Event to clear out low value creatu

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9:51am Apr 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,003
An event in which you turn in pets for points, much like the other event quests. The purpose is to clear out all of those junk name backlog pets nobody really wants.

Yes, I understand that there already was an event to raise the value of creatu, I remember creating the thread in the suggesting an event to raise the value of creatu, and it was indeed implemented in the kir leaving quest, however the pet was still left behind and there was no reason to buy a natural pet when you could just hatch one yourself and have a chance for something rarer.

Personally I rather like what the recent easter event did, the eggs became worth something again rather then the equivalent of pocket lint.

As an after thought I think that the event should be able to be enabled by the staff whenever they feel it's necessary, however I don't think it should be announced ahead of time, because there will always be that one guy who will hoard every hatch he gets because he knows the event is coming in a week.

I get that the idea is more or less sink or swim, so unleash the criticisms!


10:29am Apr 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,751
I definitely like this idea. There are so many cheaply named terrible creatu that nobody wants, and maybe this could filter some of them out.

Hi there
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