First post on the page.

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4:18am Feb 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,775

Yeah, I'd actually like being able to see the first post on the page when you click on thread automatically without having to go back to the first page by myself. It's not that I'm lazy or anything, but it's really annoying having people who haven't read the first post respond to a thread asking about something when the answer is on the first post already.

There could be a box on the top of the page (second page onwards of course) with 'first post' written on it, it should also be a different colour (maybe a light shade of blue?) I suppose.

I know now's not the best time to ask, since we just had a hack and a some glitches have come up. But I'd just like to put this up for consideration anyway.


Feel the love man D:<


9:13am Feb 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 616
i support. it would be good for contests like if a user makes updates to the original post to show new rules or prizes...

9:38am Feb 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,444
Maybe just have the page numbers under the ti
tle of the post, then the user can decide which page to go to (if there are like 50 pages it can say [1,2,3,4,5......48,49,50] so you can't click on the middle ones but you can do that from inside the post). Just another thought, then if you're following the thread and want to go to the last page it won't be just as annoying as in your case when you're trying to get to the first page.

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