe new tiers as well. Maybe even new creatu as well. I would love a whale/dolphin kind of creatu or a manatee or maybe both?


11:26am Feb 18 2019

Normal User

Posts: 131
That would be awesome and actually dormant energy ball would be a cool HA item like a light blue and black auroa or it could be turned into a weapon as well when battling come back

11:41pm Feb 18 2019

Normal User

Posts: 20
I love this. I've long given up on the springs, between it not recognising my visits and consequently resetting, crappy prize drops, and the stress of trying to keep up with it, I'd like to see new, real reason and motivation to use the springs again.

10:48am Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 678
Love all these ideas! I stopped going to the springs because I was tired of the same prizes despite being on high tiers, and then having no way to go back to where I was when I missed just one day. 

Maybe with an item similar to the Coin idea - it brings us down a tier below that what we were at, but doesn't make us start all the way at the beginning? Just in case there are reasons people don't want users to be able to go right back where they were, but I don't see any point in not. 
[if that made sense at all]

Sleepy Art by ZenSleepy Mira by Zen

Art by Zen

11:18am Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 115
Highly support!

11:35am Feb 19 2019 (last edited on 11:35am Feb 19 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 460
I think this idea has merit, however some of the lower tier items have uses whether that's in recipes or events.
I think a percentage system would work well personally. Gaining more percentage for the more desirable items the higher you get, and maybe cap it at 300 days so that people have an end goal.
Once you reach 300 days you just stay there on the highest prize tier, until you miss a day and drop back down again! 

Roditore Queen, Always

12:09pm Feb 19 2019


Posts: 96
I like this idea. I think it would be good to not get the lower tier prizes on higher ones. Especially over 50, I mean come on. It just sucks to be that consistent and then get sea glass or some other worthless item OTL

Also I like the idea of undoing a reset, but instead of it being a coin/token you find I think it should be based on check points. In a lot of games have it where if you make it so far in you reach a check point, and then if you get reset it resets to the check point instead of the beginning. And I think that would be cool in the springs.

Like maybe make a check point at 50, 100, and 200 or something. And then make it so if you miss one day it goes back to the nearest check point. But then if you miss another day it resets to zero. I think that would be a lot better and less frustrating ^_^


12:16pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 131
That is a very interesting and good point check points would be interesting and possibly work better than the coin but the coin like kaymeg pointed out can be trophies

1:16pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 87
I think checkpoints are a great idea!! I've had times when I've been at 200+ and getting sent straight back down to zero is really disheartening. 

Having a higher chance at better items/prizes as your tier increases also sounds great but I agree that it should definitely be capped. I don't mind getting lowered tiered items but it would be better if the frequency of it changed.      

1:35pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 81
 I agree with Range and Hoppin' when you are at 470 +  and get reset it is more than peeving so I dont do it with any certainty anymore as its simply not worth taking seriously. I am grateful that you resolved the decimating stats problem and only log into it for them now. The items are just a useful bonus for the Shrines so tiering them or bonus items wouldnt really  matter to me. .... spent too long doing it before to want to crawl back to that level.

Exploring .... need a compass ... amd a return ticket !

8:26pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 20
I'm all for this


11:22pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 25
I’m def for adding more rewards. It will also encourage more people to get on every day to build that level, and potentially put more rare items into market. 

It\'s just one of those days.

11:54pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 35
I vote yes. 100% yes. It's frustrating when you try so hard to maintain your streak only to be greeted with rainbow scales and waterlogged books every time.
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