Drop down menus under Explore, Shops, and Activities don't work from a mobile phone. For example, if I click Explore, it doesn't allow me to select a Planet, it navigates directly to the Explore feature instead. If I want to go to a planet, I have to find a roundabout way to get there, such as going to the Trash Isthmus to get to Relcore, or the Bank to get to Reiflem.
Similarly, if I click Shops, it doesn't let me select NPC, Merchant, Rancher, or Cash Shop. It just takes me directly to NPC Shops.
Same with Activities- it takes me to All instead of letting me select All or Quests.
The other tabs, like Information, works fine on a mobile phone (Except that the font is white and impossible to see).
Can the drop down menus please be fixed for Explore, Shops, and Activities so that they're useable from a phone? Also, can we make the font on the dropdown menus a different color so it stands out from the white background? Thank you!