Extra Pet Slots

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1:26pm Nov 14 2010

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Posts: 1,446

Well, for all you experienced and non-experienced players out there, I have a new idea. You see, for ranchers and merchants alike, we have limited creatu slots no? 15 for Merchant (if I'm not mistaken), and 25 for Ranchers. Now, for those of us who have OVER 15 or 25 beloved creatu we want to show off to the whole world on our profile, hatching is a pain. See, we have to place our creatu in our showrooms/ranchers/whatever storage unit you use, hatch the stinkin' natties, then throw THEM back into your enormous showroom, and go clicking for each and every. single. page of your showroom to find your profilers again. And thus the cycle continues.

So I thought that there would be an item in the CS shop, for say, 25-50 credits, which allows you a permanent extra creatu slot for your profile. Similar in shape and style to the merchant and rancher tokens, so there wouldn't be too much ha.ssle for the artists/graphic people to design it.

I mean, seriously. For those of us who keep many creatu in our showroom/ranchers, it's probably a pain for all of us to stick the creatu in, then take them out.  It would probably help if you could have a drop down box  of all your categories, so you could find them easily, but that's a whole 'nother issue. 



2:00pm Nov 14 2010

Normal User

Posts: 130
It's extremely likely that there will be a way to obtain additional pet slots eventually.


3:03pm Nov 14 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,005
Support. o.O Although I don't have that problem, I know plenty of others do.

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

7:27am Nov 15 2010 (last edited on 8:41am Nov 15 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 437
As for showing off your pets, I doubt anyone would bother to shuffle through 50+ pets on anyone's profile just out of curiousity :/. You can show them off just as well in Show Room. Personally I think 25 is plenty, other pet sites I know only allow 4-8. As far as I know, Ranchers have more pet slots only so they could look after and train them to sell for more, but very few users do actually train their pets. And if you really can train more than 25 pets every day, I bow my head to you because I am only training like 12, and it is very time consuming already o_0.

And as Res has a high score list for pet's age, keeping pets on profile and aging them is something that increases their value on its own. If you could have like 100 pets on your profile, one who owns an old enough account could own the 100 oldest pets alone (not likely but possible), and keep them all out and age them all at once.

So I have to say I am against this, sorry :/.


7:43am Nov 15 2010 (last edited on 7:43am Nov 15 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 312

Yaiz, Fluffy is saying that you would get ONE extra slot for like 50 credits, I doubt anyone will go and buy 75 of these and there is probably way better stuff they can spend their tu on (CS creatu, beans etc..)

I'm only fairly new to Rescreatu so I personally think 25 is plenty, like Yaiz, but I don't see any harm having a couple of extra slots so I guess I support.

"Imagine the things you could do, if you just let your imagination run wild" ~ SerenityMist ;) "OMGZ It's Serenity! NO-WAI!" (sayz you) --- YES-WAI :D I has posted in this thread ;) Feel Special. Am currently looking for a SILVER UILUS FOR KIR if you have one let me know :)

7:59am Nov 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 437
Serenity: If they only wanted like 1 pet slot, then it is absolutely unnecessary. If they have out 26 pets, then they only have to put away TWO while hatching. Then they have 24 pets out and a slot. Hatch the "stinkin' natties" (which they would release unnamed anyways) or if they happen to hatch a colour they can put it away to ranch/show room too and hatch the next. Once finished hatching they take out the TWO pets from Show Room. If they always put away the same ones, they would always go to the same page, so it is not like they have to click every single page. If they put away the ones with names A or Z they would go to very first or last pages anyways. Not such a big deal.

So I do not think anyone would need 1 slot more. If they have 1 more they need 5 more, then 10 more.
And tell me, when did you last look at the pet, that is currently the last one on your profile? I know I usually look at the 10 first ones of mine. And I only have out like 23. You call it your favourite, but you could just as well put it away, as you actually do not treat it like a favourite.


8:30am Nov 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 312
Yaiz: True, I agree with what you're saying, and like I said, I think 25 slots is plenty, I just don't see any harm in the possibility of users being able to buy a couple more slots. 

"Imagine the things you could do, if you just let your imagination run wild" ~ SerenityMist ;) "OMGZ It's Serenity! NO-WAI!" (sayz you) --- YES-WAI :D I has posted in this thread ;) Feel Special. Am currently looking for a SILVER UILUS FOR KIR if you have one let me know :)
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